I’m writing this blog for anyone else who has opened up the pandora’s box that is Mark Frost’s ‘The Secret History of Twin Peaks’ and finds themselves peeling bandages off old wounds of jagged conspiracy, agonising over new clues and sweeping the ocean floor to understand the Cthonic mysteries of the Lynchian/Frostian universe.
The nostalgic leanings of the series creators merges with modern technology and the new media in an unprecedented type of media hype which the world has never seen before, as the crowd waits pensively for the curtain to draw over the mystery of the new series.
Imaginations run wild. With the release due anytime, speculation about the air date beckons. Good sources still suggest this countdown website may be linked to the release date of Season 3:http://www.falseprophet-hq.com/
Meanwhile, the mental imagination of the world is turned towards a small semi fictional town bordering Washington state in America.
I have gone to great length to pull apart the central mysteries of the book, and I hope this will aid others who are tasking themselves with the same confounding quest.
Since I first purchased the epistolary novel {which takes the form of a dossier of primary documents archived over multiple centuries}, the book has become a kind of key, or cipher, and it has in many ways ; opened many strange doorways for me (Which I will discuss later in this post).
Those who have followed a similar path to mine will no doubt have new archetypal ghosts haunting their mind; A receipt for purchase of a Buick roadmaster, A 1939 Corona standard typewriter, a Chapel in the woods, Fat Trout trailer park, Pearl Lakes, Wind River, a circle of twelve sycamore trees and a can of creamed corn. Sometimes the only way to interpret the facts is to lay them all out in front of you and arrange them in a suitable manner.
In 1805, we are told, William Clark was invited to an indian lodge by an unknown man, (those who are familiar with Twin Peaks mythology will no doubt associate this with the infamous 'black lodge') a nightmarish lucid space which exists on the border of our reality, after the most agonising 25 year cliff hanger, we saw our beloved protagonist special Agent Dale Cooper have his soul torn apart from within this darkened space in the final episode of season 2. With the fresh understanding that the 'dugpa' or dark denizens of the black lodge, have been intervening in our reality for two centuries or more, we are given an ominous time scale to work with. The mythology of Twin Peaks, which has been waiting in the darkness for a quarter century, has now leapt out at us from all directions, coming to threaten and alter the past before us, and the future in front of us, like some time travelling terminator of doom. We too feel the apocalyptic revelations upon us, like Sarah Palmer, as the white horse of change appears in our living room.
According to the new text, in that same year...1805.... Merriwether Lewis writes to Thomas Jefferson and then proceeds to meet Captain Clark at the village of twisted hair, from Lewis' writings we learn that William Clark has retrieved the 'owl cave ring' from the region which will become Twin Peaks. Twisted hair notes that the ring looks like an owl when turned upside down and relates to the 'spirit world'. The book makes careful note that Jefferson and Lewis were both Freemasons, so given their relationship to William Clark, and the fact that Clark himself seems to have been in and out of the nefarious 'black lodge', perhaps we can assume that Clark has made alliance with the nefarious 'dugpa'... In 1805, we are privy to another letter written by Thomas Jefferson, in which Jefferson talks about a certain madness which has infected Merriwether Lewis as he rants about a 'fire that burns, but does not consume', and also notes that Lewis claims to have had an encounter with 'A silent man', which could perhaps be Bob, the Man from another place, or one of the other many odd characters Peaks fans are familiar with. We are told that Meriwether Lewis founded the first Masonic lodge in St Louis and initiated William Clark into it. Is the mythology of Twin Peaks spreading itself too thinly over too much ground? Or are Peaks fans just more comfortable with the devil they knew?
Before we move on, it might be wise to make some final adjustments to the notes about the Jefferson era strand of 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' We are told that Meriwether Lewis financed 'The Gazette' for a tough frontier colony of no more than 300 people. If this fact is suggesting that the Twin Peaks gazette has long been financed by a freemasonic organisation of some form, then perhaps we are to assume that later journalists including one Dwayne Milford Junior and Robert Jacoby may also be torn by certain biases. Agent Tamara Preston notes that the great seal of the one dollar bill was supposedly passed to Thomas Jefferson one dark night by a mysterious hooded figure who just as quickly vanished.
In 1809, we are given facts about Meriwether Lewis' last night, where we are told he arrived alone at a log cabin lodging known as grinders stand. Given the history of wood in Twin Peaks, the dissapearance of Josie, and later references made by one Jack Parsons, we might assume this wood cabin also has links to the black lodge. Agitated and ranting about enemies, worrying a leather pouch around his neck Lewis seems aware of his impending death. We are made aware that Jefferson Lewis had the ring. As historical accounts confirm, there is a great struggle heard in Lewis' room and then a gunshot. We are told that Lewis gold watch is stolen by Neely, along with many of his papers being rifled through including documents reporting about corruption within the government and other institutions. We also learn Lewis' leather pouch is empty, suggesting the Jade ring has therefore been stolen by Neely. The owl cave ring becomes a central element to the mystery of 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' just as it was made so in Lynch's film 'Fire walk with me'.
-Another detail mentioned in the book is Merriwether Lewis bloodied Masonic apron, from the archivists investigations into the death we learn that the blood on the apron does not belong to Merriwether Lewis but two two other individuals, which perhaps suggests that Lewis was trying to fend off his attackers. Curiously the archivist also emphasises that Lewis was sent to investigate the route of the 'Northwest passage' to the Pacific before his mysterious death, to investigate 'strange rumours' and claims stemming from this region, (Including an unknown tribe of white Indians, gold and silver mines, mastodons, sea monsters, quasi mythical beasts, and vanished civilisations such as mysterious race of giants). This opens up the Twin Peaks mythology even wider, suggesting that secret societies are perhaps in charge of keeping Fortean phenomena at bay. The paranormal has always been a strong presence in the Twin Peaks series, and the 'black lodge' mythology and salvation of Laura Palmer in 'Fire Walk with me' could also be seen as an exploration of the idea of the afterlife by the creators, as well as the obvious thematic exploration of the idea of evil, Bob being 'The evil that men do'

As part of 'The Secret history of Twin Peaks' expansion of it's own particular mythology by including reports in the 19th Century of a skeleton of giant found under an indian burial mound. The introduction of the giants into the mythology of Twin Peaks, seems to place the denizens of the lodges in a very real parallel world to our own, not unlike rumours of places such as 'Atlantis' or 'Narnia'. The Peaks mythology uses the supernatural, both as an active presence, and as a surrealistic metaphor to analyse the meaning of existence.
