The story begins with a new dream sequence:
Giant: "Agent Cooper. Listen to the sounds."
[A record player skips, a callback to another time we heard that sound — the night "it happened again".]
"It is in our house now."
Cooper: "It is?"
Giant: "It all cannot be said aloud now. Remember 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone."
Cooper: "I understand."
Giant: "You are far away."
This reads very much like a cryptographers code that would be used in a spy communication, and it brings to mind an interesting thread which was posted by reddit user 'agentcooler' - who notes that the scene is reminiscent of 'A Black chamber':
'A black chamber is the historic name for a place where confidential messages were decoded by intelligence agencies.'
This is quite an interesting sidenote to the opening scene, given that we are now very used to these characters from the 'other place' speaking in code. Some redditors have therefore began speculating that the mythology of 'The Black Lodge' could be linked to this concept of the 'Black chamber' - and that perhaps these scenes are making a commentary on this secretive means of sharing intelligence. The fact that Cooper now says 'I understand' suggests that perhaps he is now more familiar with the nature of these 'Black Chamber' codes than he was 25 years previously.
Could 'Richard and Linda' refer to Richard Nixon? A prominent character in the Secret History of Twin Peaks... The Nixon Presidential library is located in Yorba Linda:
The Black Chamber, also known as The Cipher Bureau, was the United States' first peacetime cryptanalytic organization, and a forerunner of the National Security Agency. The only prior codes and cypher organizations maintained by the US government had been some intermittent, and always abandoned, attempts by Armed Forces branches prior to World War I
Headed by Herbert O. Yardley (1889–1958), the Black Chamber was founded in May 1919 following World War I
The term "Black Chamber" predates Yardley's use of it in the title of his book. Codes and code breakers have been used throughout history, notably by Sir Francis Walsingham in Elizabethan England. A so-called cabinet noir was established by King Henry IV of France in 1590 as part of the Poste aux Lettres. Its mission was to open, read and reseal letters, and great expertise was developed in the restoration of broken seals. In the knowledge that mail was being opened, correspondents began to develop systems to encrypt and decrypt their letters. The breaking of these codes gave birth to modern systematic scientific code breaking. The Black Chambers survived through to the Twentieth Century in a variety of guises and inspired similar organisations in other countries, such as the "Secret Office" of the British Post Office and the Admiralty's Room 40 and it is within this historical framework that Yardley uses the term.
The next most startling plot development in the series, is the introduction of a glass box, high in a tall tower in New York city owned by a wealthy billionaire. The cube motif is something which has been utilised many times previously in Twin Peaks, and something that I have spoken of in depth in my previous posts:
Of course, in the series we have the culmination of the mill plot in which Thomas Exchardt gifts a cryptic puzzle box to his old business partner Andrew Packard. Interestingly, there are also references to similar such boxes in Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' amidst the type of UFOlogy and alien lore which we encounter immediately in the new Twin Peaks season. In Mark Frost's book we follow the past exploits of Douglas Milford as he forges an unlikely alliance with President Richard Nixon, during which time we are privvy to a conversation in 1973, where Nixon says of an unknown celebrity;
' _____ has been urging me to get in front of this issue and lift the lid on this box and give them a glimpse of what we know. ' To which Milford replies'before lifting the lid on any box, I check to see if it belonged to Pandora.'
Milford notices the green ring on Nixon's right hand ring finger. Milford is then taken to see a triangular plane which appears to be linked to the image on the spine of the TSHOTP dossier and the abduction mark on Margaret Lanterman in the original series which leads to Owl cave and the black lodge. Milford sees an alien or magician until the 'curtain came down', in a scene which bears strong resemblance to our 'Alien in a glass cube' Nixon tells Milford the creatures have bases underground in Nevada, Washington State, New Mexico and Pine Gap Australia.
We are launched straight into a new mythology, where Bob is just one supernatural entity of many, and the plot bears similarities to science fiction 'colonisation plots' made famous by shows like the X -files, where an undercurrent of government cover ups and curious wealthy people interested in the paranormal appear to be evoking entities from beyond our own dimensions.
There seems to be another level of the narrative happening here, where Frosts mythology marries Lynch's subconscious Freudian surrealism. There seems to be a fairly obvious comparison being made between the camera lens, and the window inside the glass cube. In some ways the viewer is immediately placed, like the young viewer who stares silently watching the cube, at the centre of the unfolding narrative. For me this brings to mind the concept of the Mise en abyme which is a French term derived from heraldry, and literally means "placed into abyss". The term has developed a number of particular relationships in art and film theory. On a basic level, the phrase is the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, then seeing as a result an infinite reproduction of one's image. This has similarities to the Droste effect, in which a picture appears within itself, in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear. In fact, during a scene in a later episode, Agent Cooper will appear inside the cube and refract into a shifting droste effect
in real time, as the edges of the box stretch in time and space. The phrase Mise en Abyme has several other meanings, however, in the realms of the creative arts and literary theory "mise en abyme" is a formal technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself, in a sequence appearing to recur infinitely; "recursive" is another term for this. In literature and film there are many examples of derivations of this concept. The film-within-a-film is an example of mise-en-abîme. The film being made within the film refers, through its mise en scène, to the real film being made. The spectator sees film equipment, stars getting ready for the take, crew sorting out the various directorial needs. The narrative of the film within the film may directly reflect the one in the real film. The concept can also be show very clearly in the below painting:
Las Meninas by Velázquez, used by Gide to demonstrate the technique of mise en abyme
What David Lynch appears to be attempting in this scene, is emerging the viewer into this new world, there is also perhaps a statement on television in the modern age, which harks back to the giants words, and the deadening shots of New York City 'You are far away now.'
Could this also be a kind of reverse engineering of the 'play within the play' represented in the form of 'Invitation to love' in the old Twin Peaks.
The symbolic use of the camera like hole in the window over Manhattan will be repeated later in the show, and the technique of repetition bears to mind a common technique in the graphic novel medium, as described by Scott Mcloud, and utilised perfectly by Alan Moore in 'Watchmen' during which a 'Doomsday' clock counting down to midnight is reflected in various other imagery throughout the series. The iconic 'Watchmen' blotch sets up a repeating motif that is used throughout the comic, and may well be something we will see more of in Twin Peaks Season 3--
Whilst on the subject of clocks, some clever redditors have already discovered some interesting relationships with clues in the new series. Above, is the clock presented in 'Fire Walk with me' during the Teresa Banks murder investigation.
Of course you will note the time is 4:30. As voynichscript outlines in this thread:
"This is from Fire Walk With Me - the exact time that agents Chet Desmond and Sam Stanley begin to examine Teresa Banks." Mirroring perfectly the clue presented by the Giant at the start of the episode 'Remember Four Three Zero'
Voynichscript also notes: " is strange that we have the numbers 253 and 430. And we have two clocks showing 2:53 and 4:30. If 253 is connected to 2:53, the time in which Bad Cooper crashes [his car] and Good Cooper is supposedly released back into reality, then 4:30 might be the time in which Teresa Banks was released into the lodge?"
These ideas certainly make for interesting speculation, and they are only a fraction of the number based mysteries which have become extremely prevalent in the new Season, which we will delve more into later. For now, we can return to the glass box.
Midway through the first episode, our two lovers (played by Ben Rosenfield and Madeline Zima) who make love and stop watching the glass box, (In classic horror movie trope, (don't have sex, and don't stop watching the box). Both characters are brutally murdered by a terrifying alien-like being. There is some sense, that we, as the viewers of this show, like the young lovers are about to be anhilated by whatever terrible evil we are about to witness.
I would go so far to suggest that there are emotional resonances of September 11 in these scenes:
The paranormal world being established in this new series may come as a shock to some fans of the old series, which was quirky and dreamlike, but mostly grounded in reality. However fans who read Mark Frost's latest contribution to the series 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' have probably adjusted that 'little green men' are probably to become a staple part of the new series.
Grey aliens, also referred to as "Alien Greys", "Greys", "Grays", "Roswell Greys", "Zeta Reticulans", and "Viinnadorians" are supposed extraterrestrial beings whose existence is discussed in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their unique skin color. Forty-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliensIn UFOlogy, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.
According to Frost's new book, the Nordic type aliens are noble creatures, (And may include spirits such as the giant from the black lodge), these creatures are on earth to protect humans from less benevolent species of alien. The grey aliens, are presented in Frost's book as a middle road species, who are willing to trade with human beings, but don't neccesarily have their best interests at heart.
Perhaps you think that this reduces the murder mystery to one where it is fairly obvious:
Given Lynch's history to play with dream worlds and alternate reality's it's worth noting that nothing is certain with what were going to see in this series. Twin Peaks is a place where we should all expect red herrings. It may yet be that the aliens are not what they seem.
But lets return to the plot again for the time being.
Interestingly, the storyline we start to follow in Season 3 doesn't feel nostalgic to 1991 at all, in fact it seems to channel 2000's and modern gritty murder mysteries (Think 'Seven', 'True Detective' and 'Fargo')
The glass box murder, is going to be one of many grotesque and heinous murders, this is not the story of one girl's heart breaking tragedy. The new season is violent and horrifying, far more so than Fire Walk with me. Grotesque death in cinema and television seem to serve certain functions, but as of yet it is difficult to discern what we are being primed for in this season. There isn't necessarily a correlation between the visible gruesomeness of the death and the actual nature of the character's death, some deaths that fall under this trope happen offscreen, and it's the very idea of it that makes it horrific. Gruesome deaths tend to fall into two categories: The first one is where the victim is a rather sadistic villain who deserves it, who you really aren't going to feel sorry for, (Not what we are getting in Twin Peaks season 3). The second one is where the killer fits that description, and the intent is to show the viewers how sadistic he is. Which seems to be the purpose of what we are seeing, although we assume Evil doppleganger Dale Cooper is behind many of the murders, we still don't know how many of them he is behind.
As to the question of what happened to Dale Cooper -- it is answered with surprising haste. To his friends in Twin Peaks, he's been missing for the last 26 years. Meanwhile, whilst good Cooper has apparently been sitting still the whole time, doppleganger Cooper has grown his hair long, bought a bad shirt and a leather jacket. He's invested in some fast cars, and has developed a nasty taste for violence, icky chat-up lines and murder.
Which we are thrust into quickly, as the first music of the show, a dark edgy Reznor like track, thrusts us into doppleganger Coopers underbelly, and the nefarious characters he is holding out with.
Shortly, we will be given the repeat imagery of the window like hole, as mentioned earlier, in the form of doppleganger Cooper's car cigarette lighter. We will start to learn some intriguing things about the nature of the black lodge in Season Three. Where previously the Black Lodge had always seemed as a tangible place, in these episodes, we come to see the Black Lodge almost as more of a force more than a place -- simultaneously interacting with its inhabitants (Good and bad Agent Cooper). In one scene, where Bad Cooper is being called back to the lodge, and good Cooper is attempting his escape, The car itself becomes a physical enclosed manifestation of the glass cube, and the black lodge.
Evil Cooper is given a punch back, and spews up his Garmonbozia (Creamed Corn/'pain and sorrow' --see Fire Walk with me)

There appears to be obvious correlations between evil Cooper and the character from Stephen king's the stand Randall Flagg, a fictional character created by Stephen King, and another personification of evil. Randall Flagg has a variety of names, usually with the initial letters "R. F." but with occasional exceptions, and also appears in The Dark Tower series. Flagg is described as "an accomplished sorcerer and a devoted servant of the Outer Dark", with supernatural abilities involving necromancy, prophecy, and influence over animal and human behavior. His goals typically center on bringing down civilizations through destruction and conflict. Flagg has appeared in at least nine of King's novels, either as a major or very minor character. Flagg first appeared in The Stand as a demonic figure who wreaks havoc after a plague kills most of the population. He makes his second appearance in The Eyes of the Dragon as an evil wizard trying to plunge the fictional medieval city of Delain into chaos. Interestingly, the Stand also involves a plotline which incorporates top secret government work and a project 'Project Blue' obviously based on Project Blue Book, a prominent ingredient in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' and a project that Windom Earle and Major Garland Briggs both worked on.

Maybe this is reading too much into it, however there is an interesting layer to what we are seeing in the new series. Frank Truman, who is emphasised in this panel with 'Angle of Repose' is played by ROBERT Forrester, he is a strange character who has popped up as Harry Truman's brother, before unknown. Then we have another character who is given a strange addition of a brother, Lawrence Jacoby is introduced to have a brother ROBERT Jacoby, who is given two inconsistent death dates in The Secret History of Twin Peaks, is it merely a coincidence that these previously unknown ROBERT characters are popping up in Season 3? Or is it possible that Bob as doppleganger is manifesting itself across time in very curious ways? Time will tell I suppose.
The Secret History of Twin Peaks makes a strong historic case for secret influences of the 'Illuminati' sect, and from the mythology established in Twin Peaks - The Black lodge a place where the question 'Is it future or is it past?' is asked, a place which seems to operate outside of normal space and time. Is it from this extra terrestrial place that the dugpa are operating things in the real world?
One of the things we learn in The Secret History of Twin Peaks is that Audrey Horne is still alive. There are some that have speculated that Audrey Horne may be the billionaire who owns the glass cube in Manhattan. We'll have to wait and see on that front.
“You’re going down, Bill,” she taunts him. These two are great: their relationship is one of relatively few comic bits, and calls back to the soapy affair plotlines of the original. Hastings freaks out once she leaves, and the whole scenario smacks of Leland Palmer’s hysteria in the wake of Laura Palmer’s death. We all know how that turned out. Mrs. Hastings runs into her lover, George, at the station and tells him that her husband knows, and to meet her at home later. In a cell near Hasting’s, a mysterious painted, frozen man hunches over in a cell and then disappears, with just his head floating away.
Interviewer : "One of the images of evil I’m speaking about was the man in the jail cell who seemed caked in mud or burnt to a crisp and contorted in agony. He seemed to be attending the misery of accused murderer Bill. We saw him turn to vapor and his head floated away. Was there a specific inspiration for that?"
Lynch : "That’s an example of what I’m talking about. An image came; it was all about translating. And by the way, about that guy, you just keep watching."
As well as bizarre supernatural creatures, one of the other new constants in Season 3 seems to be codes and number puzzles. Lynch and Frost appear to be creating an America wide conspiracy in the new season, that would fit the mental space of someone with mental illness. Number plates, clock times, strange number plates in dream sequences, spoken numbers. All of these codes add up to a world wide mystery, so far the entire series appears to be an open ended question with no answer.
Pretty soon we move to Las Vegas. A man played by Patrick Fischler, another Mulholland Drive cast member, sits in an extravagant office overlooking the city. He hands off some money to a younger man, saying to tell an unknown woman that she has the job. “Why do you let him make you do these things?” the younger man asks about the boss. “Don’t let someone like him in your life,” the older one answers. That’s all we hear from these guys.
Later we get some extended Red Room/Black Lodge scenes. An older Phillip Gerard, mimics the question of the man from another place in Fire Walk With Me - 'Is it future is it past'.
As a side note, totally sidetracking from the story here, but Twin Peaks being all about symmetry and parallel coincidences it is somewhat interesting that Michael J Anderson 'The little man from another place' has notoriously accused David Lynch of raping his daughter and killing Jack Nance, the little man is credited as being Al Strobel's arm. In Fire Walk with me, it is Al Strobel the one armed man who warns Laura that the killer is her father ---- 'It's your father'
There is no relevance to this other than it forms part of a bizarre tapestry. Jennifer Lynch famously penned 'The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer' which is apparently what Michael Anderson has based his damaging allegations on. The accusation must have been incredibly damaging to Lynch, and must have been horrible for his family to face these accusations.
Phillip Gerards lost appendage which could represent the face of God or the devil at this point delivers good Cooper an important message:
"Do you remember. Your doppelgänger? He must come back in before you can go out," the brain-on-a-tree crackles.