The next section of the book skips to the 1870's when white prospectors first discover gold in the region of Twin Peaks. The book sets up a couple of sinister gold diggers who seem integral to the central mystery, as well as painting a noble picture of the local indian tribe, the Nez Perce. We learn that the indian's met on friendly terms by Meriwether Lewis are eventually betrayed and sent to a reservation. In some rather moving speeches Chief Joseph calls on 'great spirit chief' and 'sky people' and speaks about justice, suggesting that future events of Twin Peaks may be intrinsically linked by the sins of the past inhabitants of Twin Peaks. In 1877 chief Joseph surrenders to General Howard which, we are told ended the last war between the United States and a Native American nation, (Now I can't help but wonder if there is a narrative link here between the surrender of Chief Joseph and the confusing inconsistency of Jacoby's analysis of Ben Horne's mental breakdown, Horne we know was originally coaxed to win the civil war, but in the book is apparently coaxed to surrender as General Lee)
Frost is emphasising the negative energy created by a war of civilisations finding it's zenith in the area of Twin Peaks, which certainly holds a powerful weight, as Chief Joseph finally claims there will one day 'come a reckoning' , before his people are moved to a reservation and Joseph himself allegedly dies of broken heart in 1904 in Washington state. Whilst the use of conjuring the devil and suggestions of witchcraft tied to stories about Native Americans can be cringe-worthy at times, the genius loci and negative energy in Twin Peaks caused by war and death is handled verily sensitively by Frost here.
In fact some of the first devilish characters introduced into the novel appear to be white prospectors and mischievious criminals, such as the intriguing Denver Bob and Liver eating Johnson. It may be worth noting at this point, that the photo of 'liver eating johnson' is the first photo which appears saturated with a red hue. This is evidently linked to the fact that all of Agent Tamara Preston's notes are in red, and so are any references which she includes such as the Johnson photo. However there seems to be more than meets the eye here, as red and blue elements of the book later become important in the text.The next section of the book skips to the 1870's when white prospectors first discover gold in the region of Twin Peaks. The book sets up a couple of sinister gold diggers who seem integral to the central mystery, as well as painting a noble picture of the local indian tribe, the Nez Perce. We learn that the indian's met on friendly terms by Meriwether Lewis are eventually betrayed and sent to a reservation. In some rather moving speeches Chief Joseph calls on 'great spirit chief' and 'sky people' and speaks about justice, suggesting that future events of Twin Peaks may be intrinsically linked by the sins of the past inhabitants of Twin Peaks. In 1877 chief Joseph surrenders to General Howard which, we are told ended the last war between the United States and a Native American nation, (Now I can't help but wonder if there is a narrative link here between the surrender of Chief Joseph and the confusing inconsistency of Jacoby's analysis of Ben Horne's mental breakdown, Horne we know was originally coaxed to win the civil war, but in the book is apparently coaxed to surrender as General Lee)
Frost is emphasising the negative energy created by a war of civilisations finding it's zenith in the area of Twin Peaks, which certainly holds a powerful weight, as Chief Joseph finally claims there will one day 'come a reckoning' , before his people are moved to a reservation and Joseph himself allegedly dies of broken heart in 1904 in Washington state. Whilst the use of conjuring the devil and suggestions of witchcraft tied to stories about Native Americans can be cringe-worthy at times, the genius loci and negative energy in Twin Peaks caused by war and death is handled verily sensitively by Frost here.
There seems to be a very obvious code in the nature of what is red and what is blue in the book. Whilst many on the internet have already made observations of some images which are enhanced by the use of 3D glasses, there is a deeper layer at work even than this. A concise list of all the images which are in red follows; the photograph of Liver eating Johnson, Marjorie Cameron, Nixon and Jackie Gleeson, Robert Jacoby, doc Hayward, Carl Rodd, Thomas Eckhardt (All of these are included in Tamara Preston's notes which are all in red. Other red pictures include Tommy Hill 'Hawk', Lawrence Jacoby in his own book (actually half red and half blue) the big red circle, small red square ring and box on Jacoby's book. The bohemian grove owl, illuminati logo and Alien head are all differentiated from blue to red.
Other stranger editions include the note by Audrey Horne, which is in pink along with her photograph. This is mimicked by the Robert Jacoby funeral invite, which is also in pink, as is the eulogy of Margaret Lanterman. Is there some link being made here to Audrey's near death at the bank and the death of Robert Jacoby? Maybe that both of them survive? Leland is coloured in pink, whilst a super imposed image of Bob is in red, Laura's photo is also pink, and Lana's photo is ambiguously purple.
There are various elements which are purely blue, which includes, if one looks very closely - the archivists writing.... Jacoby's medical reports on Nadine and Ben Horne, Jacoby's dismissal as well as some other official documents. Given that Jacoby's analysis on the colours that 'Red suppresses the logical, whilst 'blue suppresses the intuitive'. What does this infer about the writing of the archivist, versus the writing of Tamara Preston, and all the aforementioned images and documents. Perhaps only time will answer that question, but one might immediately infer that TP's red notes 'suppress the logical' and are therefore untrustworthy, whilst the archivist's notes are blue and therefore trustworthy.
There seems to be a very obvious code in the nature of what is red and what is blue in the book. Whilst many on the internet have already made observations of some images which are enhanced by the use of 3D glasses, there is a deeper layer at work even than this. A concise list of all the images which are in red follows; the photograph of Liver eating Johnson, Marjorie Cameron, Nixon and Jackie Gleeson, Robert Jacoby, doc Hayward, Carl Rodd, Thomas Eckhardt (All of these are included in Tamara Preston's notes which are all in red. Other red pictures include Tommy Hill 'Hawk', Lawrence Jacoby in his own book (actually half red and half blue) the big red circle, small red square ring and box on Jacoby's book. The bohemian grove owl, illuminati logo and Alien head are all differentiated from blue to red.
Other stranger editions include the note by Audrey Horne, which is in pink along with her photograph. This is mimicked by the Robert Jacoby funeral invite, which is also in pink, as is the eulogy of Margaret Lanterman. Is there some link being made here to Audrey's near death at the bank and the death of Robert Jacoby? Maybe that both of them survive? Leland is coloured in pink, whilst a super imposed image of Bob is in red, Laura's photo is also pink, and Lana's photo is ambiguously purple.
There are various elements which are purely blue, which includes, if one looks very closely - the archivists writing.... Jacoby's medical reports on Nadine and Ben Horne, Jacoby's dismissal as well as some other official documents. Given that Jacoby's analysis on the colours that 'Red suppresses the logical, whilst 'blue suppresses the intuitive'. What does this infer about the writing of the archivist, versus the writing of Tamara Preston, and all the aforementioned images and documents. Perhaps only time will answer that question, but one might immediately infer that TP's red notes 'suppress the logical' and are therefore untrustworthy, whilst the archivist's notes are blue and therefore trustworthy.

I'm not sure if there is any importance to the fact that the appearance of the owl with the superimposed tesseract, owl and all seeing eye appears during the Packard section of the novel. However it is noteworthy that the book mentions that Andrew Packard was a member of the grand freemason lodge.
We are given an outline on the activities of Denver Bob and some other criminal type looking for gold. We are told that they found gold in a stream, and have a map but can't find the gold mine itself. There is a very strange description of a horrible sight viewed by the miners, of four legged platforms made of timber, two of which had bodies on top who's eyes had been 'picked clean by vultures'. The pair find owl cave and draw the map to the black lodge which they find on the cave wall, and therefore we know has origins over a century ago. Denver Bob runs off leaving his gear and apparently dissapears, perhaps finding the black lodge, however we do not know wether this character has any link with Bob, the mysterious spirit who probably murdered Laura Palmer.