Episode 3 kicks off with a bizarre new dream sequence which Reddit user Ketcham26has dubbed "The Mauve zone":
This is certainly a fascinating interpretation to this scene, which otherwise seems to have little bearing on anything, and a curious recast of Phoebe Augustine, the actress who played Ronette Polaski, as the eyless woman.
Some speculate that the eyeless woman in the Mauve Zone could in fact be the mysterious Judy, previously only alluded to in the David Bowie scenes from Fire Walk with me, but who has been leaked possibly as Josie's sister. Given Josie's mysterious dissapearance into the door knob, could there be more to the twins Judy and Josie than we know?
One also wonders if all of these space visions in these sequences, and Major Briggs head floating through space could be somehow connected to 'the yellow book', 'an advanced technological viewer that displayed pictures of objects in space'. Which is described in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks'
This thread which is apparently written by a defector from the CIA does at least give us some kind of relationship between the CIA and government agencies and cubes and number codes. Here are some of the more memorable quotes:
"I've only been in the pentagon about 20 times in all my years with the CIA.
Working in agencies like this brings you to an abundance of bizarre experiences of chaos, synchronicity, chance, intrusion and voyeurism, that often you deliberately refrain from making any sense of the world. In 1998 I was taken into a particular room in the pentagon with one of many cube shrines that adorn the joining rooms, and specifically told by the man to whom I was reporting at that time to observe the numbers on the large black cube, as one of them would have special significance to me in the future. The numbers were 77, 370 and 16. "
Shortly, we will be given the repeat imagery of the window like hole, as mentioned earlier, in the form of doppleganger Cooper's car cigarette lighter. We will start to learn some intriguing things about the nature of the black lodge in Season Three. Where previously the Black Lodge had always seemed as a tangible place, in these episodes, we come to see the Black Lodge almost as more of a force more than a place -- simultaneously interacting with its inhabitants (Good and bad Agent Cooper). In one scene, where Bad Cooper is being called back to the lodge, and good Cooper is attempting his escape, The car itself becomes a physical enclosed manifestation of the glass cube, and the black lodge.
Evil Cooper is given a punch back, and spews up his Garmonbozia (Creamed Corn/'pain and sorrow' --see Fire Walk with me)

There appears to be obvious correlations between evil Cooper and the character from Stephen king's the stand Randall Flagg, a fictional character created by Stephen King, and another personification of evil. Randall Flagg has a variety of names, usually with the initial letters "R. F." but with occasional exceptions, and also appears in The Dark Tower series. Flagg is described as "an accomplished sorcerer and a devoted servant of the Outer Dark", with supernatural abilities involving necromancy, prophecy, and influence over animal and human behavior. His goals typically center on bringing down civilizations through destruction and conflict. Flagg has appeared in at least nine of King's novels, either as a major or very minor character. Flagg first appeared in The Stand as a demonic figure who wreaks havoc after a plague kills most of the population. He makes his second appearance in The Eyes of the Dragon as an evil wizard trying to plunge the fictional medieval city of Delain into chaos. Interestingly, the Stand also involves a plotline which incorporates top secret government work and a project 'Project Blue' obviously based on Project Blue Book, a prominent ingredient in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' and a project that Windom Earle and Major Garland Briggs both worked on.
If you think the Randall Flagg comparison is meaningless, the influence on Frost is evident in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' where in the Bookhouse Lucy's favourite book is shown to be 'The Stand'. But we will get to more of this later.
It's worth observing, that where previous series of Twin Peaks may have dabbled with the occult and science fiction, the new series of Twin Peaks is very much entrenched in a unique world of Science Fiction.
Twin Peaks season 3 falls into four major categories of science fiction, and understanding those categories will aid with understanding the direction of the new season. Those four categories are:GOTHIC SCIENCE FICTION
A blurring of the line between science fiction and gothic fiction. Gothic science fiction often takes conventional gothic concepts (mythology, magic, monsters etc.) and attempts to explain them scientifically. A good example of this would be vampirism explained as a rare blood disease.
Fiction in which aliens attempt to invade the Earth, either through military conquest, political subversion or a campaign of mass extermination.
Fiction in which the existence of alien life, or a government’s interaction with alien intelligences, has been hidden from public knowledge.
Fiction concerning travel to parallel universes, in which the world is slightly different from our own. The theory of parallel universes states that there are an infinite number of these alternate worlds.
Personally I think the parallel worlds genre of science fiction (Which half of Lynch's films arguably fall into [Mullholland Drive, Lost Highway, Inland Empire] could give us the best insight into what we might come to expect in the new season. Many of these earlier Lynch films utilise characters who travel through a kind of portal perhaps representing psychological or sexual repression, and through a journey they discover an alter ego or alternate dimension version of themselves. This already seems to be a prevalent plotline for Season 3 given the split personalities of Agent Cooper, doppleganger Cooper and the curious third addition; 'Dougie Jones'.
Back to the plot...
Over in Buckhorn, South Dakota a woman named Ruth Davenport is found dead in her apartment. At least her head is. Resting on the pillow atop someone else's body. The suspect is local school principle Bill Hastings (Matthew Lillard), whose prints are all over Ruth Davenport's house. There is an interesting jail motif happening in these scenes which Harks back to the Sherrif station in season one, Bobby Briggs and James Hurley behind bars, and later Ben and Jerry Horne.
We are privvy to some interesting characters in these scenes, almost all of who suspiciously seem to have more going on than we know about.
But more importantly -- let's talk about Ruth Davenport:
Many may gloss over this dead body on first viewing, brushing it off as nothing more than ultra violence designed to shock audiences. Far more brutal and sadistic than previous Twin Peaks murders. But as we learn more about this body, we realise there may be more going on than we realised. We know the head belongs to Ruth Davenport, but as of yet we have little idea who the body belongs to.... It appears to be old, decayed, perhaps even burnt. Then later when a police team investigate the finger prints of the large male body the system won't allow access to the files because they are classified fingerprints belonging to military personnel. Now it may be a guess that turns out to be wrong, but given what we learn of the fate of the archivist in Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' couldn't it logically be:

Reddit user billy_yllib11 believes so:
Some argue that this would be impossible given that we learn from Bobby Briggs his father died in a fire not long after being visited by Agent Cooper, and before Cooper's mysterious dissapearance 25 years ago in 1991. Of course it is still possible the body was floating around all that time. As billy_yllib11 notes:
'Anything is possible though and it would be crazy to completely rule it out. It would make sense regarding the fingerprint recognition software hiding his identity. Briggs would constantly answer questions pertaining to himself with "that's classified," so it would be funny in a dark way that his identity after his death is classified as well.'
Another curious hint could be represented in the floating head of major Briggs seen in the 'Mauve zone' a scene which arcs back to other decapitation and floating head scenes in Lynch's work (See Eraserhead).
But it's certainly an interesting idea given things we learn in 'The Secret history of Twin Peaks'
A pivotal scene in The Secret History revolves around a bookshelf in the bookhouse which seems to herald a layer of clues to the events of the new season. For one we can see the aforementioned book 'The Stand', Lucy's contribution. It might be interesting to note that the only book which is not standing straight, pivotal to the concept of 'The Stand' is 'Angle of Repose', this book apparently owned by Sherrif Frank Truman is the odd one out, and the fact that it is on an angle is mirror by the angle of the book. Previously people have suggested there is a secret code hidden within these books, as the clue beneath this photo 'Good fiction is a mirror through which we can see ourselves more clearly' suggests that using a mirror may bring a better understanding of the clues. Interestingly, the only books with reversible numbers I, II and V are 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' (Hawks favourite book), 'The Warren commission report' (Cooper's favourite book) and Double Indemnity (Hank's favourite book). The first word of each of these books spells out the message 'FEAR THE DOUBLE'.Maybe this is reading too much into it, however there is an interesting layer to what we are seeing in the new series. Frank Truman, who is emphasised in this panel with 'Angle of Repose' is played by ROBERT Forrester, he is a strange character who has popped up as Harry Truman's brother, before unknown. Then we have another character who is given a strange addition of a brother, Lawrence Jacoby is introduced to have a brother ROBERT Jacoby, who is given two inconsistent death dates in The Secret History of Twin Peaks, is it merely a coincidence that these previously unknown ROBERT characters are popping up in Season 3? Or is it possible that Bob as doppleganger is manifesting itself across time in very curious ways? Time will tell I suppose.
The Secret History of Twin Peaks makes a strong historic case for secret influences of the 'Illuminati' sect, and from the mythology established in Twin Peaks - The Black lodge a place where the question 'Is it future or is it past?' is asked, a place which seems to operate outside of normal space and time. Is it from this extra terrestrial place that the dugpa are operating things in the real world?
One of the things we learn in The Secret History of Twin Peaks is that Audrey Horne is still alive. There are some that have speculated that Audrey Horne may be the billionaire who owns the glass cube in Manhattan. We'll have to wait and see on that front.
Returning to the plot of Season 3, we are privy to some strange scenes back in the Sherrif station, where our characters appear to be struggling. The scene in the conference room with the old files, Hawk, Andy and Lucy is reminiscent of Season Two, where the quest for the black lodge was a constant factor, and the map of Twin Peaks and Owl Cave map were constantly on the black board. There seems to be an inverse plot happening here. It is almost as if Hawk, Lucy and Andy are struggling to understand reality when the forces of the Black Lodge are manipulating everything. They are trying to recover information about Agent Cooper, yet there seems no discernible reason other than the cryptic vision of the log lady so far.
Back in jail, high-school principal Bill Hastings (Matthew Lillard) gets a visit from his wife (Cornelia Guest) in jail; he’s suspected of murdering librarian Ruth Davenport in small-town Buckhorn, North Dakota, because his fingerprints were all over her place. He makes a confession: “I wasn’t there but I had a dream that night that I was in her apartment.”“You’re going down, Bill,” she taunts him. These two are great: their relationship is one of relatively few comic bits, and calls back to the soapy affair plotlines of the original. Hastings freaks out once she leaves, and the whole scenario smacks of Leland Palmer’s hysteria in the wake of Laura Palmer’s death. We all know how that turned out. Mrs. Hastings runs into her lover, George, at the station and tells him that her husband knows, and to meet her at home later. In a cell near Hasting’s, a mysterious painted, frozen man hunches over in a cell and then disappears, with just his head floating away.
All of this blending of real world and lodge world is very disorientating, but it certainly creates an intriguing surreal world. It seems that Bob is only one minor entity in the new world of Twin Peaks season 3 - with multiple strange entities manifesting themselves.
David Lynch has given an intriguing recent interview about the first four episodes which provides at least some insight into these strange lurking creatures we are seeing:
Interviewer : "One of the images of evil I’m speaking about was the man in the jail cell who seemed caked in mud or burnt to a crisp and contorted in agony. He seemed to be attending the misery of accused murderer Bill. We saw him turn to vapor and his head floated away. Was there a specific inspiration for that?"
Lynch : "That’s an example of what I’m talking about. An image came; it was all about translating. And by the way, about that guy, you just keep watching."
As well as bizarre supernatural creatures, one of the other new constants in Season 3 seems to be codes and number puzzles. Lynch and Frost appear to be creating an America wide conspiracy in the new season, that would fit the mental space of someone with mental illness. Number plates, clock times, strange number plates in dream sequences, spoken numbers. All of these codes add up to a world wide mystery, so far the entire series appears to be an open ended question with no answer.
Pretty soon we move to Las Vegas. A man played by Patrick Fischler, another Mulholland Drive cast member, sits in an extravagant office overlooking the city. He hands off some money to a younger man, saying to tell an unknown woman that she has the job. “Why do you let him make you do these things?” the younger man asks about the boss. “Don’t let someone like him in your life,” the older one answers. That’s all we hear from these guys.
Later we get some extended Red Room/Black Lodge scenes. An older Phillip Gerard, mimics the question of the man from another place in Fire Walk With Me - 'Is it future is it past'.
As a side note, totally sidetracking from the story here, but Twin Peaks being all about symmetry and parallel coincidences it is somewhat interesting that Michael J Anderson 'The little man from another place' has notoriously accused David Lynch of raping his daughter and killing Jack Nance, the little man is credited as being Al Strobel's arm. In Fire Walk with me, it is Al Strobel the one armed man who warns Laura that the killer is her father ---- 'It's your father'
Comparing this red room scene to the giants clues in Episode One 'It is in our house now', 'It all cannot be spoken aloud now' implies a domestic place of great trauma, which brings to mind the Palmer House. When the giant says 'Listen to the sounds' and the gramaphone plays a noise it resembles greatly the noise of the record player skipping when Leland Palmer kills Madeline Ferguson. In that sequence Sarah Palmer had a vision of a white horse, it is interesting then that Cooper has a vision of the horse underneath the curtains. This seems to be a deliberate return to that moment? What does it all mean? That's hard to determine just yet:
The introduction of 'The Evolution of the arm' in the red room, (A pulsating electric tree with a brain, or nervous system) is a change of aesthetic for Twin Peaks, and many probably found it disorienting at first. However, the new mythology, (Which has an almost Lovecraftian feel) elevates Twin Peaks to something far stranger than it has ever been before. There is an alien, foreign element coming to the iconic red room that feels entirely otherworldly.Phillip Gerards lost appendage which could represent the face of God or the devil at this point delivers good Cooper an important message:
"Do you remember. Your doppelgänger? He must come back in before you can go out," the brain-on-a-tree crackles.
The 'arm' scene seems to have it's doppleganger in the real world, with something happening to doppleganger Coopers arm, apparently going numb. We know that there is a connection between characters who wear the Owl Cave Ring and the devlopment of a numb arm, from a scene with Dougie Jones, we know that Cooper has been wearing the ring. For a full account of the ring (Pre series 3) I recommend this post:
The Roadhouse, an iconic location from Season One and Two, has become something quite different in the new season. Where before the roadhouse seemed a cosy world, where 'There's always music in the air', there is now an almost isolating aspect to the roadhouse. The Camera always appears to be lost behind the crowds, as the audience is a voyeur, cut out of the intimate moments:
Somewhere back in North Dakota, doppelganger Cooper arrives at a motel where his hostage/cohort Daria is waiting in pink lingerie, on the phone with Ray, who is calling from prison because he apparently got caught bringing firearms over state lines. (Side note: they obviously crossed in North Dakota from some other state, clarifying their location in the first episode.)
She hangs up when Host Cooper walks in. It becomes clear everyone’s intentions—murky as they already seem—are not what they appear: Host Cooper plays the recording, about how Daria and Ray are planning to kill him. He, in turn, tells Daria he plans to kill her. He demands she tell him who hired them but Daria doesn’t know, only Ray does. Host Cooper wants to know if anyone has told them coordinates or locations.
“Tomorrow I’m supposed to be pulled back to the Black Lodge,” he explains. “But I’ve got a plan for that one.” It’s coming together.
Then he asks if she has ever seen a certain symbol: a blob-shaped form on an ace card. “This is what I want,” he emphasizes. She has no clue, so he mercilessly shoots her. He immediately opens his briefcase and hooks up to a kind of intercom, where a voice tells him, “I missed you in New York.” It’s the voice of Philip Jeffries—the FBI agent who disappeared in South America and reappeared in Fire Walk With Me (originally played by David Bowie). “You’re going back in tomorrow,” he adds. Bob’s time in Cooper’s body is running out.
We have some interesting recurring motif's as represented by the Ace of Spades card.
For one Motorhead's lyrics to 'The Ace of Spades' leap to mind:
"If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man,
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me,
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say,
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me,
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say,
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil,
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me,
Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you,
Double up or quit, double stake or split,
The Ace Of Spades
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me,
Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you,
Double up or quit, double stake or split,
The Ace Of Spades
You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever,
And don't forget the joker!
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever,
And don't forget the joker!
In terms of how it looks, it resembles the inverted owl cave symbol, it also resembles an owl, but twisted and darker, immediately it seems to conjure the image of a horrible insectoid creature, or one of the alien beings presented in the glass cube.
It's interesting to note that the Owl Cave Symbol, which is obviously based on the Germanic 'Odal Rune' has it's own inherent meaning.
The word rune itself can be traced to the old Nordic Anglo Saxon: 'Runa' derived from indo-European root word meaning 'Mystery' or 'Secret': Which has obvious relevance to the undercuurent mystery of the entirety of Twin Peaks.
The odal rune itself translates roughly to mean 'lineage' or 'inheritance', so could this represent some familial family tree for the alien species or dugpa?
Playing cards have always been a strong motif in the Twin Peaks world. Of course there were the gambling scenes at 'One Eyed Jacks', then there was Windom Earle's sinister Chess game, in which Dale and Windom were King and Shelley, Audrey, Donna and Annie were all Queens.
It's interesting to note, that whilst Windom Earle, Kenneth Walsh's character was almost obliterated in the finale, most assumed that his character will not be making a return in this new season. However some clever observers have noticed an intriguing clue which may well suggest Windom is not as extinct as we presume.
In Season Two Windom Earle famously bugged the Sherrif's office by planting a bug in the Bonsai tree, which culminated in the funny scene of Gordon Cole screaming at the tree.
Well, guess what, there appears to be a Bonzai tree in the Billionaire's apartment in Manhattan where Ben and Tracey are attached by the thing in the cube. Could Windom Earle be the millionaire?
Those who have read Scott Frost's companion piece 'My Life My Tapes' will know that the grotesque elements of the murders in the new series, do seem to be more comparable to Windom Earle's than the sexual crimes of Bob. For instance, in MLMT - Cooper was put on the investigation of a man who had been murdered, whose face was destroyed and his hands had been removed. He suspected it to have been the result of organized crime. Earle began to act strangely in this time and disappeared. Another body was found under the same circumstances and of course these murders would turn out to be Earle's.
Well.... throw your cluebooks at the door detectives, because you are about to enter ' The Mauve zone'Episode 3 kicks off with a bizarre new dream sequence which Reddit user Ketcham26has dubbed "The Mauve zone":
"The term is taken from the writing of Kenneth Grant (who Mark Frost has most definitely read IMO). Grant was the first person to associate Western Occultism/Magick with the alien abduction phenomena and the first to really emphasize the role of Jack Parsons in the history of occultism. Both of these subjects play a big role in Mark Frost's Secret History of Twin Peaks book."
"Grant describes the "Mauve Zone" as a kind of self-contained world at the very edge of reality between what we can experience (as human beings) and what we can only conceive of as "non-existence". (For those of you familiar with the Tree Of Life, it's closely related to Daath.)"
"Grant believed that magical manipulation of our reality could be done with the help of alien beings in the Mauve Zone, that it could be visited in a particular kind of sleep (such as a coma), that there were beings there we might consider monsters, and that it sent messages to our reality via phenomenon like UFOs (or apparitions like the Giant)."
"Of note, Grant also credited The Mauve Zone as being the source of meaningful coincidences, synchronicity, and "happy accidents" in our world (such as those taken advantage of by Cooper's more intuitive detection techniques)."
"Grants books are complicated and are filled with obscure references, so I hope this summary helps. If you are interested in reading more, though, there are PDFs online. For your info, Grant's book "Beyond The Mauve Zone," though it has Mauve Zone in the title, doesn't actually explain what the Mauve Zone is (though it does deal a lot with the power of "fire"). The explanation of the Mauve Zone is scattered throughout his earlier books. They are also all filled with a great deal of gematria (meaningful use of numbers) like Twin Peaks, though I haven't yet found any specific connections between Grant's gematria and the numbers in the show. One of the main entities associated with The Mauve Zone, however, is constantly referred to by Grant as "the daughter."
This is certainly a fascinating interpretation to this scene, which otherwise seems to have little bearing on anything, and a curious recast of Phoebe Augustine, the actress who played Ronette Polaski, as the eyless woman.
Some speculate that the eyeless woman in the Mauve Zone could in fact be the mysterious Judy, previously only alluded to in the David Bowie scenes from Fire Walk with me, but who has been leaked possibly as Josie's sister. Given Josie's mysterious dissapearance into the door knob, could there be more to the twins Judy and Josie than we know?
One also wonders if all of these space visions in these sequences, and Major Briggs head floating through space could be somehow connected to 'the yellow book', 'an advanced technological viewer that displayed pictures of objects in space'. Which is described in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks'
There are more number codes in these sequences, such as the codes that appear on the transportive electrical sockets. 15 inside the Mauve Zone, and 3 in the black doppleganger space. There doesn't seem to be much interpretation of what these numbers mean yet. We could spend all day trying to crack the various numbers dropped in the first few episodes of Twin Peaks, but who has the time? It’s safe to assume that the recurring motifs of 3 and 15 (seen in many places, including the device Coop uses to leave the Purple Room) are a reference to Cooper’s famous room number at The Great Northern Hotel. (He still has his key!)
However if you are an avid conspiracy theorist, a trail of links lead me to this post: thread which is apparently written by a defector from the CIA does at least give us some kind of relationship between the CIA and government agencies and cubes and number codes. Here are some of the more memorable quotes:
"I've only been in the pentagon about 20 times in all my years with the CIA.
Working in agencies like this brings you to an abundance of bizarre experiences of chaos, synchronicity, chance, intrusion and voyeurism, that often you deliberately refrain from making any sense of the world. In 1998 I was taken into a particular room in the pentagon with one of many cube shrines that adorn the joining rooms, and specifically told by the man to whom I was reporting at that time to observe the numbers on the large black cube, as one of them would have special significance to me in the future. The numbers were 77, 370 and 16. "
"I found the experience unnerving and surreal but soon brushed it off as part of the eccentric beliefs and rituals of those in high places. When flight 77 hit the pentagon in 2001 I was not particularly moved, though the possibility of a connection between these seeming unrelated moments remained in the back of the mind and finally brought me into a state of panic after the immediate disappearance of MH370."
"What conspiracy theorists have failed to predict or understand is that this particular form of spiritualism hit an incredible wall in the latter half of the 20th century. The symbols that are popping up in the zeitgeist today, are the elite symbols of yesterday. What power of thought rose out of Europe and cemented it's power in America, tumbled headlong into the pacific where it had to start from scratch. The modern elite occultist has more in common with a tribal shaman than a king surrounded in ancient ceremony.
Part of the initiatic of secret elite circles from about 1983 - 2014 are based around star cipher codes, cubes, technology based interaction, even virtual reality. There are no robed cultists sitting in grand chairs under all seeing eyes you might be dissapointed to learn. These people are a dying breed, the masonic institution is crumbling at the scenes."
Part of the initiatic of secret elite circles from about 1983 - 2014 are based around star cipher codes, cubes, technology based interaction, even virtual reality. There are no robed cultists sitting in grand chairs under all seeing eyes you might be dissapointed to learn. These people are a dying breed, the masonic institution is crumbling at the scenes."
"What you might find instead in an oddly located 'prayer room' inside the pentagon are four men dressed in silver lycra making tantric chants whilst locking arms and legs and staring at a wall full of screens projecting inter-related scenes from around the globe. There is a very strong cube motif among high ranking military officials and corporate billionaires. The cube is a symbol of human technology, but also like the rubix it has become a symbol of the great riddle of the universe. As aforementioned, there are those in high places who still live very much by superstitions equivalent in their nature to daily horoscopes. Those who's job it is to predict the future and control the present, will always be interested in certain forms of fortune telling.
It's my contention that the real crisis of faith among the elite happened after September 11. For those of you who like to think that the hijacking of those flights were an inside job, i'm extremely sorry to disappoint you. Well believe me if you think that 911 triggered a wave of paranoia from the American people about their governement, it triggered a whole lot worse amongst government officals about God's attitude towards them."
It's my contention that the real crisis of faith among the elite happened after September 11. For those of you who like to think that the hijacking of those flights were an inside job, i'm extremely sorry to disappoint you. Well believe me if you think that 911 triggered a wave of paranoia from the American people about their governement, it triggered a whole lot worse amongst government officals about God's attitude towards them."
"Imagine that civilisation is like a tower. That those at the top of the tower who have the greatest view of the world are at the most convenient point to control it. From here they interpret it, sketch it, draw symbols about it's future. Carved on the roofs of the pentagon, the white house, the world trade center and every other tower of influence are codes and symbols made by the men of yesterday, predicting the world of tommorrow. A great code that reaches across the peak of civilisation like a glass ceiling of humanity, symbols and numbers that are interpreted like the stars were by the ancients, The last ceiling of man's contact with God, taking over from Michaelangelos and Adam's finger where the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel communed many centuries ago.
When the flight numbers of the hijacked planes on September 11 2001 matched a whole bunch of cubic ciphers across the pentagon, what spread like wildfire across elite circles, was not just a war. It was an apocalypse."
Perhaps all of these could also play back to the concept of the 'Black Chamber':
We have the little gold ball which appears in the lodge with the one armed man. What this represents is anyones guess at this stage, although certainly gold is becoming a strong motif in this series, with Jacoby painting the gold shovels, mentions of Gold mining in Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' where a mysterious gold prospector named Denver Bob appears to discover the Black Lodge. Could this be the same creepy, double denim wearing Bob we know so well?
We have an obligatory scene of Denise Bryson, then we get to the traumatic scenes of Cooper reduced to a brainless, deranged zombie in the upsetting casino scene. What has become of our beloved Agent Cooper?
We're shown some interesting characters who know Cooper's mysterious alter ego 'Dougie Jones', remains to be seen what's really going on with these characters or what their motivations are.
"I was rewatching Part 4, and I noticed Cooper had a long waiting in front of Dougie's house, but also that there was an owl flying over the house almost immediately before Dougie's wife opened the door, and apparently she didn't see (Cooper) Dougie's arrival. The wife is really a weird character to me now! I know, the owls are not what they seem, and there is an big owl figure in the dining room, too. Or it could be just another Lynch's signature style."
This certainly seems to be an interesting concept:
Reddit user Axxon-N has some interesting theories regarding the little gold ball, which could be a manifestation of the purity and goodness in side Cooper, after his tri-part split self, evil doppleganger, Dougie and good Cooper, Id, Ego and Superego re-arrange to allow good Cooper to prevail:
"The second thing is the nature of Cooper himself. His white knight nature tends to obscure the darker facets hinted at in the character. He is a guy with an obsession with women who have desires and are destroyed when they afoul of bad men, or rather when the existence is crushed by a system of dominant male will. He wants to protect them, these women who try to become people and explore who they are in a world of a reinforcing cycle of predatory maleness, but he is completely entangled in the system that causes it."
"This is the Coop that we see at the beginning of the new season. Metaphorically, the good angels of Coop’s nature are “locked up” in his mind while the version made of his suppressed darkness runs free. Meanwhile he has manufactured an identity of a middle aged schlubb who is faithless and without a real compass. There are three Coops"
"The slipping of the manufactured identity shows up visually as a literal war between the small gold core left in him and the toxic oozing cratered planet of disgust that is how he esteems himself. The kernel of good seems to win."
It's an interesting theory, but as the one armed man tells Cooper 'You were tricked'.
Nothing is really as it seems here, and we won't know what the crap is going on until the end.
After his crash -- Evil Coop has been picked up by the cops with a sub-machine gun, thwack of cocaine and a dog leg in his trunk and has ended up in South Dakota Penitentiary, where he doesn't react all that convincingly to interrogation by Cole and Rosenfield, claiming to have been working undercover with the now-missing Phillip Jeffries.
Before crashing evil Coop seemed to have been researching federal prison, and it is possible that he is drawing himself there intentionally.
I'll try to explain what happened with Lucy. So basically I started chatting to this girl Lucy online; who was in a Skype group that I was part of. She's a really fun person, very social and she has a lot of friends, thousands of instagram followers and facebook friends, she's one of the sorts of people that just shines on social media. I can remember the day we started talking together, the chat I was in was called 'Gold Letters' and was a book club of about 50 people, I was invited in by somebody that I work with. People came into the chat at almost random times, to discuss the book of the month, (Last month was 'The Devil's Dictionary' by Ambrose Bierce) Anyway, this particular Wednesday there was nobody in the chat except for Lucy who was posting 'Anyone here?' so I worked up the guts to say hello. She turned out to be super fiendly and I was really surprised that someone so popular wasn't rude or snobby, but we had a really good chat, and sort of stoked up a friendship from there.
Lucy invited me into this private chat one time with her and another friend Mina. They were just gossiping and stuff, and Lucy had told Mina that I was a blogger, and they wanted to read my blogs and stuff. So I sent them the links to my old blogs, and then to My Twin Peaks blogs which I had only started more recently since last year. So that was cool, but then Lucy had this really weird reaction to reading some of my blog, particularly when it mentioned this weird online cult that my friend Randolph had gotten involved with. So she didn't say much at first, except to kind of gasp, and say 'Oh my god Mina. This mentions Frank'. So that was really weird but I didn't make much of it at the time and it kind of passed into the background. I just kept chatting to Lucy privately and through the book club.
So we're getting some weird expansions on the mythology in this series, and it's hard to know what to make of it. Jay Dyer's esoteric Hollywood analysis of the new series raises some interesting points:
It feels like the core of Twin Peaks is slowly being revived in this series. Of course one of the most touching moments is when Bobby Briggs thinks back on Laura Palmer, and the old Badlamenti score kicks in. This was the first instance of a return to the emotional resonance of Season One
It's almost as if the gold core of the original series was resurrected via the emotional connection to Laura Palmer, the tragedy which inspired the entire series.
The scenes with Cole and Albert are goofy but hilarious, Cole's commentary on the Mt Rushmore statues has a powerful resonance 'Faces of stone' -- as Cole and Albert both pull disgruntled faces.
Then we have the very strange scene after Cole and Albert interview Agent Cooper which is eerily coloured blue, as they discuss the nature of the 'Blue Rose case'. Perhaps the audience mimics Gordon Coles feelings at this point in the storyline:

Albert, I hate to admit this, but I don't understand this situation at all
There seems to be a tribute to old spy movies here, with this private conversation resembling familiar conversations between the truth seeker and the 'deep throat'

An interesting correlation between this and Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' also brings to mind the scene:
Then she makes note to herself that this seems to implicate Gordon Cole possibly being Douglas Milford's contact. So it would seem at this point that Gordon Cole knows more than he is letting on about these strange Agent Dissapearances.
Is Gordon Cole actually a denizen of the black lodge?
Some have speculated that in the original trailer for Season 3, in the scene where Cooper is walking in the darkness, if you brighten you can see another character who resembles Gordon Cole leading Cooper into the darkness:
William Clark, Denver Bob, Wayne Chance? Meriwether Lewis? (Encounter with a silent man, visions of the colour red) Neely (Dissapears), Mike, Bob, Windom Earle, Laura Palmer, Sarah Palmer (I'm in the black lodge with Agent Cooper), Major Briggs (I'm waiting for you), Chester Desmond, Phillip Jeffries (Saw meeting above a convenience store, dissapears) Mayor Milford also knows of Owl Cave and the one armed man which is suspicious, and Dougie Milford and Andrew Packard are other good candidates for lodge dugpas. Dougie Jones.
It's also worth noting that Dougie Jones has the ring, so reflecting on who has had the ring also seems important:
The white indians in pre settled Twin Peaks, William Clark in a leather pouch, Merriwether Lewis, Neely, Jack Parsons, Nixon, Teresa Banks, Chester Desmond, Mike (Aka Phillip Gerard), Laura Palmer, Dougie Milford (Season 2 death scene), and lastly of course, Annie had the ring on her left ring finger when returning from the Black Lodge, A nurse took the ring from an unconscious Annie and wore it on her left ring finger. Dougie Jones
Yeah, so basically I had started talking about the cult that had gotten Lucy's attention. Basically if you haven't read my previous posts, this article explains about the weird online cult my friend Randoplh got involved with:
Anyway, so one of the leaders of this cult was apparently named Frank, and when I said his name to get Lucy's attention she got all weird, and even more surprisingly, so did Brad. 'How the fuck do you know about Frank dweeb?' Brad had said to me. Then he and Lucy had a public fight and dropped offline. Lucy stopped talking to me, and seemed really upset and angry, she just ignored all my private messages when I tried to talk to her.