A spencer rifle with D.B carved on it is found, and agent Preston notes that Wayne Chance was probably the other guy, wether the immediate phrase that springs to mind is a mindless red herring 'Wayne chance out between two worlds' remains currently unknown.
Before continuing my analysis of 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' I should expand on some of the strange events that have happened to me lately. Of course you are welcome to read my previous blog entry:
But basically to recap, my friend who is a freemason recently opened up to me about his mistrust of the organisation, that, as a third degree mason he had been invited to move up the ladder of the secret thirty three degrees. He called me out of the blue and started his paranoid rant, and as I had just begun reading 'the Secret History of Twin Peaks' at this point, the event effected me greatly.
But basically to recap, my friend who is a freemason recently opened up to me about his mistrust of the organisation, that, as a third degree mason he had been invited to move up the ladder of the secret thirty three degrees. He called me out of the blue and started his paranoid rant, and as I had just begun reading 'the Secret History of Twin Peaks' at this point, the event effected me greatly.
A couple of weeks ago, this same friend, Michael Wheaton, invited me to a party in the North Shore of Sydney. I went along to this party and immediately realised I was in very strange company when I got there. I met some very rich and eccentric people at this party, and I will go into a lot more detail about them further in this post, but first I should preface that my friend had an almost total mental breakdown after this party. He said some very strange things to me that night, mainly about something to do with his father, who had also had his own experiences with mental illness in the past.
Michael's dad apparently told him of an experience he had when he was younger of taking Ahuasca in the South American jungle and the mystical hallucinations which he had experienced during this 'trip'. Mr Wheaton said that during his visions of an alternate reality to ours he had talked to a 'robot squirrel' who had told him that at certain points alternate realities converge on one another and 'gifted' people are given access to visions from alternate planes of existence. This experience apparently obsessed Mr Wheaton, (Who was also a Freemason) until he apparently had a mental breakdown where he became obsessed with finding secret coded messages in Leo Tolstoy's 'war and peace' and had to spend a long time in hospital. Before he died Mr Wheaton had apparently told Micheal that 'reality is just a dream', and this concept was now obsessing my friend Michael.
I'll return to the story of my friend Michael Wheaton's breakdown later in the post, but for now back to 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks'
The saga of the Packards is becoming one of the more important story arc's in Twin Peaks cannon, given the introduction of Andrew and Catherine's ancestors in 'The secret history...'. The Packard mystery was always an essential plot to the series, which can be proved by the fact that, Ben Horne and other characters become almost stagnant after Laura Palmer's murder is solved, but the Packard lands property plot continues to brew, and only becomes more prominent with the return of Andrew Packard. It is a plot that was buried in the story right from the beggining and which grows exponentially. It is worth noting a few things, Catherine is a Packard, and not a Martell untill she marries Pete.
In 1890, we know James Packard arrives in Twin Peaks from Boston and lays claim to white tails falls. The Packard timber company became the economic engine for Twin Peaks, and therefore the entire modern story of the town is dictated by the Packards. Whilst the Martell family, (Who we know little of other than Pete) were already residents of the town, and they may have some sort of link to the Renault family who cross the border with Canada.
We are shown a previous unknown link between the Packard family and the Horne family, who apparently built the Bijou Opera House which opens in 1918, and we assume may make an appearance in Season 3. The Packards and the Martells we are told are the prominent families in the exploitation of the land around Twin Peaks. It is worth noting that we are told about the 'Night of the burning river' in which much devastation happens, paralleling the later fire which causes the death of Margaret Lanterman's husband, and seems to herald odd significance with the cryptic phrase 'fire walk with me'.
A fundamental theme which pops up again and again in Twin peaks, is the transformation of characters toward deformity as they are inhabited by evil, which can be seen in Leland's grey hair, Mike's missing arm, and Cooper's chilling breakdown. This theme is once again explored in the narrative of Andrew Packard.
Andrew Packard submits an article to the Twin Peaks gazette describing a formative experience he has in Ghostwood forest. Packard describes how his cub group 'split into two groups and while the first group worked on setting up the tents, gathering wood and organising dinner, Scoutmaster Milford led this author and two of my fellow scouts on a climb further up into the woods."
Milford takes them into a clearing and asks them to record maps. Their compass reading goes off the charts, needles swinging wildly. They all witness the circle of trees we know of as Glastonbury grove, and are told that Andrew Packard stood in the gateway as a child. Does this suggest that Andrew Packard has himself been to the black lodge? Mayor Milford tells story of owl cave and a one armed man, which suggests that the Mayor knows more than we may assume, like his brother Dougie. Andrew Packard says he sees a giant here too, and Tamara Preston notes that Packard is involved in community organisations including; the rotary, the optimists club, the Elk lodge, and the local Masonic lodge.
This seems like a good point to return temporarily to the story of my freemason friend Michael Wheaton, and the strange coded ravings he unleashed at the party I attended in Milson's Point. Michael told me that the world is coded with a layer of metaphysical meaning which the initiated learns more and more about and becomes attuned to. He seemed to believe that he had been targeted by an invisible fraternity of 'ancient masters' who inhabited the veil 'behind the curtain' of our reality. He was paranoid that him spilling secrets was causing him to be targeted by powerful men who operated inside an elite circuit. It's hard to explain the erratic behaviour that night. But to give you some idea, at one point Michael came out to me, high on something, he had poured talcom powder all over his face and was chanting cryptic phrases such as 'I am the dog of the moon. There is no God backwards.' He seemed to delight in introducing me to the colourful characters at the party as if he was somehow pulling me toward the same terrible fate, initiating me into his world. One of the people I met was a naval general, who was in charge of the Australian army fleet which permanently resides around Elizabeth Bay. He had a lot of strange badges on his regalia, including what looked like a gum tree on fire, and a kangaroo skull. There was the guy who wore black, with the thick rectangular moustache who Michael introduced as 'Black dragon'. There was the curator of the Sydney Opera House, the Mayor of Parramatta, the archbishop of Sydney and many other figures of wealth and power. Probably the person who turned out to be the most influential on my own life was a man named Mick O'donnely. But I'll tell you more about him later in the post.
Returning to the secret history, we learn that Douglas was expelled from the Scouts after certain incidents, and became the town drunk. Milford leaves town after the crash of '29, and dissapears for much of the 30's. We know he enlists in the army in 1941. We also learn that Milford was apparently at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
There is a rather important document here, which seems to be emphasised as an ongoing clue in the book. The archivists typewriter uses I's in lieu of 1's, as do other documents which are purported to be primary sources. In 1947, July 14 Douglas Milford apparently purchases a Buick roadmaster as suggested by the receipt, which is in blue typography and may well be forged as suggested by the I's for 1's. The Buick was apparently sold by one 'Bob J Hart', wether this is related in anyway to the serial killer 'Bob' or the mysterious denver Bob in any shape or form, we currently do not know.
Twin Peaks often utilises a dream logic to personify a kind of lurking evil.
This seems to be the same lurking evil which my friend Michael Wheaton became paranoid about before he was hospitalised. Since that night, I haven't seen Michael and he is fairly unresponsive to me. Weirdly, I did have interaction with someone from the party after those curious events. Mick O'Donnely was a grey haired man, with a mysterious but gentle face. He introduced himself to me at the party, oddly, as if he already knew me, and asked me if I was 'a friend of Michael'. I told him I was and he began telling me about himself. He told me he worked for ASIO, so when I told him that I worked as an industrial designer, he asked me if I would like to attend a private fair of cutting edge industrial design which was being held at Milson's Point rotary hall. It was an exciting private invitation, and one that I couldn't turn down, even after Michael was hospitalised. Of course I didn't associate Mike's mental break with O'Donnely. Why would I?
I turned up at the industrial design fair that day, as invited. I found a very low key event with high level security, many people were dressed in black tie formal wear. I looked around at some of the strange engineering, marvelling at the use of the curious machinery. Thus far there was no sign of Mick O Donnely himself. A lot of the machinery was too high tech for my comprehension, but as soon as I came upon one particular piece of equipment I was permanently stunned.
The machine itself, according to the description beside it purported to be a technological device which could monitor and influence dreams. I had heard that such technology was in the works in some countries, but figured that nothing profound had been made in the technology's evolution. According to the inscription, the machine was built by the Ministry of State Security (China's secret service MSS).
I couldn't work out who had collected the objects in the gallery, or why, but one thing was certain, this was not a student exhibition. It was a high level security private display for the upper eschelons of the Australian military and government. This was the beggining of my true nightmare, and whilst I can't provide proof or verification of the events which followed, I can only insist that I would by no means fabricate the living nightmare which was put upon me. After I saw the machine, I felt a terrible tingling in my heart, the kind of thing I have only had before after a bad experience with marijuana. I remember looking around the room and realising there was something not right about the geometry of it all, the space seemed to be continually collapsing in on itself. As I stared, the fabric of the room seemed to expand like it was under a magnifying glass, until a certain corner I was staring at grew so large, the cockroach sitting on the floor was as big as a tiger. There was a strange ripple through the fabric of the air all around me, and the human like mouth which formed upon the cockroaches face seemed to burp and then laugh. Getting chills just thinking about what happened. I'll continue this story in a moment. To return to Twin Peaks....
Ray Palmer, the editor of Amazing Stories we are told claims secret knowledge of a 'progenitor' race of beings called 'Lemurians' who seem to be another central focus of the Twin Peaks mythology along with giants and UFO's. I was reminded throughout the section on Ray Palmer about the writer H.P Lovecraft and how a lot of people believe that elements of his unique weird fiction stories represent some ultra dimensional reality. It also tied in with the stuff about L.Ron Hubbard, another science fiction writer who started his own cult and religious movement.
In the 1948 Kenneth Arnold article Agent Tamara Preston notes that the following anecdote could be Milford; "Dahl said that the morning after his initial meeting with us, a man in black had shown up at his door. Claiming to be some government official investigating the Maury ISLAND incident-.....acccompanied to coffee shop. Dahl described the man as of average height and average appearance. They drove there in the mans brand new black Buick sedan.'
The introduction of this Black Buick sedan following people must be relevant to Season 3, for it seems so far from anything in the old seasons. Why does there seem to be a suggestion that this document is a fake? Could it be that the setting up of Milford as a man in black is something which is being falsely manipulated by the archivist?
Soon enough we return to the haunted woods and what lies within, as Crismam claims he found a second "Lemurian" frozen cave. This has obvious ties to the mysterious 'Owl Cave' of central importance to gladstonbury grove and the black lodge. In 1963 Crisman is linked to the Kennedy assassination, and the implication is that Milford as a man in black is somehow linked to these events aswell.
Government cover ups are not something I have been particularly invested in, but since my recent experience I had begun wondering what we really now about the world of secret intelligence.
The thing I have been telling myself, is that I didn't really see what I thought I had seen that day, but that it was some sort of hallucination induced by my anxiety. What had happened was that another large machine by the far wall had begun making loud noises, then it projected a beam of bright light which fell on the floor in front of me, and seemed to twist impossibly into a cone of light, which shifted and grew, and sort of became a doorway. Then from this doorway which shortly seemed to become normalised, Mick O'Donnely soon entered the room through, and shook my hand with a terrifying knowing smile on his face. I became terrified, and re-evaluated everything in light of what had happened to Michael, so I didn't stick around for long to talk to O'Donnely who acted as if he merely wanted to show me the cutting edge designs. I excused myself pretty quickly and hurriedly left the Milson's point rotary club. However that was not to be the end of my strange waking nightmares which I will elaborate further after more analysis of the text.Government cover ups are not something I have been particularly invested in, but since my recent experience I had begun wondering what we really now about the world of secret intelligence.
I'm going to skip ahead for a while, through some of the stuff about the town, in order to maintain chronological order of the actual events. I think things become more logical in this way, so I will now analyse the events surrounding L.Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, Milford and President Nixon.
Something which is quite noteworthy and which I will come back to later, is the fact that Parsons does a slight of hand trick with a silver coin to Hubbard, like the Chalfont grandson in the series. This is a deliberate linking of the magic of the black lodge which I will delve more into later.
We are given a photograph of Jack Parsons, which it might be worth noting is in black and white, and on the right side of the page. Parsons paraphrases '..the magician longs to see' which is one of the many links made between Parsons and Phillip Gerard 'the one armed man', including the use of certain drugs and losing an arm. Hubbard steals Parsons girlfriend and runs off with his life savings, he then writes Dianetics in 1950. Is it relevant that Hubbard used Parsons money to buy a yacht? The only instance of a yacht used previously in Twin Peaks is the one which Andrew Packard is supposedly blown up on, but actually survives.
In December, 1949, Douglas Milford has his own insights on Parsons. He learns of ritual in the desert between Parson's and hubbard. There is a great deal of speculation about 'greys'. There is a suggestion that the 'Nordic types' of inter dimensional being are more benevolent. Hubbard and Parson's Babylon working ritual is linked to both the atom bomb tests, and Roswell. Milford goes to 'Devils gate', Pasadena. We are reminded that Alestair Crowley told Parsons Devil's gate was one of 'seven gateways on earth to hell'. Parsons apparently believed the 'explosive sciences' would "open up the gate".
One wonders if there is any link between the mention that Jack's girlfriend Betty was underaged (17) at the time she was involved with Parsons's and Hubbard used this fact to threaten him. It may be accidental but it is certainly a curious parallel that one of the many inconsistencies in the book is that Laura Palmer's age is stated as 18 in the book when she dies, rather than 17. It's almost as if Mark Frost was himself threatened and forced to retcon this fact for unknown legal reasons. In any case it is curious.
One wonders if there is any link between the mention that Jack's girlfriend Betty was underaged (17) at the time she was involved with Parsons's and Hubbard used this fact to threaten him. It may be accidental but it is certainly a curious parallel that one of the many inconsistencies in the book is that Laura Palmer's age is stated as 18 in the book when she dies, rather than 17. It's almost as if Mark Frost was himself threatened and forced to retcon this fact for unknown legal reasons. In any case it is curious.