I was just thinking about something in this new series, sorry for getting distracted:
There is this recurring motif about brothers and doubles. Brothers and doubles
Robert Forester plays Frank Truman. Frank? That's weird. Robert Jacoby is the new brother to Lawrence Jacoby. Seems to be no reason for it as he is killed off before Season 1 starts. Robert. Robert. Bob was spelling out his own name. Then there was Denver Bob. Hmmmm.
There was something from 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' aswell. From COOPERS CASE FILE
This is a really fascinating exploration of the Chocolate bunnies, which seemed totally meaningless to me:
"It ties back to S1E1 (Pilot) and Cooper's first handling of evidence. The first evidence he touches at the station that we see are two things: 1. Laura Palmer's Diary and 2. The chocolate bunnies. (the scene ends with "Diane, I am holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.")
Then another section links to this: (The Key from Laura Palmer's diary) What the hell man, it's like this website read my mind.
So hear me out, if Deputy Hawk is supposed to be looking for something, and the 'It's not about the bunnies' line is indeed a throwback to the scene where Cooper first finds Laura's diary; then we know that Annie told Laura to write 'The Good Dale is trapped in the lodge and he can't leave' to Laura, 'write it in your diary'. If Hawk found the diary he would find the clues to the location of Agent Cooper. There's got to be something in all of this....
Interesting that there was fumbling around keys in Season 3 aswell during the investigation into the murder of Ruth Davenport:
Oh God. Things in my life are just getting so weird. I've got to get these thoughts down about all the stuff that has happened to me recently. So just to return to what Lucy told me about this cult she was in. Lucy has been telling me more and more about what really happened there in dribs and drabs. So it seems like one of the real inciting incidents for Lucy was this Edwin Ratter guy. Lucy had made a pretty good friend amongst the people at Manor House who's name was Sarah Vella.
One night when everyone was drinking at this big party, Edwin was alone with Sarah in the other room, everyone was blind on Ketamine, but there was this big ruckus from the other room, and when Edwin came out he had blood all over his shirt.
No one said anything at first, but then Lucy said she noticed, even though she was drugged up and a little bit out of it, she saw the blood on Edwin's shirt and screamed out 'What the fuck did you do Ratter?', then Edwin had apparently just snarled and stumbled down the stairs to the back entrance of the warehouse.
Lucy said she then stumbled into the room that Edwin and Sarah had been in, it was dark, and the red celophaned lamp wasn't providing much illumination, until Lucy turned on the light switch and lit up the room. She found Sarah lying on her back. There was blood all over the hardwood floor, and Sarah was covered in bruises, her face was mangled and her was swollen into a big purple lump, she wasn't wearing any pants or underwear and their was blood coming out of her vagina. Lucy fell on top of Sarah and tried to shake her, but she was unconscious.
Then Lucy had stumbled out, burst into tears, and that's when she had gone up to Frank, who was also high and talking to some other members of the cult. Lucy had told Frank that something was wrong with Sarah and that she needed help, but Frank had just ignored her and told her he was busy.
She had apparently got so upset and just broken down on the floor screaming 'Someone call a fucking ambulance.'
So yeah. Lucy said from that day onwards she hated Frank.
It really bugged me, but Brad and Lucy were flirting again in the book club chat the other day. Lucy kept kissing her ring, and saying how much she loved it, then they were talking about going to an AFL match on Sunday, flirting and laughing and goofing around. It got me so angry because they were turning the book club into something totally different to what it really was.
I've been really getting into the styxhexenhammer666guy recently. His occult video's are really interesting:
I started getting really obsessed with this cult. I thought if I could learn more about it then Lucy and I would have more in common. So I started endlessly researching them, almost obsessing over it as much as Twin Peaks. Of course the hub pages article by this girl called Tarah Arahso is the most informative piece I can find on the internet about the Cult of Saturn:
I'm very interested in the speculation about this occult book 'The Book of the Key and the Lock' and i'm definitely going to try and seek out more information on that. The article first mentions the book here, but I can't decipher if any of the members of the cult owned that book or not:
I've also been having conversations with Mina, I knew she knew more about this than she was letting on, so I recently learned that she remembered these thread from the 4chan paranormal board /x/ which are mentioned in the hubpages article:
Lucy is first mentioned by Tarah in this post:
I found it interesting that the article mentioned that it was Lucy's idea to bring the cult online, because she had never mentioned anything like that to me. The article also speculates that Lucy was posting online and calling herself 'The Mouth of Truth'. She definitely never mentioned that to me, and it doesn't fit with her instagram profile. That picture is definitely of Lucy when she was younger though. This stuff about painting symbols around the city is really crazy though! What sort of insane cult is this?
Well this is interesting. Showtime is promoting the fact that every intro has a slight variation. I wonder what that could mean?
Ok so. Basically I had been talking to Mina a lot and I was really interrogating her, like trying to see what she really knew about Frank, and what she knew about this online journal VOX or 'Voices of X' or whatever it was called. Basically Mina was a little bit cryptic, but she said that she used to go on the VOX threads. She said it was actually a lot more harmless than people make it out to be. Apparently it was just a close knit group of people who were friends, who would share these stories with each other about synchronous moments in their lives, weird coincidences and incidents of fate, and they were just trying to analyse the meaning of them. It wasn't nearly as sinister as people have said it was. Mina said she was never actively that involved, as she was more interested in people's stories in an artistic way. So basically she would just contribute her gothic artworks to some of the threads, and sometimes she would contribute to something which the contributors to the threads were calling 'Zeners'. I can't completely understand what the purpose of these collages were, except that people in the group have described that they were attempting to 'Tap into the collective unconscious' or portray 'Dreamscapes' or something. You can get an idea of how weird some of these images were:
Some of them actually have Twin Peaks references, like this one clearly mentions the black lodge, which is strange:
Anyway, I keep mentioning Frank's name, and i'm trying to probe Mina if she knows anything about Lucy and taking the cult online, because i've never heard anything about that from Lucy, and i'm afraid to bring it up. Then Mina is like 'Shush. Shush. Stopping saying that name.'
I find that all really strange, but I keep saying Frank, and then she says 'If I show you something that will answer a lot of questions for you, will you stop saying that name?' I say 'Definitely', and then suddenly she adds me to this other Skype group, from what I can see there's about 130 people in the group, and it has no name. The first thing I ask when I come into the chat is 'What is this group?'
There were only about 10 active people in the chat, and they were apparently in the middle of the conversation, and I remember a user named 'Bluedemon' wrote the first message in the chat and they seemed to be discussing 'The King in Yellow' and other related horror fiction. This is how the chat went:
Blue Demon: The Hastur Stuff is not canon. Personally I think the Derleth stuff and the Ramsay Campbell stuff is completely different. I don't think that Robert Chambers should be muddied into the Cthulu Mythos. Except 'The Whisperer in Darkness', and I think Bierce is separate too, even though he essential created Carcosa and Hastur. I'm a disciple of Joe Pulver, and for me his definition of canon is the official one.
Mr C: What about True Detective?
Jeffrey: Pulver is great, have you read the 'The Madness of Calligari' anthology. That blew my mind
Laura: Hi Underthefan (my skype username), welcome to the secret book club. You must be Mina's friend
Blue Demon: True detective is another beast entirely, I don't usually mix film fiction with classic novel mythos. Films are almost always adaptions, they bring a new visual aesthetic that is less about imaginative world building. Look at all the Lovecraft adaptions. You wouldn't really consider them Lovecraftian at all, they are just tributes. They become something else
Underthefan: Thanks Laura, I love your username. Yes. Mina invited me into the chat
Mina: Sorry. But he kept bugging me about Frank, and I know this is the place where it's ok to talk about Frank. So he can be quarantined here for the time being
Blue Demon: Oh shit! We got another quarantine
EdgarAllenPi: Welcome Francofile
Ben: Oh damn. Sorry underthefan, welcome to the outcast zone
Underthefan: Sorry, I don't really know what any of you are talking about
So that was pretty weird for me as you can imagine.. I won't post the entire chat, as there's pages and pages of dialogue and not all of it is relevant. But what I gathered from this group, first from the way the people in the group kept changing the name of the chat. Blue Demon changed the name of the chat to 'The Secret Book Club' and later a user called Stethescope changed the chat name to 'Chaos infernal', so it was hard to gage if the group really had a name at all. But it definately seemed like a book club, and I gathered that a lot of the group had come off of 4chan's /lit/ section because they would frequently post there and discuss their own posts. They were definitely a literature group and I soon managed to decipher that Frank must have been a member of this group at some point. It seemed to me that there was a suggestion that Frank had gone underground because of some sort of legal investigation? People had brought up following a police investigation linked to some crimes that happened on the West Coast of America, Las Vegas or Tijuana or something. I couldn't understand at all what the link was to Frank or the 'cult' and I couldn't garner if any of these people were original members of the cult.
Hmmm... so much speculation of the book of lock and key in this thread:
I've just had this idea about cubes and boxes. In the secret history of Twin Peaks. The dossier is found inside a lock box. Don't know the relevance of this right now. But it's just dwelling on me now, i'll return to this later:
Alright so to return to my story. I was spending time in the 'Secret Book club' chat, as well as the one Lucy was in. Meanwhile, I kept doing my own research on The Cult of Saturn, because I was not getting very much out of the members of the Secret book club. I knew they knew more about Frank than they were letting on, but everyone seemed paranoid about talking about him, because of some police investigation. Weirdly when I would bring up Frank's cult, Blue Demon would keep talking about this cult called 'The Family', an Australia cult, basically if you don't know anything about them it was this weird cult run by a woman, who died all the children's hair the same colour, and told them they were all part of the same family. Very strange. They made a documentary about them recently, here is the trailer:
It turns out that Julian Assange was involved with this cult the family from a young age. For those who don't know Julian Assange is the founder of 'wiki-leaks' who is currently facing extradition charges to Sweden. I'm not sure where all this is leading yet, I only know all these curious links are appearing for me:
"When he was a year old, his mother married Richard Brett Assange, an actor, with whom she ran a small theatre company. They divorced around 1979. Christine Assange then became involved with Leif Meynell, also known as Leif Hamilton, a member of Australian cult The Family, with whom she had a son before the couple broke up in 1982. Assange had a nomadic childhood, and had lived in over thirty. Australian towns by the time he reached his mid-teens, when he settled with his mother and half-brother in Melbourne, Victoria."
So I found out that Mina actually lived near to me in Hexton, Sydney Australia. She lived with her mother in Paddington, which was just such a revelation because I live in Kogarah. So we arranged to meet up and talk about all this cult stuff in Kings Cross. It was a Wednesday, and we met at 6pm beneath the neon coke sign in Kings Cross. I've gotta say, the coke sign looks pretty amazing lately, they've made it hypercoloured for vivid festival and it's really quite striking. Anyway, Mina was actually prettier in real life, I was kind of surprised. She's not like prom queen beautiful, but there's something really alluring about her eyes. So we went to get some burritos down at Guzman Y Gomez then Mina suggested we head over to 'The Golden Goose', which is a quiet little gaming room on Kellet Street which she said was quiet and we could have a drink and talk.
We talked a lot that night, over rum and cokes. Mina opened up to me about the whole 'Voices of X' thing, and she finally explained that she had met Frank online before, but not in person like Lucy. Basically she said that Frank used to be involved with the 'Secret Book club', and he wore a balaclava whenever they group skyped. She said he was weird, but a really interesting character. I was still trying to ask her for more information about Lucy, but she told me that she felt like she would be betraying Lucy's trust telling me any more about that, and that she only wanted to tell her things that happened to her herself. I said I was ok with that. There was this really weird guy on the poker machines at the Golden Goose, he looked like his face was covered in soot, kind of like a homeless person, but he seemed to have a lot of money in a plastic bag, and his beard was really dirty and looked like it had bark and bits of food stuck in it. He kept staring at us.
I asked Mina if she wanted to move into another room away from the creepy guy, and she said ok. We talked a lot about the Cult of Saturn, and she gave me some interesting leads in understanding it. I felt like I might have almost been developing feelings for Mina at this point. We didn't kiss or anything, in fact she said she had to leave early at about 9:00 because her mum would be waking up for her. So that was when the night ended. I'll try and compile some of the research i've been doing on this 'Cult of Saturn' group'
I still can't determine Lucy's involvement in the Cult spreading all this disinformation online, but it does look like the cult's first appearances were as early as 2009.
It certainly seems like this VOX journal was hijacked by the Cult of Saturn and used to promote their activities:
So much speculation on 4chan, they definitely infilitrated the board at some point, possibly for a big recruitment drive. It's hard to know how many people they recruited, but the biggest recruitment happened around 2012:
I found a lot of speculation on 'The Book of the Key and the Lock'
I now feel certain that the Cult of Saturn had a copy of this book, Mina confirmed that 'The Secret Book club' was mainly for people interested in classical horror literature and weird fiction, however when Frank was part of it, they were definitely discussing occult texts and grimoires constantly. I believe the book club may have even started out as an occult group, and that the book club element had emerged as a kind of cover story or faccade, to cover up whatever they were up to. I can't prove that though.
There's so much speculation on the esoteric meaning of the book in this thread I can't even condense it all. There's a lot of rambling, but a lot of interesting stuff for anyone who is interested in this:
Then I found a really weird thread on Godlike Productions where basically people were discussing the Cult of Saturn article, and people were saying that Lucy was the devil! That made me laugh:. It's so crazy, but there is some weird stuff here. They even called the thread Lucifer is a woman. I suppose they are playing with the name Lucy as a shortening of Lucifer. Seems like a stretch to me:
Too much to sort through. This is apparently the Cult of Saturn's blog:
Oddly it only lasts for about a year period. And coincides with that online zine. The old wave of 'False Prophet' magazine seems to end around September 2017:
Damn. Ok. There's something on the back end of this website too, I don't know if this supposed to be the actual 'Book of the Key and the Lock' or if it's a hoax:
Blacklab? Wasn't that the pharmaceutical company mentioned in the hubpages article?
God, this is utterly confounding.
This False Prophet website seems to go through random periods of inactivity. Most recently it was displaying a counter to the new series of Twin Peaks series for some reason, how very odd:
I guess these must be video's of Frank Webster (The leader of the Cult):
I'm interested to see if CyrilPons (Mark Frost's televised altar ego) is going to make an appearance in the new Season of Twin Peaks. It would be fitting if he was a reporter doing another news report. It certainly is interesting that Cyril Pons features twice in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' once to report on the bank explosion that Pete Martell dies in, and once to report on the Packard Boat explosion.
I would also love to see an appearance of Agents Chester Desmond and Sam Stanley, that would just be too cool for words. I really hope that some explanation of Chester Desmond's disappearance is given in the new season too.
29 May 2017
Jesus! Fuck!
The most horrible thing has happened.
I'm really getting out of my depth here
So much has happened in the last couple of days.
Ok so first of all, so I found at that Lucy was involved with pornography in the past! So that happened. Jesus Christ. I can't say everything about this obviously, but it turns out Lucy went on to do some modelling in 2012 which led her to be part of this website, i'm not going to say the name of the website. I'm not going to say anything which incriminates Lucy or anything. Holy fuck
Let's just see that this is the LEAST revealing of the videos she made:
Anyway. I guess Brad didn't know anything about this, because he found out and went APE SHIT. I've got to say, on some level I was happy about this. I just can't stand Brad and it was so good to see him pissed off. He posted this video of him putting his ring in an envelope and sending it back to Lucy. Then he left the chat threatening stuff about his contacts at Facebook and putting Lucy's porn all over the web. So Lucy was pretty upset about that.