Also noted here is that the black Buick roadstar pulls up outside Milford's house with a redhead inside, who we presume is Parson's second wife Marjorie Cameron. Given what we know of the fate the Milford Brother's with the red haired Lana, it's hard not to make some connection here, and ponder on the inference of the demonic red haired woman. A picture of 'The whore of Babylon' follows on the left page, which is black and white, and notably between two owls. If nothing else, one has to admire Frost's ability to tie the mythology of season 1 and 2 of Twin Peaks with various facets of conspiratorial lore.
After writing Dianetics in 1950, Hubbard apparently claimed he was infiltrating Parsons "sex cult" for the military, but the archivist calls this fact out as a lie, stating that Hubbard used Thelema as a base, and Tamara Preston also notes that Hubbard's Dianetics origin story on "thetans" was based on Richard Shavers 'The Lemurians', for what purpose we don't know, only that many interconnected lines are being drawn across varying themes and events.
Some final interesting notes on the Jack Parsons section are that Parson's historically believed that he had called the red haired Marjorie Cameron, who was the living incarnate of the whore of Babylon during his Babylon working ritual. It is also worth noting that Marjorie Cameron's photography is in red. She seems to be directly tied to the 'Red room', 'devil's gate' and ultimately represents 'A portal to hell'....
I started to wonder if my own experiences were similar to these visions of a hellgate. I had dreamed about the cone of light turning into a door, then my experience at Milson's point I could have sworn I saw some technological machine opening just such a gate. But was that only a dream?
Those who have read my previous blog entry will be aware of my communication with a conspiracy theorist calling themself 'The new lone gunman', who's real name I learned was Randolph, and who seemed to have their own account of interaction with robed cultists within his dreams, who haunted him with cryptic clues.
I won't repeat the whole story, except to say that Randolph was a strange character, and after he deleted his you tube account I never spoke to him again. However I did have another strange experience of Randolph which i'll share.
It was a dream I had, no more than a week ago. In the dream I was walking down a winding bush path, in darkness. I was carrying a torch. It was one of those dreams where it feels so frighteningly real your heart actually races in your chest. I was flashing the torch light over the bracken Australian bushland and hallucinating things in the shadows of the shrubbery.
Then the light of my torch had caught something which seemed like it wasn't meant to be there. It was almost as if my torch ran over the glitch in a video game, stalling and jittering, like an orb. My torch seemed to melt into it's own deathly moon.
Then as I drew closer and closer to the focus of my torch light, I recognised the obstruction. it was the face of Randolph. I'd only seen his face once.... on his profile picture, but I recognised it instantly. He was in a great deal of agony, and somehow I knew I couldn't help him.
The next focus of the book is on various encounters with UFO's which I won't detail in depth here. Of particular importance is that Milford witnesses three children abducted in gladstonbury grove, (Carl Rodd, Maggie, and Alan Traherne (deceased)) Margaret Lanterman's medical report in 1947 uses 1's and not I's which suggests it is not forged, strange in itself given that it seems to provide the wrong information about her abduction mark.
An odd fact appears here -- Owls are apparently harbingers of reversed speech.
We get some in depth lore regarding the alien visitations as Milford reports for Richard Nixon. If these documents are to be trusted, we apparently learn that the 'Nordic' types (Like the giant?) offered earthlings peace on dependence that the US give up their nuclear weapons. The 'Greys' made no such demands and apparently won the deal with the elites, who swapped tech for 'genetic material', apparently offering their people up for experimentation. Perhaps the weirdest part is the mentioning of 'the yellow book', 'an advanced technological viewer that displayed pictures of objects in space'. Wether this is some sort of tribute to Robert Chambers 'The King in Yellow' or a significant hint to the new season remains extremely hard to determine.
What we can conclude, is that like Robert Chambers and H.P Lovecraft stories, Twin Peaks presents a universe where 'the gifted and the damned' walk a fine line, and the gift of knowledge comes with it's own plethora of curses, making the road for the curious an incalculably dangerous one.
The concept of the damned/gifted is one which certainly permeates the narrative of the protagonist Dale Cooper, who nobly pursues the light of truth only to face his shadow self and face a unique damnation. I think it is worth examining the Scott Frost novel 'My Life, My tapes' alongside 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' here, as the timeline events of Dale's early life run alongside that of the Nixon/Douglas Milford Era.What we can conclude, is that like Robert Chambers and H.P Lovecraft stories, Twin Peaks presents a universe where 'the gifted and the damned' walk a fine line, and the gift of knowledge comes with it's own plethora of curses, making the road for the curious an incalculably dangerous one.
On Christmas 1967, Dale was given a Norelco B2000 tape recorder by his parents, with which he began to create audio recordings detailing his life.
In his early childhood Cooper draws a self portrait of himself as an owl.
This seems to suggest that the element of 'not what he seems' was always a facet of Dale Cooper.
In 1969 Nixon tells Milford they are going to open a private task force on blue book. Nixon tells Milford to keep the CIA out of it and find out what the 'skull and bones wiseman have up their sleeves', an extremely curious addition.
Another interesting thing I noted in my second read, was that the saying 'to paraphrase the bard' is utilised twice by Mark Frost. Nixon says to Douglas Milford; 'To paraphrase the bard, out there lies far more than we've dreamt of in our philosophies' Then on the section detailing the Packard and Martell history, Robert Jacoby writes in his book 'the tangled web we weave' :
'Although both houses may not be exactly alike in dignity, to paraphrase the bard-they did eventually fashion a storybook ending straight out of Romeo and Juliet' (P163, p285). Is this nothing more than a Frostism? Or is there more of a Twin connection to be drawn here, what links Jacoby to Nixon unless both entries were written by the same author? Is there some clue to be taken from references to Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?
In 1969, we are told of the first footprints on the moon, which seems to have a notable parallel to the giant/bigfoot footsteps found in the ghostwood forest, on this date we are also told that project blue book was terminated. Robert Jacoby apparently dies this year, and Milford buys the 'Twin Peaks Gazette' (in that order), and the name was thenceforth changed to the 'Twin Peaks post', a fact which is curiously inconsistent with later details about Robert Jacoby's death.
In 1973, Nixon says ' _____ has been urging me to get in front of this issue and lift the lid on this box and give them a glimpse of what we know. ' Milford replies 'before lifting the lid on any box, I check to see if it belonged to Pandora.' This also seems to have odd paralells with the explosive puzzle box gifted from Echardt to Andrew Packard in Season 2, and is almost a metaphor for the entire mystery of Twin Peaks.
Milford notices the green ring on Nixon's right hand ring finger. Milford is then taken to see a triangular plane which appears to be linked to the image on the spine of the dossier and the abduction mark on Margaret Lanterman in the original series which leads to Owl cave and the black lodge. Milford sees an alien or magician until the 'curtain came down', and whilst this obviously implies X files like aliens, there is also a very 'black lodge' element to these events. One wonders what else is beneath the base. The Watergate affair happens apparently only months after Milford's experience with the UFO. Milford shacked up with Dayton Cuyo, then she sold him the paper (The Twin Peaks Gazette). Nixon tells Milford the creatures have bases underground in Nevada, Washington State, New Mexico and Pine Gap Australia. Milford asks Nixon who he can trust, to which Nixon responds : 'There's a man at the FBI, the one I told you about.'
Milford replies : 'I have his contact'
Nixon then says: 'They all have code names, by the way, the ones at the top of Aquarius. Birds, I hear the caretakers name is Raven. (Then a loud knock is heard). Can we assume Raven or some other of these mysterious bird named men are to make an appearance in Season 3? Is Cooper 'the owl'?
In the Late 1970's Douglas Milford does indeed make contact with this FBI contact...And who are we to assume this is Cole? Jeffries? Cooper?
Do you ever feel that your sinking in your own head, and you fear you might be getting dragged into your own subconscious hell? I've been feeling like that lately.
I think it's worth noting that a lot of the misleading information in 'The Secret history of Twin Peaks' comes from Cooper's investigation into the Packard case. Once more I think it's worthwhile analysing this stuff next to Scott Frost's 'My Life, my tapes'
One of the most haunting and intriguing aspect of 'My life, my tapes' is the development of Windom Earle as a more concrete and sinister character who has plagued Dale Cooper for a long time.
In January 29, 1979 Cooper records this after Earle's first breakdown:
'No change, Diane. Stayed up with Windom most of the night, playing chess and waiting. His sense of strategy has certainly not been diminished by this ordeal. He took three straight games. It is the Bureau's opinion that an attempt on Windom's life is very possible. I will not leave his side until the threat is over. '
The Earle crimes are glossed over in the series but put in a grotesque and intriguing light in 'My Life, my tapes.' Cooper was put on the investigation of a man who had been murdered, whose face was destroyed and his hands had been removed. He suspected it to have been the result of organized crime. Earle began to act strangely in this time and disappeared. Another body was found under the same circumstances, and Dale began to bond with Caroline, bringing her comfort during Windom's absence. After the hands belonging to this body were found, Cooper was introduced to deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Division, Gordon Cole, who oversaw the case, which is quite interesting given the almost sinister light of Cole in the new book.
Caroline is apparently murdered in 1985 according to MLMT
In early 1988, Cooper receives a tape from Windom Earle, taunting him.
"There once was an agent from Dover,
Who loved to smell the clover,
When along came an arrow,
Right through his marrow,
Now the agent from Dover is dead.'
"I know that last line didn't rhyme, but it so fit the spirit of the poem, don't you think, Dale? I did do another one. Would you like to hear it? "
"One dark day in the middle of the night,
Two dead agents got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
But Cooper was dead, just like Windom's wife,
I have seen the future, and it is now.
See you soon, Dale."
It's interesting the way these threats seem to play into the finale of Season 2, when Earle and Cooper have a showdown in the black lodge.
In June 1988, Windom Earle attempted an escape and was caught. Several days later Cooper received another tape in the mail.
" It is time for the game to commence. I will move first, it will come when you least expect it, and at the worst possible time.
Now, time for a riddle.
If a plane crashes on the U.S.-Canadian border, on which side do they bury the survivors? That's an easy one.
Answer: Neither side. You first have to kill them.
Here's another one.
Why do you think Bobby Fisher turned to God and gave up chess?
Answer: To get to the other side.
Meet any nice girls lately?
See you soon, Dale."
Windom Earle
February 18, 1989, 9 P.M.
Cooper receives a letter
Dear Coop,
Seems I've not quite been myself for the last several years. I would like very much to make up for all the lost time between us, and I think I know just the thing. A test of skill, one last game. Me the brilliant teacher revered by all inside these dreary powder-blue walls, and you his promising if not predictable student. Is it a deal? . . . Good.
I will make the first move very soon.
Windom Earle"
All these notes seem to suggest that Earle has already descended into his own hell, long before the season 2 finale in the black lodge.
Now let's look at some of the major inconsistencies in Cooper's dossier at the bookhouse.
To me the first question which needs to be addressed is, How did Major Briggs get any of the archived material from the Bookhouse? There seems to be no point when Cooper's collected files are given to the major, but the central portion of the book clearly belong to Cooper, whilst the early and latter portion clearly are archived by the Major and Dougie Milford.
Norma's parents: Mr Jennings apparently dies in 1978. Ilsa Jennings then dies in1984. Fans of the series know that Vivian Smythe Niles is the actual mother of Norma Jennings and Annie Blackburn. She enters the show as an undercover food critic and uses the pseudonym M.T. Wentz.
Oddly, The Secret History of Twin Peaks states that Norma's mother was named Ilsa and that she died in 1984, five years prior to the original series taking place. Whether this is an oversight by the author, a mistake of the fictional Archivist, the work of an unreliable narrator, or a retcon, is currently unknown, however it does seem to eliminate Annie Blackburn from the narrative deliberately, and the fact that Mark Frost stated Lana won the Miss Twin Peaks contest, tied with the red haired whore of babylon theory coming from the black lodge raises some serious eyebrows.
On Page 334 Tamara Preston notes that archivist curiously begins using the word 'I' after the final interviews with Dougie Milford. Theories on wether this indicates a change of archivist or some other clue remain unsolved.
The jigsaw puzzle grows more complex still. What is out in those woods?
For me I think there is an evil presence in nature. Of course its' intrinsic that we feel that we, because it is linked to our evolutionary primate fears, but there seems to be something more than this. Sometimes I have felt very strange forces when out in the bush, sometimes you get in places so dark the light of the stars don't seem to reach you.The jigsaw puzzle grows more complex still. What is out in those woods?
In 1987 the Packard boat explosion happens which we know was a hoax perpetrated by Andrew.
Mayor Milford says 'Andrew was like a younger brother to me. Like the brother I never had.' Agent Tamara Preston notes this is a 'curious statement from somebody who definitely had a younger brother' which hints at something that is very hard to discern.
There are more troubling things. Andrew left the Packard mill to Josie, but he wasn't dead so he probably didn't need to go through the entire fake death plan. We know that the Renaults are somehow linked to the Martells. According to the novel Hank has been working for Jean Renault since high school (in 1968). In 1938 Marty and lisa Lindstrom apparently open the double R diner. The details about certain characters wedding are also interesting. Hank proposes to Norma with a stolen diamond ring, and they are married at 'The chapel in the woods', it is also noted that 'No bookhouse boys attended the wedding'.
It is quite interesting to compare Cooper's case file on the Packard drama with the originals series.
Andrew and/or Catherine discover the attempt on his life is going to be made. They realize Eckhardt is orchestrating the whole thing and, wanting to buy themselves time to plan their own revenge, stage Andrew's death in the accident as planned. There is a funeral service; everyone really believes that he is dead. In reality, he is hiding out in a town called Pearl Lakes, where his family owns an old cabin in the woods. (Pearl Lakes is also the place that Leland Palmer believes that he first encountered 'Bob'.
Andrew and/or Catherine discover the attempt on his life is going to be made. They realize Eckhardt is orchestrating the whole thing and, wanting to buy themselves time to plan their own revenge, stage Andrew's death in the accident as planned. There is a funeral service; everyone really believes that he is dead. In reality, he is hiding out in a town called Pearl Lakes, where his family owns an old cabin in the woods. (Pearl Lakes is also the place that Leland Palmer believes that he first encountered 'Bob'.