We skyped later that night and Lucy was in this wild mood, because on this one level she was devastated about her fight with Brad, and really afraid that he would make good on his threats to publish her pornography videos publicly to her family or friends.
But then on the other hand she was really excited about this opportunity which had come up. Basically some woman named Sheryl from this publishing company 'Henry Lawson Publishing' had been following her instagram, and thought she had real talent so wanted to make this publishing deal, where they would do a one off issue magazine of her posts. Lucy was ecstatic about this, and she said it was like a dream fulfilled. So she was just switching between bursting into tears, and laughing, and I was really struggling to kind of gage with her on a single emotional level. Eventually she said she had to go.
So i've got a lot more to say about that, but this Mina thing is the most pressing thing for me, and it's really terrible. I think Mina might be missing, and so far no one really believes me.
It has something to do with this cult, and what we were looking into. It all has something to do with what happened a week ago when we met up. Mina messaged me on Skype, and she said she wanted to meet up again because she had some things to tell me, and something that she wanted to show me.
So we meet up at Kings Cross library, I don't know why she chose there, but she said she had been looking at some books in regards to something weird which happened in the area 50 years ago. She didn't really elaborate on the situation more than that, but she said that they didn't really have the books she need and that she needed to go to the library at Bourkeley University. Anyway, I asked her why she had invited me out, and she said first I had to see something she had found, so she led me around the backstreets, down Bayswater and onto Ward Street.
Then she showed me these weird symbols which were graffitied on the walls, one was near the subway, and one was behind the main strip. God, I should've taken photo's at the time, but I didn't think of it. It was only later when I remembered that hubpages article and I realised that they were the same symbols that the Cult of Saturn had apparently been painting around the place:
I asked Mina if she knew how the symbols got there, and she said 'No' but it really felt like she knew more than she was letting on about. I asked mina what she thought about Lucy and the whole porn website thing, and she said she REALLY didn't want to talk about that.
'So what did you bring me out here for?' I asked, 'Didn't you say you want to ask me something?'
So Mina took this envelope out of her pocket, and looked at me like I should know what it was. Then she opened it, and took out this ring, and now I could see it was the silver emu ring that Lucy had given to Brad, that matched her own silver ring with the Kangaroo on it.
'Where did you get that?' I asked
'Brad must have sent it to me' she said
'What why?'
'I don't know' Mina had said
Then she said she was really worried about getting involved in this thing at all, and she hoped that Lucy wouldn't be mad at her. I told her she should just tell Lucy and that it definitely wouldn't be bad if she was just honest about it. After all, it was Brad who was the one who was being an asshole here.
Mina seemed really distracted and anxious.
Finally she resolved something inside herself and said, 'There's something else i've got to show you' and she motioned to follow her. We walked for ages, and I was asking 'Where are we going?' But she just didn't say anything. We got on a bus and tapped our Opal cards and headed down William Street on the bus.
I stopped asking questions about where we were going, and just sat there, Mina was in a weird mood and pretty silent. We sat on the bus for ages, it won't through the city, down Broadway and eventually onto King Street. Finally Mina motioned to get up, and we got off in Newtown.
We walked down King Street for a while, and there were lots of people out, the streets were really busy, but Mina lead me around this backstreet i'd never been before, and we came to this weird old bookshop called 'Dead Tomes'. It looked like a real goth hang out. The bricks were painted black, and there were purple drapes in the windows. I could see a lot of occult themed books inside the glass pane, the doorway was really narrow, but Mina pushed through the beads and lead me into the book store. As I was about to walk in, I saw this really weird Korean guy, he was standing further down the alley and seemed to be staring at me, one of his eyes was off coloured, slightly green whilst his other eye was dark brown. I felt a little shudder and entered the 'Dead Tomes' book store. There was a jingling bell as we entered.
The book store was a lot bigger when we entered. It smelt like musk incense and old matresses. The store was really long, and stretched down about twenty metres. But the way the store was laid out, there didn't seem to be much stock. Not books anyway. A lot of basin's were filled with bric a brac, and occult stuff. Ouija boards, divining rods, tarot cards, candles, ornaments, statues, and jewellery, runes. A lot of the books were old, which was weird for this sort of shop, they usually had modern stock, but this was obviously stocking really old second hand books.
So, basically I had no idea what the hell was going on until Mina introduced me to this guy who worked in the store. He was this really pale, pimply goth guy with long black hair, almost looked like Marylin Manson. Mina said 'This is Lamarch' and I said hi. Then Mina said 'My friend wants to know about the Cult of Saturn, so you can tell him all about that can't you Lamarch.' Finally I got the idea. The lanky goth guy groaned, and said 'You really love bringin' em in here don't you Mina. So what's Frank done now?'
It was this really scratchy old black leather book, with gold leaf lettering called 'The Doorway to Saturn' or something like that. I noticed it had simlilar weird symbols to the one the cult had allegedly painted around the place.
I can't explain everything about the book or anything else right now. But let me just say, that Mina skyped me two days ago, in this really weird state of mind. She said she had found some kind of 'key'. I couldn't tell if she was talking about an actual key or a code breaking key because she kept mentioning cyphers and other things. Then she was really paranoid about some Korean guy who was following her, I asked what the guy looked like, and her description sounded a lot like the guy I saw outside the 'Dead Tomes' bookshop in Newtown.
Then that's the last time I spoke to her. She totally disappeared offline, and maybe i'm worrying too much, but it's not like her. I mean -- literally ALL of her social media sites are dead, and offline. She hasn't posted any instagram or twitter since that call.
I'm just so confused right now. All of this has been way too much, and i'm not sure how I feel about anything.
When the flight numbers of the hijacked planes on September 11 2001 matched a whole bunch of cubic ciphers across the pentagon, what spread like wildfire across elite circles, was not just a war. It was an apocalypse."
Perhaps all of these could also play back to the concept of the 'Black Chamber':
It's hard to say for certain. Though there have been many interesting observations and speculations made about the number sequences. Reddit user FarSoun for instance:
Notes that the number 119, which is repeated by the unknown woman with the drug problem appears on the police car that comes to arrest Bill Hastings. Obviously one could also make the obvious connection between 119, a reverse of the American emergency services number 911, and also the date of the notorious world trade September 11 attacks (9/11)
And if you find all of that fascinating, confusing bizarre. What about the fact that a blue rose was spotted by cautious observers in the Mauve Zone:
As reddit user Oksoda94 observes:
"Blue Rose cases were the mystery of FWWM and operation Blue Book was a top secret government project Garland Briggs was involved with. Until this season you didn't know entirely what the Blue Rose embodied as it was grouped into happenings of the unexplained. There is a lot more detail on operation Blue book in The Secret History of Twin Peaks."
"The simple explanation is operation Blue book is an underground investigation or handling into and of paranormal proof that governments discover. So it's not so much about them trying to find it, it's more about them trying to cover it up and not let the public know."
"A Blue Rose case may therefore be one that is agreed or regarded as paranormal/alien/spiritual. Project Blue Book is a reference to a real investigation into UFO phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force beginning in the early 50s. The project is known to the public, has a fair amount of writing on it, and a lot of declassified documentation. In the Twin Peaks universe, Blue Book continued in some form through the present day (or at least through the original run). Major Briggs was part of Blue Book."
"Blue Rose cases may then be Cole's FBI investigations into things related to Blue Book and the supernatural. Briggs gives a little info about this relationship - in the original run, he mentioned that they largely monitored space for UFO/alien stuff, but at some point his team worked with Windom Earle (a Blue Rose team member), who took the focus to more earth-based stereotypical supernatural stuff (looking at aliens as extra-dimensional beings with more of a spiritual/magical flair vs. looking at them as spacemen in flying saucers)."
X files eat your heart out. For those who had trouble adjusting to the new look and feel of Twin Peaks it's understandable. However the potential for exploring 'Blue Rose cases' certainly sounds like a fascinating potential spin off, and would make for great television into interesting paranormal phenomenon with a David Lynch twist.
So, the world of Twin Peaks seems to have multiple paranormal threads now. We have malevolent alien entities, benevolent entities like the Giant and the one armed man. We have dugpa or Ancient sorcerers, and advanced technology designed to harness these alien forces, and secret societies who have been operating since the dawn of time. All of these things of course centre around the mysterious location of 'The Black Lodge':- "Once upon a time, there was a place of great goodness, called the White Lodge. Gentle fawns gamboled there amidst happy, laughing spirits. The sounds of innocence and joy filled the air. And when it rained, it rained sweet nectar that infused one's heart with a desire to live life in truth and beauty. Generally speaking, a ghastly place, reeking of virtue's sour smell. Engorged with the whispered prayers of kneeling mothers, mewling newborns, and fools, young and old, compelled to do good without reason ... But, I am happy to point out that our story does not end in this wretched place of saccharine excess. For there's another place, its opposite:"
Deputy Hawk describes the White Lodge as:
- "My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the spirits that rule man and nature reside."
We have the little gold ball which appears in the lodge with the one armed man. What this represents is anyones guess at this stage, although certainly gold is becoming a strong motif in this series, with Jacoby painting the gold shovels, mentions of Gold mining in Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' where a mysterious gold prospector named Denver Bob appears to discover the Black Lodge. Could this be the same creepy, double denim wearing Bob we know so well?
The One armed man seems quite concerned by the magic which occurs around Dougie Jones 'Who was created for a purpose which is now fulfilled' when his hand shrinks and he loses the ring. The gold ball appears to be a bi product of the exchanging dopplegangers, and might therefore be related to the mythology of these beings, such as garmonbozia. The One armed man returns the ring to the formica table, where we see it with 'the man from another place' and Dale Cooper - creating a 'perfect circle' in time; worth noting that this was what Mike claimed he and Bob used to create during their killing sprees. Is it possible that Mike is actually evil, and never aimed to help Agent Cooper?
Reddit user mcgama believes that the Twin Peaks mythology expressed in The Secret History of Twin Peaks - is the missing thing to do with Hawk's heritage:
As we know, Hawks ancestors descend from the Nez Perce tribe of Native Americans, who in The Secret History of Twin Peaks are linked to the black lodge, and the ring.
What's really going on with Jacoby's gold shovels?
It's worth remembering that Dr. Jacoby was frequently doing oddball things in the original series without any explanation. The shovels could be groundbreaking ceremonial shovels, wether this is a joke at expense of the series dead Laura Palmer, and a play on the afterlife overtones of burying a corpse, or perhaps, as some people have suggested the shovels are for the Horne corporation to build a new casino on the land? Any link to the gold ball? This one's going to take some time to digest.
Or are we going to see some satanic backwards ceremonial resurrection of Laura Palmer.
The resurrection of Laura Palmer sounds like an entirely absurd plot point, but given that images realeased from the set of Laura Palmer, showed an aged Kyle Machlachlan walking Sheryl Lee up the steps to the palmer house -- perhaps the concept is not as impossible for the series creators as we imagine.
Not quite sure what's going on with Dougie and Jade, but it is curious that Jade mentions she's going to have to provide 'two lifts', (whatever that means)
Whilst these scenes are both funny and cringeworthy at times, there appears to be a curious addition to the black lodge mythos here, where it appears that Agent Cooper is able to channel the magic of the lodge to predict which machines will pay out, or perhaps even influence them to pay out money.
Then we get the interesting scenes between Tamara Preston (Chrysta Bell), Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferera) and Gordon Cole (David Lynch) which rehashes the plot so far, in the form of the glass cube murders, and the murder of Ruth Davenport.
Something feels a little bit off and stiff in these scenes. But it remains intriguing to see what is coming. Back in the casino Agent Cooper is getting to be known as 'Mr Jackpots' and coins the iconic cringeworthy statement which thus far defines the new season: 'Helllllooooooooo'
Cooper's luck here seems to suggest things are turning around for him, but one can't help but suspect there is some more malicious conspiracy going on against poor Agent Cooper.
It bears the question, what are these evil dugpas from the lodges really up to? What do they want from humanity and what is their agenda?
Now seems like a good time to begin to describe the weird events that happened to me this month. My life has taken a strange turn over the past year or so, i've recorded some of these things in previous blog entries, which you can read if you like:
But basically to recap, I had a friend who was a freemason, and he had a nervous breakdown and told me all these things about how corrupt the institution was and about the secret 33 degrees and all the rest. At one of his parties I met some curious people, and got invited to this exhibition in Milson's Point where something really weird happened to me, and caused me to hallucinate this evil creature who my online friend Randolphe referred to as 'The Shapeshifter'. I had a really bad trip after smoking too much weed, and my reality totally broke down, I saw this evil gnome in my room swimming in this crazy soup of creation. It's really hard to describe, but basically I was hospitalised after the psychotic breakdown, and spent a few weeks in Bourkeley institution.
i've been out for a while now, on various medications. I met some weird people inside, who call themselves TI 'targeted individuals' - they were all nice people, but the craziness really inspired me to be normal and get back to reality, because it's not good to sink into self-victimisation.
But something happened really recently which kind of slung me back into this mental world, and basically centres around this girl I met online named Lucy. It's been such a crazy ride and i'll elaborate more on this experience soon, but for the moment let's return to Twin Peaks Season 3 analysis:
So when we get out of the Mauve Zone, Cooper literally seems to be walking on some satellite or spacecraft, whose internal physics only have the vaguest of relations with space and time. He eventually, somehow, makes it out. Through a power socket. Whereupon he switches with Vegas-based Dougie Jones, who takes his place back in the Lodge. "Someone manufactured you for a purpose, but I think now that's been fulfilled," says One-Armed Mike to this fake Coop, before poor Dougie pops out of existence and into a gold ball-bearing.But basically to recap, I had a friend who was a freemason, and he had a nervous breakdown and told me all these things about how corrupt the institution was and about the secret 33 degrees and all the rest. At one of his parties I met some curious people, and got invited to this exhibition in Milson's Point where something really weird happened to me, and caused me to hallucinate this evil creature who my online friend Randolphe referred to as 'The Shapeshifter'. I had a really bad trip after smoking too much weed, and my reality totally broke down, I saw this evil gnome in my room swimming in this crazy soup of creation. It's really hard to describe, but basically I was hospitalised after the psychotic breakdown, and spent a few weeks in Bourkeley institution.
i've been out for a while now, on various medications. I met some weird people inside, who call themselves TI 'targeted individuals' - they were all nice people, but the craziness really inspired me to be normal and get back to reality, because it's not good to sink into self-victimisation.
But something happened really recently which kind of slung me back into this mental world, and basically centres around this girl I met online named Lucy. It's been such a crazy ride and i'll elaborate more on this experience soon, but for the moment let's return to Twin Peaks Season 3 analysis:
Good Coop is definitely worse for wear for his journey between dimensional planes, but with the help of the fates goes on an unlikely winning streak at the Silver Mustang Casino. Then Dougie Jones returns to the red door, of his house where a strange surrogate famiily dwells: Janey-E Jones (Naomi Watts) and Sonny Jim Jones (Pierce Gagnon).
Reddit user terneceyibohas some interesting theories about Dougie's wife:
"I was rewatching Part 4, and I noticed Cooper had a long waiting in front of Dougie's house, but also that there was an owl flying over the house almost immediately before Dougie's wife opened the door, and apparently she didn't see (Cooper) Dougie's arrival. The wife is really a weird character to me now! I know, the owls are not what they seem, and there is an big owl figure in the dining room, too. Or it could be just another Lynch's signature style."
This certainly seems to be an interesting concept:
Reddit user Axxon-N has some interesting theories regarding the little gold ball, which could be a manifestation of the purity and goodness in side Cooper, after his tri-part split self, evil doppleganger, Dougie and good Cooper, Id, Ego and Superego re-arrange to allow good Cooper to prevail:
"The second thing is the nature of Cooper himself. His white knight nature tends to obscure the darker facets hinted at in the character. He is a guy with an obsession with women who have desires and are destroyed when they afoul of bad men, or rather when the existence is crushed by a system of dominant male will. He wants to protect them, these women who try to become people and explore who they are in a world of a reinforcing cycle of predatory maleness, but he is completely entangled in the system that causes it."
"This is the Coop that we see at the beginning of the new season. Metaphorically, the good angels of Coop’s nature are “locked up” in his mind while the version made of his suppressed darkness runs free. Meanwhile he has manufactured an identity of a middle aged schlubb who is faithless and without a real compass. There are three Coops"
"The slipping of the manufactured identity shows up visually as a literal war between the small gold core left in him and the toxic oozing cratered planet of disgust that is how he esteems himself. The kernel of good seems to win."
It's an interesting theory, but as the one armed man tells Cooper 'You were tricked'.
Nothing is really as it seems here, and we won't know what the crap is going on until the end.
After his crash -- Evil Coop has been picked up by the cops with a sub-machine gun, thwack of cocaine and a dog leg in his trunk and has ended up in South Dakota Penitentiary, where he doesn't react all that convincingly to interrogation by Cole and Rosenfield, claiming to have been working undercover with the now-missing Phillip Jeffries.
Before crashing evil Coop seemed to have been researching federal prison, and it is possible that he is drawing himself there intentionally.
I'll try to explain what happened with Lucy. So basically I started chatting to this girl Lucy online; who was in a Skype group that I was part of. She's a really fun person, very social and she has a lot of friends, thousands of instagram followers and facebook friends, she's one of the sorts of people that just shines on social media. I can remember the day we started talking together, the chat I was in was called 'Gold Letters' and was a book club of about 50 people, I was invited in by somebody that I work with. People came into the chat at almost random times, to discuss the book of the month, (Last month was 'The Devil's Dictionary' by Ambrose Bierce) Anyway, this particular Wednesday there was nobody in the chat except for Lucy who was posting 'Anyone here?' so I worked up the guts to say hello. She turned out to be super fiendly and I was really surprised that someone so popular wasn't rude or snobby, but we had a really good chat, and sort of stoked up a friendship from there.
Lucy invited me into this private chat one time with her and another friend Mina. They were just gossiping and stuff, and Lucy had told Mina that I was a blogger, and they wanted to read my blogs and stuff. So I sent them the links to my old blogs, and then to My Twin Peaks blogs which I had only started more recently since last year. So that was cool, but then Lucy had this really weird reaction to reading some of my blog, particularly when it mentioned this weird online cult that my friend Randolph had gotten involved with. So she didn't say much at first, except to kind of gasp, and say 'Oh my god Mina. This mentions Frank'. So that was really weird but I didn't make much of it at the time and it kind of passed into the background. I just kept chatting to Lucy privately and through the book club.
Mina is a really interesting girl too, she's quite a strange goth girl,not interested in popularity, or who knows her. She just doesn't seem to give a shit about view counts or friend requests. She just likes making weird art, and saying kind of bleak things. She's got a twisted sense of humour.
Anyway, i'll just take a break from this story for a while, because it drains me to think about and get back to Twin Peaks. I'll finish the story later in the post.So we're getting some weird expansions on the mythology in this series, and it's hard to know what to make of it. Jay Dyer's esoteric Hollywood analysis of the new series raises some interesting points:
The scenes with Cole and Albert are goofy but hilarious, Cole's commentary on the Mt Rushmore statues has a powerful resonance 'Faces of stone' -- as Cole and Albert both pull disgruntled faces.

Albert, I hate to admit this, but I don't understand this situation at all
There seems to be a tribute to old spy movies here, with this private conversation resembling familiar conversations between the truth seeker and the 'deep throat'

An interesting correlation between this and Mark Frost's 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' also brings to mind the scene:
Milford asks Nixon who he can trust, to which Nixon responds : 'There's a man at the FBI, the one I told you about.'
Milford replies : 'I have his contact'
Nixon then says: 'They all have code names, by the way, the ones at the top of Aquarius. Birds, I hear the caretakers name is Raven. (Then a loud knock is heard).
In 'The secret history of twin peaks' it's also worth noting that Agent Preston stumbles on something else later: She finds a list of Agents from an erased document recovered from an FBI server in Philadelphia which contains the names: Gordon Cole, Phillip Jeffries, Chet Desmond, Sam Stanley, Windom Earle, Dale Cooper, and Albert Rosenfield.Then she makes note to herself that this seems to implicate Gordon Cole possibly being Douglas Milford's contact. So it would seem at this point that Gordon Cole knows more than he is letting on about these strange Agent Dissapearances.
Some have speculated that in the original trailer for Season 3, in the scene where Cooper is walking in the darkness, if you brighten you can see another character who resembles Gordon Cole leading Cooper into the darkness:
So back to my story, obviously I should've known that I was going to get myself in trouble being interested in a popular girl like Lucy. What bugged me the most at first is that she was obviously really into this guy in our book club Brad Lucas. Brad is this really attractive Gym junkie guy, if you ask me he's not very intelligent and is only involved in a book club at all to make himself appear cultured like James Franco or something. Brad's dad is like really high up in the Facebook company - so he acts all high and mighty that he is like a B-celebrity on facebook. In case it doesn't come across, Brad annoys me, it's not just his tuft of curly hair at his fringe, or his build, or the fact that he always wears white polo shirts and Oakley sunglasses. It's just everything.
For some reason though Lucy really fucking likes this Brad guy. I was in a chat one day with Brad and Lucy, and they were flirting really hard with each other, taking sexy selfies of themselves and uploading the photos to each other's instagram accounts. I was superjealous because Lucy had this cool silver ring with a kangaroo on it, and she must've bought a matching one with an emu on it for Brad, because they kept sharing pictures of each other in revealing clothing and wearing these matching rings. I was so jealous I was burning up inside like a fire. Anyway, I guess just got so jealous that I needed to say stuff in the chat to get attention drawn towards me. So that's why I said things I probably shouldn't have in the 'Gold Letters' chat.
I'll tell you all about it in a minute. But let me just get back to Twin Peaks for a minute.
In a previous post I noted how it might become important to note all the different people who have been in the black lodge before-William Clark, Denver Bob, Wayne Chance? Meriwether Lewis? (Encounter with a silent man, visions of the colour red) Neely (Dissapears), Mike, Bob, Windom Earle, Laura Palmer, Sarah Palmer (I'm in the black lodge with Agent Cooper), Major Briggs (I'm waiting for you), Chester Desmond, Phillip Jeffries (Saw meeting above a convenience store, dissapears) Mayor Milford also knows of Owl Cave and the one armed man which is suspicious, and Dougie Milford and Andrew Packard are other good candidates for lodge dugpas. Dougie Jones.
It's also worth noting that Dougie Jones has the ring, so reflecting on who has had the ring also seems important:
The white indians in pre settled Twin Peaks, William Clark in a leather pouch, Merriwether Lewis, Neely, Jack Parsons, Nixon, Teresa Banks, Chester Desmond, Mike (Aka Phillip Gerard), Laura Palmer, Dougie Milford (Season 2 death scene), and lastly of course, Annie had the ring on her left ring finger when returning from the Black Lodge, A nurse took the ring from an unconscious Annie and wore it on her left ring finger. Dougie Jones
Yeah, so basically I had started talking about the cult that had gotten Lucy's attention. Basically if you haven't read my previous posts, this article explains about the weird online cult my friend Randoplh got involved with:
Anyway, so one of the leaders of this cult was apparently named Frank, and when I said his name to get Lucy's attention she got all weird, and even more surprisingly, so did Brad. 'How the fuck do you know about Frank dweeb?' Brad had said to me. Then he and Lucy had a public fight and dropped offline. Lucy stopped talking to me, and seemed really upset and angry, she just ignored all my private messages when I tried to talk to her.
So basically, it was at this point I started to do a little more research about this online cult. I found some information about this girl Lucy who was part of the cult, and then I realised my Lucy might have been the same Lucy from the article.
I sent her a private message: 'Hey Lucy. Were you and this Frank guy from the cult involved or something? Listen I just want to apologise. I'm really sorry I mentioned that article publicly, I had no idea it was so personal to you. It really wasn't my business to talk about and I'm so so sorry. Please Lucy, I really respect you as a person. I hope you believe how much it devastates me that I've upset you.'
I sent the message, feeling almost regretful I'd sent it. Why did I bring up the cult thing again? It was obviously something she was really sensitive about. Anyway, I knew it was too late.
I remember spending that night reading some stuff on Dugpa speculating about 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' getting really excited for the new season.
Then out of the blue I heard that little blip coming from Skype. The S was bouncing up and down on my programs bar. I opened it up and read the message in awe and terror;
'You're an asshole. Skype me now!'
The message seemed angry, but at least she was talking to me again--I knew I didn't want to wait around to upset her anymore --so I hit the dial button.
She took a long time to answer, when the video finally came up I was dumbstruck for words. She was even more beautiful in real life than in her instagram feed. She was wearing a light brown cardigan with a frilled collar over a pastel white blouse. The top buttons of her top were undone, and revealing quite a lot of cleavage. Her face was a bit red, and it looked like she had been crying, her thick black mascara was running a little back on her rosy cheeks, and her blonde hair was slightly damp. The way she was sitting with her legs crossed you could almost see up her skirt as she gently caressed her smooth legs with her hand. I'd never seen Lucy's room before and I was surprised to see things which almost demonstrated we had similar tastes, there was an Evil Dead poster and a plastic sculpture of 'Divine' the drag queen AKA 'The filthiest person alive' from Pink Flamingo's. She never posted that sort of shit on her instagram feed.
She spoke straight away; 'Why are you my friend?'
I couldn't sense any anger in her voice, but she had definitely been crying. There was a nasal quality to the way she spoke. I tried to think of an appropriate response;
'Because you're nice to me, and I respect you. Because your an interesting person, and you're not a bitch even though you're really popular. Because,.... because you're great basically!'
Lucy smiled through blurred make up, and batted her eyelashes, even in this state she was the most gorgeous person I've ever laid eyes upon.
'Ok. You're forgiven.'
'Sure,' she said, 'You weren't to know about the whole Frank thing.'
'I'll never mention it again' I said oathfully.
'No' said Lucy wiping her eyes with a tissue; 'Its ok. I feel like talking about it.'
'I'm listening.'
So that's how Lucy told me the whole story of how she got involved with this occult group. I guess I won't tell the whole thing here, besides it's pretty personal. But I'll just summarise it briefly. So Lucy used to live in London, before she moved to New York. She used to hang around in this warehouse community called Manor House. That's where she met this guy called Frank Webster, who was this odd hipster creative type, who owned one of the warehouses and ran this satirical magazine called 'THE FALSE PROPHET'. I've spoken previously about something that might be related but I'll get back to that later. So anyway, the way Lucy described Frank was that he was a "charming asshole" who was only out for himself. She says he was a fun guy, who was also fascinated with the occult and was pretty much always loaded on drugs, ketamine or booze, if he wasn't trying to sleaze onto all the other girls in the community.
So anyway, Lucy and this guy had a bit of an affair. She said that they were sleeping with each other but that Frank had a 'non committal personality'. Basically she wanted a relationship, and he didn't.
So anyway, she used to hang out there, and the guys who owned all the warehouses would have these massive parties. Lucy said she wasn't big on drugs, but basically you had to take them to fit in in that community. Ketamine was a big deal because it was super cheap. Lucy says she got a really bad vibe off a lot of the characters who hung around at number 4. Edwin Ratter was apparently this fat Jordie with long hair who used to beat up on some of the women who lived there, everyone knew but no one seemed to have the balls to do anything about it. Lucy said Edwin had a big tattoo of a black serpent which fit his personality 'because he was a fucking snake'.
So yeah, Edwin kind of becomes more of a feature later. But back to this guy Frank, so Lucy said Frank was really weird-- he kind of had a split personality. The one he showed publicly to all his friends was this super friendly socialite. But Lucy said whenever she was alone with him he always seemed to be up to dodgy shit. One night he invited her over for a booty call late at night. There was no one else in the warehouse and when Lucy went inside (The door was unlocked) Frank was sitting at this big long table half naked but wearing a balaclava.
Lucy said she was weirded out and was like 'Take off the fucking mask' but Frank just stood up and started pashing her neck and making out with her, and because she had this thing for him, she kind of allowed it to happen. He fucked her whilst wearing nothing but a balaclava-- and afterwards he was really distant and cold, just kind of stood up and busied himself with other things. Of course that upset Lucy so she got ready to leave, and Frank didn't even say goodbye.
Then, when Lucy left she saw a van pulling up outside the warehouse; so she hid behind the bin. Mainly because she knew there was all sorts of dodgy folk around, but she didn't expect the delivery driver to come upstairs and knock on the warehouse door. Obvious she was terrified, but she just stayed quiet.
She could hear Frank's footsteps, then from behind the door yelling out 'Who is it?' And the big fat red haired deliver driver yelled 'Delivery for Black Lab. Frank?'
Lucy could see the guys boots from behind the bin, and she said they had red Bull skulls on the tips.
According to Lucy, Frank opened the door still wearing nothing but his balaclava. Then the two of them had a brief disussion about 'the timely delivery of pharmaceuticals' and Frank took the parcel inside.
Lucy said that was the first of many weird things she was to learn about that community, and it got her so intrigued she stuck around, even if Frank was a jerk she wanted to know what was going on there.
Flash forward several months, Lucy said this happened in 2009. Basically she was spending a lot of time with Frank and his friends, she said that all of them were fascinated by the Occult, and they used to share books on Alastair Crowley, Kenneth Grant and various old Grimoires with each other and talk about how to make Sigils and practice sex magic.
There was a warehouse below number four, (number two) which she said had red walls, and they had a kind of spare room decked out with lounges and bean bags, and they all used to lounge around down there- smoking DMT and talking about their hallucinations. Some of the people she named were Ruby, Adrienne and Simon. There were lots of other names but I can't remember all of them. So one day they were all sitting around, high as hell and Frank leapt up and starts drawing these glyphs all over the walls in black permanent marker.
Everyone was hallucinating so bad that they couldn't tell what was happening, but Frank just started saying all this weird shit like he had had some kind of revelation; and that's when Lucy said the cult was born. Frank was like ; 'Were starting this occult group. It's going to be great.' Then that was it, they started having weekly meetings, started profiting from activities on the side. They bought out a few different warehouses. Started getting up to some really weird shit.
That's all Lucy really wanted to tell me about the cult. She wouldn't tell me what happened that hurt her so bad, or why she moved to New York. Of course I didn't push her, oh there was other stuff she told me, which I won't tell here.
Anyway, it was probably a couple of days later that I had this weird chat with Mina. It had been another weird day when everyone in the book club was offline, I kind of almost got the sense that Mina was flirting with me, she was asking me a lot of questions about my personal life, and where I grew up and if I had a girlfriend. It's not that I didn't like Mina, she was great. She was so down to earth and-- I shouldn't say too much. But ever since that Skype conversation with Lucy, I couldn't stop thinking about her, y'know -- in innapropriate ways. She was just so smart, and funny and beautiful and interesting--
Anyway, that's when Mina does this thing, bringing up the whole Frank thing, almost like she was eg ging me on. But she acted like she knew more than she was letting on, and I got the feeling that she was involved with this 'cult' aswell.
There is this recurring motif about brothers and doubles. Brothers and doubles
Robert Forester plays Frank Truman. Frank? That's weird. Robert Jacoby is the new brother to Lawrence Jacoby. Seems to be no reason for it as he is killed off before Season 1 starts. Robert. Robert. Bob was spelling out his own name. Then there was Denver Bob. Hmmmm.
There was something from 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' aswell. From COOPERS CASE FILE
In 1987 the Packard boat explosion happens which we know was a hoax perpetrated by Andrew.