Catherine begins to see Ben Horne on the side. They begin to plot the mill's bankruptcy in order to force Josie to sell the land to the Ghostwood Development Project. Catherine does this in retaliation for the "murder" of her brother, but also because, working alongside Horne, she believes she can regain control of her family's lands which were willed to Josie by Andrew& something that Catherine has long resented. She begins to keep a separate account ledger for the mill, one that hides the fact that it is sinking slowly into bankruptcy, for "public" consumption and to keep Josie from realizing the plot. Little does she know, but Josie has already approached Horne with an offer he finds more lucrative. He begins to double-cross Catherine and together, he and Josie plot her demise. The plan Josie proposes includes the sale of the mill and Packard lands cheaply for the Ghostwood Development Project "for a song" Horne says to Leland in the pilot episode at a price of $5,000,000 after the mill is devastated in a fire. For this, Horne helps her to arrange Catherine's fiery end (a sort of "two birds with one stone" scenario) after setting up a life insurance policy, behind her back, naming Josie as her sole beneficiary& to the tune of $10,000,000. It can be presumed that Josie also intended on pocketing whatever insurance money from the mill fire she can get. We can assume that Horne goes along with this second plan because he would be rid of the influence Catherine would have or would try to attain after his acquisition of the mill if he went along with the original plan against Josie. Plus, the price Josie offered him was probably very cheap in relation to how much the land was worth, even after the mill fire.
At the same time, unbeknownst to her, Horne begins to assemble a dossier of Josie's knowledge and/or involvement in Andrew Packard's "demise" so as to have some insurance against the possibility of a "triple-cross" against him and/or for blackmail material, should he find something to gain from it. Similarly, Josie secretly assembles a dossier of her own, outlining many of Horne's shortcomings and vices for much the same reason.
This format of the blackmail dossier rings very symmetrically with the format of the dossier in 'the Secret History of Twin Peaks'. What we have is various characters compiling documents for various reasons, Dougie Milford to record certain events, Major Briggs to archive the life of Milford, apparently, the bookhouse boys and Agent Cooper who are investigation various cases.
This format of the blackmail dossier rings very symmetrically with the format of the dossier in 'the Secret History of Twin Peaks'. What we have is various characters compiling documents for various reasons, Dougie Milford to record certain events, Major Briggs to archive the life of Milford, apparently, the bookhouse boys and Agent Cooper who are investigation various cases.
On February 28, 1989, Hank Jennings is paroled.
On March 1, 1989, Insurance agent Walter Neff comes to collect Catherine's signature on the insurance policy Josie and Ben have been brewing in secret. Catherine was never supposed to know about it, but we discover that Neff withheld the last page with final signature blank because of the "irregularity" he felt existed with the client not wishing to handle the matter in person (obviously, a rouse created so as to handle the matter without Catherine's presence or knowledge). Neff tells her that Horne offered to collect the signatures, and this tips Catherine off to the plot. Afterward, she discovers that the "real" account ledger has been stolen from her secret hiding place that only she and Horne knew about. She goes frantic looking for it, and is interrupted by a call from Hank Jennings. He tells her he has "what she is looking for" and instructs her to meet him at the mill. This is the final set-up for her intended demise in the fire.
Also on the Horne payroll, Leo Johnson sets fire to the mill, presumably trapping Catherine inside. Later, Horne instructs Hank Jennings to kill Leo, eliminating any evidence that might link him to the arson and hoping to incite the conclusion that Catherine instigated the fire, conspiring with Leo, in an attempt at insurance fraud.
Josie high-tails it to Seattle in order to "put some distance between her and the smell of smoke," but not before plugging Cooper three times in his hotel room. She feared he would unravel her schemes and foil the plot. In the meantime, Catherine escapes the fire and heads to her brother's hideout at Pearl Lakes. Both presumed dead, they lie in wait, developing a counter plot to regain control of Packard lands and to wreak revenge on Horne, Josie, and also Eckhardt, who they now realize was behind it all, when he comes to collect her.
We need to go back in time a little bit here.
We now know, that Mayor Milford was an understudy of Packard. And Briggs was the understudy of Douglas Milford. In the Secret History of Twin Peaks there are various points where we leap through time, once such point is after the first wave of Twin Peaks stories before we enter a large section about UFO's.
This is the page showing the shelf of the Bookhouse boys, which we know from interviews contains an important clue. It is extremely relevant given that the largest discrepancy in who the archivist is, comes from the fact that neither the Milford's, nor Briggs seem to have any link to the bookhouse. So we should really be wondering how Briggs was given the bookhouse documents. A clue seems to lie in Frank Truman's selected book 'angle of repose' (Which is slanted on an angle)
On the very next page when we return to the UFO casefiles we are given this curious quote: "The first case assigned to Major Milford for grudge was mind altering. It came to him from an oblique angle, and his work on it took place over a three year period, at the end of which the polar axis of UFO investigation would shift yet again, radically changing the focus of his work."
There seems little doubt that this clue is directly connected to the 'angle of repose' hint on the previous page, and with the fact that access to the book house casefiles remains the point of cognitive dissonance. Who took the bookhouse files and added them to the dossier?
We now know, that Mayor Milford was an understudy of Packard. And Briggs was the understudy of Douglas Milford. In the Secret History of Twin Peaks there are various points where we leap through time, once such point is after the first wave of Twin Peaks stories before we enter a large section about UFO's.
This is the page showing the shelf of the Bookhouse boys, which we know from interviews contains an important clue. It is extremely relevant given that the largest discrepancy in who the archivist is, comes from the fact that neither the Milford's, nor Briggs seem to have any link to the bookhouse. So we should really be wondering how Briggs was given the bookhouse documents. A clue seems to lie in Frank Truman's selected book 'angle of repose' (Which is slanted on an angle)
On the very next page when we return to the UFO casefiles we are given this curious quote: "The first case assigned to Major Milford for grudge was mind altering. It came to him from an oblique angle, and his work on it took place over a three year period, at the end of which the polar axis of UFO investigation would shift yet again, radically changing the focus of his work."
There seems little doubt that this clue is directly connected to the 'angle of repose' hint on the previous page, and with the fact that access to the book house casefiles remains the point of cognitive dissonance. Who took the bookhouse files and added them to the dossier?
Also let's quickly look back at the letter from 1949. The descriptions of Parsons 'lodge' or Paraonage seem to share a lot in common with the 'Eyes wide shut' style parties popular in conspiracy fiction:
'Many of the guests wore colourful, erotic masks, and a few were in elaborate Egyptian costumes or masks distorted with animal faces'.. They also share a lot in common with denizens of the black lodge and Agent Cole's mysterious blue rose agents, lets continue; "Disturbing atonal music played from somewhere and prompted uninhabited dancing. In some back rooms I have no doubt there was rampant drug use." "Where we're from ...there's always music in the air"..... "The walls were festooned with crossed swords, symbols from the tarot, pagan artwork." It is noted that Jack's house was built with lumber from Twin peaks, and draws a parallel to the lodge which Meriwether was murdered in. Hubbard notices Parsons is wearing a ring on his right ring finger, jade etched, like the owl cave ring. There is a black and white picture of Hubbard on the left page, this is mimicked by an image of Alestair Crowley later.