Mayor Milford says 'Andrew was like a younger brother to me. Like the brother I never had.' Agent Tamara Preston notes this is a 'curious statement from somebody who definitely had a younger brother' which hints at something that is very hard to discern.
It's another strange reference to brothers. Like the brother I never had? Why would Mayor Milford say that?
Something about the 'Angle of Repose' book, and Frank Truman. Something about the two documents, we won't know until the Season finishes and we get 'The Final Dossier'. Anyway --
I was also reading another interesting thread on reddit: is a really fascinating exploration of the Chocolate bunnies, which seemed totally meaningless to me:
"It ties back to S1E1 (Pilot) and Cooper's first handling of evidence. The first evidence he touches at the station that we see are two things: 1. Laura Palmer's Diary and 2. The chocolate bunnies. (the scene ends with "Diane, I am holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.")
But, the only thing we see Cooper do with the diary is look at the last page and the bag with the key in it. This leads him on a hot trail, looking for someone with the letter "J" in their name, learning that Laura Palmer was using cocaine, and the safety deposit box.
BUT, he seems to not look through the rest of the diary. We also learn later that there is another, secret diary.
BUT, in Fire Walk With Me (FWWM), Annie visits Laura in her bed to tell her that she has been with Laura and Coop in the Lodge, that the evil Cooper has gotten out and the good Cooper is trapped. And Annie tells Laura to write it in her diary."
"Hawk just needs to look at the tape that Cooper made for Diane, and realize that it's the diary that needs another look, which is where he will find the info that Annie told Laura to write in her diary, about the good Cooper being trapped in the Lodge, and the evil one running around. Then Hawk can lean on his knowledge of his heritage, and the myths of the Lodges, to figure out a way to help.
So, the chocolate bunnies matter because they are about the missing info (maybe missing pages?) from Laura's diary. The two items Cooper interacts with first."
"Gordon, Albert and Diane then return to Twin Peaks to discover exactly how long Cooper stayed around after this tape entry. Diane claims Cooper sent her daily logs and she perceived something was wrong during the timeframe Cooper should have still be in Twin Peaks.
Hawk, Diane, Gordon and Albert then listen to the very first tape in the Cooper archive Diane has:-
"Diane I've got my hand on a box of chocolate bunnies and Laura Palmers Diary"
Hawk then cries the Bunnies, the diary!! And from here aspects of the diary and Copper are revealed to correspond. Particularly Laura and Cooper having the same dream. Hawk realises Cooper has been trapped inside the Black Lodge and they recount the case of Leland possessed by BOB."
And if you still doubt it, how about this article from Lynch on Lynch confirming this plan back in the 1990's that this would be how Cooper was freed from the Lodge:
We can see Laura's original diary in the scene with the bunnies in which the clue about Dale being in the lodge would be in:
We can see Laura's original diary in the scene with the bunnies in which the clue about Dale being in the lodge would be in:
This is really getting me thinking now, see because, I was lurking around on this weird website that was apparently started by the cult Lucy was a part of :
So many Twin Peaks references! Then at the bottom of the page there's a segment entitled " 'Black Lodge secrets' which discusses the original script for Twin Peaks season two. Apparently Cooper was originally going to turn into a young boy and be approached by a man who looks like his father who hands him a key. This really triggered my brain and the fact that there was a key strapped in the back of Laura Palmer's diary.
So weird.
So I noticed the word KEY was in capital letters, and when you hover over it it brings up a pointer icon. If you click on 'KEY' you get brought to some back end of the website. It's so weird that this whole thing is built in Flash and when you look at the source code it's hidden. Anyway, I don't what to make of this, it's kind of a rudimentary hallway with all these screens that link to retro video games. But there's one screen which has loads more Twin Peaks easter eggs, now this may not all sound relevant, but I was hunting around on there, and there's so many things about 'keys' buried in this section:
If you click straight onto the red triangles you are taken to a kind of red room/black lodge graphic and the words 'To Get to Level Two you must find the silver key'
Really strange. Don't know what it means, but if you scout around by clicking the blue and red triangles, you'll also find other Twin Peaks references. For one there's this link to the Packard box with Catherine Martell saying 'Where there's a key, there's a lock':
So weird.
So I noticed the word KEY was in capital letters, and when you hover over it it brings up a pointer icon. If you click on 'KEY' you get brought to some back end of the website. It's so weird that this whole thing is built in Flash and when you look at the source code it's hidden. Anyway, I don't what to make of this, it's kind of a rudimentary hallway with all these screens that link to retro video games. But there's one screen which has loads more Twin Peaks easter eggs, now this may not all sound relevant, but I was hunting around on there, and there's so many things about 'keys' buried in this section:
If you click straight onto the red triangles you are taken to a kind of red room/black lodge graphic and the words 'To Get to Level Two you must find the silver key'
Really strange. Don't know what it means, but if you scout around by clicking the blue and red triangles, you'll also find other Twin Peaks references. For one there's this link to the Packard box with Catherine Martell saying 'Where there's a key, there's a lock':
So hear me out, if Deputy Hawk is supposed to be looking for something, and the 'It's not about the bunnies' line is indeed a throwback to the scene where Cooper first finds Laura's diary; then we know that Annie told Laura to write 'The Good Dale is trapped in the lodge and he can't leave' to Laura, 'write it in your diary'. If Hawk found the diary he would find the clues to the location of Agent Cooper. There's got to be something in all of this....
Interesting that there was fumbling around keys in Season 3 aswell during the investigation into the murder of Ruth Davenport:
This website is so weird. Who runs this thing?
Ok so i've got more of a story about the website and Lucy and the weird shit that went down, but back to Twin Peaks for a moment. I'm formulating thoughts on the Log Lady and Sam Lanterman. So the Log Lady is telling Hawk that the clue to finding Agent Cooper has something to do with his Native American heritage, we've already discussed the Nez Perce and their connection to the ring and the black lodge. But there's some other interesting connections made in 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' Sam Lanterman is discussed, dying in a fire, and many believe Margaret's husband may be the lumberjack in the missing pieces scenes in 'Fire Walk with me'. The Secret History explains that Sam had built two houses on blue Pine mountain where the government listening post was to be installed. Was his murder intentional? It's all getting me thinking about Major Briggs, and listening post Alpha, Gordon Cole's connection to Nixon. There seems to be more at work in the history of the town than it first seems.
Another interesting link is that Sam proposed in the woods above Pearl lakes near Gladstonbury grove which she called 'the heart of the forest', they married at 'the chapel in the woods' where Norma, Hank, Ed and Nadine were all married, but Sam Lanterman was killed by a fire the next day. We know from the season finale of Season 2 that margaret's husband had a jar of scorched engine oil which he said was a 'gateway' therefore it seems highly likely that Sam Lanterman entered the black lodge, so it does fit he would have been in the scene 'Above the convenience store'.
God there's just so much to pull apart in this series it's unbelievable.
Someone from reddit has pulled apart the chronology of mythology pretty weel, don't know how much it's going to adhere to such a rigid canon, but it is interesting:"
- Twin Peaks has a portal between the real world and Black Lodge
- Laura Palmer was most beloved in Twin Peaks
- Garmonbozia / pain + sorrow is sustenance for BOB + Black Lodgers
- Abusing Laura is best way to create pain + sorrow in close proximity to portal. BOB secured direct access, inhabited her father Leland
- BOB didn't want to share Laura or the Garmonbozia he got from her; other Black Lodgers did not like this
- To protect Laura, or get some Garmonbozia for other Black Lodgers, The Arm, swapped Laura with a doppelganger
- Laura remained in Black Lodge, only appearing in Coop's dreams and eventual visits
- DoppelLaura, rather than passively allow BOB to abuse her and keep all the Garmonbozia for himself, acts out, making her own pain + sorrow more public and creating it for others
- BOB, having lost control of Laura and her Garmonbozia, kills DoppelLaura. Real Laura, being unable to swap, remains in Black Lodge
- Coop arrives post-murder; good-hearted, spiritual, open-minded, and a damn fine detective...these traits make him a perfect partner for The Arm to help restore Laura...Black Lodgers start contacting him gearing him up to challenge BOB
- Maddy arrives. The Arm intends to send Laura back to inhabit or share Maddy. Maddy is to Laura what Dougy would have been to Coop (BOB/Doppelcoop messed with the transfer so they share Garmonbozia, and he's not fully functional like Room Service Waiter)
- Before BOB kills Maddy, Black Lodger The Giant tries to warn Coop. Coop doesn't heed the warning because he has yet to fully believe in the existence and power of the Black Lodge and its occupants, but this convinces him.
- BOB, in a huge rift with The Arm, kills Maddy to spite him and get in the way of his plans--if BOB can't have Laura to himself, nobody can! BOB pays a penance--the Garmonbozia acquired from Leland, with whose inhabitance he has taken too far, and going to have to move on
- As BOB leaves Leland, Coop is right there to make himself an obvious next target. Back at Black Lodge, BOB and Doppelcoop conspire
- Coop ventures into the Black Lodge to save Annie--a trap. Doppelcoop, with BOB, race him to the exit (credit John Thorne) and beat him out, real Coop remains stuck in Black Lodge
- The Arm lost. Not only is Laura stuck, but so is Coop, along with Leland who was already a goner. BOB roams earth free in DoppelCoop
- Leland is stuck in Black Lodge forever. He implores Coop to at least find Laura to give her peace
- Laura is allowed to send Coop a message, but sent right back to non-existence (revealed to him when removing her face) after to her dismay
- Doppelcoop/BOB wants the coordinates of the portal/ glass box in New York City, a new loophole he wants to control. The show plays with time, and I'm guessing Doppelcoop/BOB is the Las Vegas man, he finds the coordinates, and Tracy is the girl hired to get inside and report back. The guard is gone when she shows up because Doppelcoop/BOB got rid of him somehow. The Being that kills Tracy and Sam is likely Laura stopping the information from getting to Doppelcoop/BOB. I'd have said it's The Arm, but it was clearly female.
- Burned Man in the jail cell was a Black Lodge inhabitant leaving Hastings' body now that the job is done, unsure where else Hastings/Davenport fit in, but the headless body is likely Garland Briggs. Wouldn't be surprised if the entire Hastings/Davenport narrative is just about Doppelcoop/BOB getting some information and covering tracks.
- All of this activity is unprecedented, screwing things up in the real world...represented by lots of Black Lodge crossover, with multiple characters talking backwards (119 Woman, Lucy, Doppelcoop...)
- Unsure who else opposes Doppelcoop/BOB, impersonating Philip Jeffries, likely living associates of Garland Briggs. This is the biggest gap in my understanding, as the voice on the other end seems to be more in control than Doppelcoop/BOB or The Arm, which suggests a higher presence in the narrative, which would throw my theories off.
- The Arm helps Coop with slot machines so he has resources to get his strength back
- Hawk will find the Twin Peaks portal in forest, unsure what will transpire since Coop already came through the new portal, but hopefully this helps restore his faculties
- The continuing narrative hinges around Coop regaining strength and BOB finding a way to remain outside Black Lodge.
One night when everyone was drinking at this big party, Edwin was alone with Sarah in the other room, everyone was blind on Ketamine, but there was this big ruckus from the other room, and when Edwin came out he had blood all over his shirt.
No one said anything at first, but then Lucy said she noticed, even though she was drugged up and a little bit out of it, she saw the blood on Edwin's shirt and screamed out 'What the fuck did you do Ratter?', then Edwin had apparently just snarled and stumbled down the stairs to the back entrance of the warehouse.
Lucy said she then stumbled into the room that Edwin and Sarah had been in, it was dark, and the red celophaned lamp wasn't providing much illumination, until Lucy turned on the light switch and lit up the room. She found Sarah lying on her back. There was blood all over the hardwood floor, and Sarah was covered in bruises, her face was mangled and her was swollen into a big purple lump, she wasn't wearing any pants or underwear and their was blood coming out of her vagina. Lucy fell on top of Sarah and tried to shake her, but she was unconscious.
Then Lucy had stumbled out, burst into tears, and that's when she had gone up to Frank, who was also high and talking to some other members of the cult. Lucy had told Frank that something was wrong with Sarah and that she needed help, but Frank had just ignored her and told her he was busy.
She had apparently got so upset and just broken down on the floor screaming 'Someone call a fucking ambulance.'
So yeah. Lucy said from that day onwards she hated Frank.
It really bugged me, but Brad and Lucy were flirting again in the book club chat the other day. Lucy kept kissing her ring, and saying how much she loved it, then they were talking about going to an AFL match on Sunday, flirting and laughing and goofing around. It got me so angry because they were turning the book club into something totally different to what it really was.
I've been really getting into the styxhexenhammer666guy recently. His occult video's are really interesting:
I'm very interested in the speculation about this occult book 'The Book of the Key and the Lock' and i'm definitely going to try and seek out more information on that. The article first mentions the book here, but I can't decipher if any of the members of the cult owned that book or not:
I've also been having conversations with Mina, I knew she knew more about this than she was letting on, so I recently learned that she remembered these thread from the 4chan paranormal board /x/ which are mentioned in the hubpages article:
Lucy is first mentioned by Tarah in this post:
I found it interesting that the article mentioned that it was Lucy's idea to bring the cult online, because she had never mentioned anything like that to me. The article also speculates that Lucy was posting online and calling herself 'The Mouth of Truth'. She definitely never mentioned that to me, and it doesn't fit with her instagram profile. That picture is definitely of Lucy when she was younger though. This stuff about painting symbols around the city is really crazy though! What sort of insane cult is this?
Well this is interesting. Showtime is promoting the fact that every intro has a slight variation. I wonder what that could mean?
Ok so. Basically I had been talking to Mina a lot and I was really interrogating her, like trying to see what she really knew about Frank, and what she knew about this online journal VOX or 'Voices of X' or whatever it was called. Basically Mina was a little bit cryptic, but she said that she used to go on the VOX threads. She said it was actually a lot more harmless than people make it out to be. Apparently it was just a close knit group of people who were friends, who would share these stories with each other about synchronous moments in their lives, weird coincidences and incidents of fate, and they were just trying to analyse the meaning of them. It wasn't nearly as sinister as people have said it was. Mina said she was never actively that involved, as she was more interested in people's stories in an artistic way. So basically she would just contribute her gothic artworks to some of the threads, and sometimes she would contribute to something which the contributors to the threads were calling 'Zeners'. I can't completely understand what the purpose of these collages were, except that people in the group have described that they were attempting to 'Tap into the collective unconscious' or portray 'Dreamscapes' or something. You can get an idea of how weird some of these images were:
Some of them actually have Twin Peaks references, like this one clearly mentions the black lodge, which is strange:
Anyway, I keep mentioning Frank's name, and i'm trying to probe Mina if she knows anything about Lucy and taking the cult online, because i've never heard anything about that from Lucy, and i'm afraid to bring it up. Then Mina is like 'Shush. Shush. Stopping saying that name.'
I find that all really strange, but I keep saying Frank, and then she says 'If I show you something that will answer a lot of questions for you, will you stop saying that name?' I say 'Definitely', and then suddenly she adds me to this other Skype group, from what I can see there's about 130 people in the group, and it has no name. The first thing I ask when I come into the chat is 'What is this group?'
There were only about 10 active people in the chat, and they were apparently in the middle of the conversation, and I remember a user named 'Bluedemon' wrote the first message in the chat and they seemed to be discussing 'The King in Yellow' and other related horror fiction. This is how the chat went:
Blue Demon: The Hastur Stuff is not canon. Personally I think the Derleth stuff and the Ramsay Campbell stuff is completely different. I don't think that Robert Chambers should be muddied into the Cthulu Mythos. Except 'The Whisperer in Darkness', and I think Bierce is separate too, even though he essential created Carcosa and Hastur. I'm a disciple of Joe Pulver, and for me his definition of canon is the official one.
Mr C: What about True Detective?
Jeffrey: Pulver is great, have you read the 'The Madness of Calligari' anthology. That blew my mind
Laura: Hi Underthefan (my skype username), welcome to the secret book club. You must be Mina's friend
Blue Demon: True detective is another beast entirely, I don't usually mix film fiction with classic novel mythos. Films are almost always adaptions, they bring a new visual aesthetic that is less about imaginative world building. Look at all the Lovecraft adaptions. You wouldn't really consider them Lovecraftian at all, they are just tributes. They become something else
Underthefan: Thanks Laura, I love your username. Yes. Mina invited me into the chat
Mina: Sorry. But he kept bugging me about Frank, and I know this is the place where it's ok to talk about Frank. So he can be quarantined here for the time being
Blue Demon: Oh shit! We got another quarantine
EdgarAllenPi: Welcome Francofile
Ben: Oh damn. Sorry underthefan, welcome to the outcast zone
Underthefan: Sorry, I don't really know what any of you are talking about
So that was pretty weird for me as you can imagine.. I won't post the entire chat, as there's pages and pages of dialogue and not all of it is relevant. But what I gathered from this group, first from the way the people in the group kept changing the name of the chat. Blue Demon changed the name of the chat to 'The Secret Book Club' and later a user called Stethescope changed the chat name to 'Chaos infernal', so it was hard to gage if the group really had a name at all. But it definately seemed like a book club, and I gathered that a lot of the group had come off of 4chan's /lit/ section because they would frequently post there and discuss their own posts. They were definitely a literature group and I soon managed to decipher that Frank must have been a member of this group at some point. It seemed to me that there was a suggestion that Frank had gone underground because of some sort of legal investigation? People had brought up following a police investigation linked to some crimes that happened on the West Coast of America, Las Vegas or Tijuana or something. I couldn't understand at all what the link was to Frank or the 'cult' and I couldn't garner if any of these people were original members of the cult.
Hmmm... so much speculation of the book of lock and key in this thread:
I've just had this idea about cubes and boxes. In the secret history of Twin Peaks. The dossier is found inside a lock box. Don't know the relevance of this right now. But it's just dwelling on me now, i'll return to this later:
Alright so to return to my story. I was spending time in the 'Secret Book club' chat, as well as the one Lucy was in. Meanwhile, I kept doing my own research on The Cult of Saturn, because I was not getting very much out of the members of the Secret book club. I knew they knew more about Frank than they were letting on, but everyone seemed paranoid about talking about him, because of some police investigation. Weirdly when I would bring up Frank's cult, Blue Demon would keep talking about this cult called 'The Family', an Australia cult, basically if you don't know anything about them it was this weird cult run by a woman, who died all the children's hair the same colour, and told them they were all part of the same family. Very strange. They made a documentary about them recently, here is the trailer:
It turns out that Julian Assange was involved with this cult the family from a young age. For those who don't know Julian Assange is the founder of 'wiki-leaks' who is currently facing extradition charges to Sweden. I'm not sure where all this is leading yet, I only know all these curious links are appearing for me:
"When he was a year old, his mother married Richard Brett Assange, an actor, with whom she ran a small theatre company. They divorced around 1979. Christine Assange then became involved with Leif Meynell, also known as Leif Hamilton, a member of Australian cult The Family, with whom she had a son before the couple broke up in 1982. Assange had a nomadic childhood, and had lived in over thirty. Australian towns by the time he reached his mid-teens, when he settled with his mother and half-brother in Melbourne, Victoria."
So I found out that Mina actually lived near to me in Hexton, Sydney Australia. She lived with her mother in Paddington, which was just such a revelation because I live in Kogarah. So we arranged to meet up and talk about all this cult stuff in Kings Cross. It was a Wednesday, and we met at 6pm beneath the neon coke sign in Kings Cross. I've gotta say, the coke sign looks pretty amazing lately, they've made it hypercoloured for vivid festival and it's really quite striking. Anyway, Mina was actually prettier in real life, I was kind of surprised. She's not like prom queen beautiful, but there's something really alluring about her eyes. So we went to get some burritos down at Guzman Y Gomez then Mina suggested we head over to 'The Golden Goose', which is a quiet little gaming room on Kellet Street which she said was quiet and we could have a drink and talk.
We talked a lot that night, over rum and cokes. Mina opened up to me about the whole 'Voices of X' thing, and she finally explained that she had met Frank online before, but not in person like Lucy. Basically she said that Frank used to be involved with the 'Secret Book club', and he wore a balaclava whenever they group skyped. She said he was weird, but a really interesting character. I was still trying to ask her for more information about Lucy, but she told me that she felt like she would be betraying Lucy's trust telling me any more about that, and that she only wanted to tell her things that happened to her herself. I said I was ok with that. There was this really weird guy on the poker machines at the Golden Goose, he looked like his face was covered in soot, kind of like a homeless person, but he seemed to have a lot of money in a plastic bag, and his beard was really dirty and looked like it had bark and bits of food stuck in it. He kept staring at us.
I asked Mina if she wanted to move into another room away from the creepy guy, and she said ok. We talked a lot about the Cult of Saturn, and she gave me some interesting leads in understanding it. I felt like I might have almost been developing feelings for Mina at this point. We didn't kiss or anything, in fact she said she had to leave early at about 9:00 because her mum would be waking up for her. So that was when the night ended. I'll try and compile some of the research i've been doing on this 'Cult of Saturn' group'
I still can't determine Lucy's involvement in the Cult spreading all this disinformation online, but it does look like the cult's first appearances were as early as 2009.
It certainly seems like this VOX journal was hijacked by the Cult of Saturn and used to promote their activities:
So much speculation on 4chan, they definitely infilitrated the board at some point, possibly for a big recruitment drive. It's hard to know how many people they recruited, but the biggest recruitment happened around 2012:
I found a lot of speculation on 'The Book of the Key and the Lock'
I now feel certain that the Cult of Saturn had a copy of this book, Mina confirmed that 'The Secret Book club' was mainly for people interested in classical horror literature and weird fiction, however when Frank was part of it, they were definitely discussing occult texts and grimoires constantly. I believe the book club may have even started out as an occult group, and that the book club element had emerged as a kind of cover story or faccade, to cover up whatever they were up to. I can't prove that though.
There's so much speculation on the esoteric meaning of the book in this thread I can't even condense it all. There's a lot of rambling, but a lot of interesting stuff for anyone who is interested in this:
Then I found a really weird thread on Godlike Productions where basically people were discussing the Cult of Saturn article, and people were saying that Lucy was the devil! That made me laugh:. It's so crazy, but there is some weird stuff here. They even called the thread Lucifer is a woman. I suppose they are playing with the name Lucy as a shortening of Lucifer. Seems like a stretch to me:
Too much to sort through. This is apparently the Cult of Saturn's blog:
Oddly it only lasts for about a year period. And coincides with that online zine. The old wave of 'False Prophet' magazine seems to end around September 2017:
Damn. Ok. There's something on the back end of this website too, I don't know if this supposed to be the actual 'Book of the Key and the Lock' or if it's a hoax:
Blacklab? Wasn't that the pharmaceutical company mentioned in the hubpages article?
God, this is utterly confounding.
This False Prophet website seems to go through random periods of inactivity. Most recently it was displaying a counter to the new series of Twin Peaks series for some reason, how very odd:
I guess these must be video's of Frank Webster (The leader of the Cult):
I would also love to see an appearance of Agents Chester Desmond and Sam Stanley, that would just be too cool for words. I really hope that some explanation of Chester Desmond's disappearance is given in the new season too.
29 May 2017
Jesus! Fuck!
The most horrible thing has happened.
I'm really getting out of my depth here
So much has happened in the last couple of days.
Ok so first of all, so I found at that Lucy was involved with pornography in the past! So that happened. Jesus Christ. I can't say everything about this obviously, but it turns out Lucy went on to do some modelling in 2012 which led her to be part of this website, i'm not going to say the name of the website. I'm not going to say anything which incriminates Lucy or anything. Holy fuck
Let's just see that this is the LEAST revealing of the videos she made:
Anyway. I guess Brad didn't know anything about this, because he found out and went APE SHIT. I've got to say, on some level I was happy about this. I just can't stand Brad and it was so good to see him pissed off. He posted this video of him putting his ring in an envelope and sending it back to Lucy. Then he left the chat threatening stuff about his contacts at Facebook and putting Lucy's porn all over the web. So Lucy was pretty upset about that.
We skyped later that night and Lucy was in this wild mood, because on this one level she was devastated about her fight with Brad, and really afraid that he would make good on his threats to publish her pornography videos publicly to her family or friends.
But then on the other hand she was really excited about this opportunity which had come up. Basically some woman named Sheryl from this publishing company 'Henry Lawson Publishing' had been following her instagram, and thought she had real talent so wanted to make this publishing deal, where they would do a one off issue magazine of her posts. Lucy was ecstatic about this, and she said it was like a dream fulfilled. So she was just switching between bursting into tears, and laughing, and I was really struggling to kind of gage with her on a single emotional level. Eventually she said she had to go.
So i've got a lot more to say about that, but this Mina thing is the most pressing thing for me, and it's really terrible. I think Mina might be missing, and so far no one really believes me.
It has something to do with this cult, and what we were looking into. It all has something to do with what happened a week ago when we met up. Mina messaged me on Skype, and she said she wanted to meet up again because she had some things to tell me, and something that she wanted to show me.
So we meet up at Kings Cross library, I don't know why she chose there, but she said she had been looking at some books in regards to something weird which happened in the area 50 years ago. She didn't really elaborate on the situation more than that, but she said that they didn't really have the books she need and that she needed to go to the library at Bourkeley University. Anyway, I asked her why she had invited me out, and she said first I had to see something she had found, so she led me around the backstreets, down Bayswater and onto Ward Street.
Then she showed me these weird symbols which were graffitied on the walls, one was near the subway, and one was behind the main strip. God, I should've taken photo's at the time, but I didn't think of it. It was only later when I remembered that hubpages article and I realised that they were the same symbols that the Cult of Saturn had apparently been painting around the place:
I asked Mina if she knew how the symbols got there, and she said 'No' but it really felt like she knew more than she was letting on about. I asked mina what she thought about Lucy and the whole porn website thing, and she said she REALLY didn't want to talk about that.
'So what did you bring me out here for?' I asked, 'Didn't you say you want to ask me something?'
So Mina took this envelope out of her pocket, and looked at me like I should know what it was. Then she opened it, and took out this ring, and now I could see it was the silver emu ring that Lucy had given to Brad, that matched her own silver ring with the Kangaroo on it.
'Where did you get that?' I asked
'Brad must have sent it to me' she said
'What why?'
'I don't know' Mina had said
Then she said she was really worried about getting involved in this thing at all, and she hoped that Lucy wouldn't be mad at her. I told her she should just tell Lucy and that it definitely wouldn't be bad if she was just honest about it. After all, it was Brad who was the one who was being an asshole here.
Mina seemed really distracted and anxious.
Finally she resolved something inside herself and said, 'There's something else i've got to show you' and she motioned to follow her. We walked for ages, and I was asking 'Where are we going?' But she just didn't say anything. We got on a bus and tapped our Opal cards and headed down William Street on the bus.
I stopped asking questions about where we were going, and just sat there, Mina was in a weird mood and pretty silent. We sat on the bus for ages, it won't through the city, down Broadway and eventually onto King Street. Finally Mina motioned to get up, and we got off in Newtown.
We walked down King Street for a while, and there were lots of people out, the streets were really busy, but Mina lead me around this backstreet i'd never been before, and we came to this weird old bookshop called 'Dead Tomes'. It looked like a real goth hang out. The bricks were painted black, and there were purple drapes in the windows. I could see a lot of occult themed books inside the glass pane, the doorway was really narrow, but Mina pushed through the beads and lead me into the book store. As I was about to walk in, I saw this really weird Korean guy, he was standing further down the alley and seemed to be staring at me, one of his eyes was off coloured, slightly green whilst his other eye was dark brown. I felt a little shudder and entered the 'Dead Tomes' book store. There was a jingling bell as we entered.
The book store was a lot bigger when we entered. It smelt like musk incense and old matresses. The store was really long, and stretched down about twenty metres. But the way the store was laid out, there didn't seem to be much stock. Not books anyway. A lot of basin's were filled with bric a brac, and occult stuff. Ouija boards, divining rods, tarot cards, candles, ornaments, statues, and jewellery, runes. A lot of the books were old, which was weird for this sort of shop, they usually had modern stock, but this was obviously stocking really old second hand books.
So, basically I had no idea what the hell was going on until Mina introduced me to this guy who worked in the store. He was this really pale, pimply goth guy with long black hair, almost looked like Marylin Manson. Mina said 'This is Lamarch' and I said hi. Then Mina said 'My friend wants to know about the Cult of Saturn, so you can tell him all about that can't you Lamarch.' Finally I got the idea. The lanky goth guy groaned, and said 'You really love bringin' em in here don't you Mina. So what's Frank done now?'
Anyway I can't explain everything that's going on now. I'm going to have to make another post.
Basically, Lamarch told me about the Cult, he knew Frank and apparently was involved with the cult online, and he said they used to build these satanic virtual reality spaces or something. I don't know. It was really weird. Then Mina told Lamarch to get me this book to borrow, and Lamarch went out the back of the store and got this bookIt was this really scratchy old black leather book, with gold leaf lettering called 'The Doorway to Saturn' or something like that. I noticed it had simlilar weird symbols to the one the cult had allegedly painted around the place.
I can't explain everything about the book or anything else right now. But let me just say, that Mina skyped me two days ago, in this really weird state of mind. She said she had found some kind of 'key'. I couldn't tell if she was talking about an actual key or a code breaking key because she kept mentioning cyphers and other things. Then she was really paranoid about some Korean guy who was following her, I asked what the guy looked like, and her description sounded a lot like the guy I saw outside the 'Dead Tomes' bookshop in Newtown.
Mina said she had talked to Randolph when he was going under the username 'The Other Lone gunman' which just seemed crazy to me. She must have spoken to him months before I did, and apparently he had been interested in learning information about the cult, and she had told him what she knew.
Anyway, Mina was totally panicking and I could barely understand what she was talking about. But she said that she got a lot of answers from this book she had made me borrow 'The door to Saturn'. Then she kept talking about these 'keystones' that she had found on various old buildings along King Street. She seemed to find importance in the carvings on these old keystones, she said one depicted the Ancietn Greek God 'Mars', and one depicted the Greek God 'Jupiter' and one depicted the Roman God 'Saturn'. And she was convinced that there was some kind of architectural puzzle left in these old buildings by the people that built them. I don't know it was really weird.
She kept sending me links to these videos by this Australian vlogger she was obsessed with called 'halfasheep' who posts all these occult themed video's about Australia. She kept talking about the bavarian illuminati and freemason symbolism in architecture
Then she says she's got to go and she's in a real hurry. She hangs up on me on skype.
But she still send me a few more random messages about how she had decoded the secret messages, and how she had located the gateway?Then that's the last time I spoke to her. She totally disappeared offline, and maybe i'm worrying too much, but it's not like her. I mean -- literally ALL of her social media sites are dead, and offline. She hasn't posted any instagram or twitter since that call.
I'm just so confused right now. All of this has been way too much, and i'm not sure how I feel about anything.
I'm going to start reading the 'Doorway to Saturn' book tonight. Already flipping through it I can see that it's a really weird book. There's a whole section in the middle which has been torn out, and all these passengers which have been highlighted with a rectangle.

I'll definitely do another post soon, and hopefully this all resolves itself and Mina is ok. This would be the third friend of mine who has slipped into obscurity, and I just don't like the whole feeling i'm getting. Everything revolves around that weird cult, and i'm afraid to ask about this in the secret book club. This is really weird, but I suddenly have this memory of that Korean guy I saw at the store, when me and Mina met up for the first time and had a drink at that bar on Kellet Street. I swear I saw that same guy hanging around outside Maggie's. The weird old brothel with the red curtains.