Hubbard's and Parson's ritual of bringing the 'moonchild' is mentioned, prior to the events of Roswell in 1947, suggesting that the moon child may be related to alien contact.
TP notes: native Americans called devils gate 'Hell gate' and said they could 'hear the devils laughter in the waterfall', and also that four children went missing in Arroyo Seco, two of whom were killed by a construction worker who said he'd heard voices that told him to do it. The narrative is clearly bringing paralells to Leland Palmer and Bob here, and the supernatural influence of serial killers.
The author notes that "Moon child' is also the title and subject of a novel by Alestair Crowley about a battle between two 'lodges' of black and white magicians over an unborn child who may or may not be "the antichrist", and states that Crowley tried to conduct this ritual without success.
June, 18, 1952
Hypodermic needles found nearby.
Let's return to Pearl lakes for a moment.As a young boy, Leland Palmer visited Pearl Lakes. As he explained to Cooper in episode 10, the drawing of the man (BOB) in the wanted poster lived next door to his grandparent’s vacation home. But it’s not until episode 16 at the time of Leland’s death that we fully understand what happened to Leland
When visiting the summer home, BOB would end up coming into contact with Leland somehow. Perhaps at night by the lakes when Leland was alone, BOB would appear to him in a vision. Leland tells Cooper in his dying breaths that BOB visited him in his dreams, much like how BOB visited Laura in her early teen years (As outlined in 'The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer'. It’s also possible that BOB visited Leland through an existing vessel, possibly a man or woman who lived on the lakes. BOB may have enticed Leland with great things and a great future, preparing Leland to allow BOB inside him. During these times, BOB flipped matches at Leland asking, “Do you want to play with fire, little boy?” This enticement, the idea of having great things (a great life, great girls, etc), convinced Leland that it would be okay to allow BOB to enter him. Then one night, he did, unknowing what BOB’s real plans were. Leland was tricked.
During his years growing up, Leland may have been enticed, and then mentally and physically abused by BOB in order to break him down. Leland tells Cooper that Laura was strong, inferring that Leland was not strong enough to go against BOB. So we could surmise that Leland couldn’t take much of this abuse and, as a means of bringing an end to it, finally allowed BOB inside him so the pain and suffering would end.
Leland’s possession is key to what would happen to Laura many years later. This event in the late 50s or early 60s would domino into Laura’s ultimate demise.
As most of us know, Laura’s interactions with BOB started when she was 12 years old and only increased and grew worse through the years. Laura’s second entry in her secret diary is proof:
“I hope BOB doesn’t come tonight.”
However they didn’t get really bad until two years later: June 22, 1986. According to this entry, BOB first started to just “play” with Laura, a type of hide and seek. Laura explains that thinking back on it, BOB was not playing in a nice manner, but would often try and scare her. It’s not until this date that Laura confides in her diary what BOB has been doing to her. She doesn’t exactly say when the sexual abuse started, but it’s obvious from her previous entries that things had not yet gone too far between her and BOB. The harsh abuse probably did not start until after Laura was fully into puberty and after she started her period. Sometime in 1985 or 86, the abuse had grown worse.
“I hope BOB doesn’t come tonight.”
However they didn’t get really bad until two years later: June 22, 1986. According to this entry, BOB first started to just “play” with Laura, a type of hide and seek. Laura explains that thinking back on it, BOB was not playing in a nice manner, but would often try and scare her. It’s not until this date that Laura confides in her diary what BOB has been doing to her. She doesn’t exactly say when the sexual abuse started, but it’s obvious from her previous entries that things had not yet gone too far between her and BOB. The harsh abuse probably did not start until after Laura was fully into puberty and after she started her period. Sometime in 1985 or 86, the abuse had grown worse.
A few months later, and after trying to stay awake in order to see BOB coming through the window, BOB took one more step inside Laura’s head…he started using her hand to write to her via the diary. It’s at about this point that the pain and suffering that BOB had been producing within Laura drove her to subdue it with lines of cocaine
However, this time never came, and the brute force would be necessary. According to Leland right before his death, “They wanted Laura.” But according to her father, she was too strong for them, and wouldn’t let BOB in. So they forced Leland to kill her. 'They made me do it'... But who are the 'they' that Leland is referencing?
We can assume that there is a ritual that BOB must put a person through in order to possess that person. In the case of Laura, he tied her arms back, like Albert described in the Sheriff Station, and then placed a mirror in front of her face so she was forced to look at herself, and at the time of possession, BOB. Somewhere in the car there may have also been a circle of 12 candles representing the 12 sycamores at Glastonberry Grove. Also in the car is a small mound of dirt with a note at the base that reads 'Fire Walk With Me' in blood. The key to this ceremony is to force Laura to say those words: “Fire Walk With Me” which will allow BOB to enter her.
Leland tells Cooper that BOB asked him if he wanted to play with fire, thus play with BOB (or BOB’s power). In regards to the phrase, “Fire Walk With Me,” the person is requesting that BOB/spirit (or power) walks with them in their life. That’s why when Laura said the phrase when speaking with Harold in FWWM, she suddenly changed. She opened herself up for a split second.
Chester Desmond disappeared while investigating a bizarre murder case of a teenage prostitute named Teresa Banks, whose body was found wrapped in plastic in Deer Meadow, Oregon. Cooper picked up the case but was unable to find any evidence which could lead to the discovery of what happened to Desmond or the murder victim.
Let's look at some of the inconsistencies in 'My life my tapes' which we know were not due to intentional plot points;
- The largest inconsistencies lie with the murder of Teresa Banks, as the book was written before the release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.
- In the book, Teresa's body is found in a ditch, she worked at Cross River Café and she lived in a lakeside cabin, none of which is true in the film.
- In the book, Cooper investigates Teresa's murder. In the film, the case is assigned to Chester Desmond and Sam Stanley. It was originally planned for Cooper to investigate in the film, but Kyle MacLachlan wished to have a smaller role.
- Teresa Banks: Her left arm was once numb three days before she died. She wore the ring on her left ring finger. She is not wearing it during shown scenes of her murder. It was not found in her belongings. Bob put the letter "T" under the nail of her left ring finger.
- Special Agent Chester Desmond: Found the ring where Mrs. Chalfont and her grandson lived at Fat Trout Trailer park. He then disappeared shortly after to never be seen again.
- Laura Palmer: She felt numb in her left arm with the ring in her hand, when waking from the dream with the Man From Another Place mentioned above; the ring quickly disappears. She puts the ring on her left ring finger during BOB's ritual when MIKE throws it at her, forcing BOB to kill her. Bob put the letter "R" under her left ring fingernail.
In 1984 Gordon Cole and Agent Jeffries write to Douglas Milford and confirm government construction project on upper slopes of blue pine mountain. Major Briggs says it is state of the art radar and weather forecast technology, directly related to Reagans Star Wars program. Actually it's 'listening post alpha' according to the archivist. Agent Tamara Preston evidently thinks that the Milford contact is Gordon Cole.
A glaring inconsistency in The Secret History of Twin Peaks
Robert Jacoby writes an article about the log lady in 1986 even though he supposedly died in 1969
It's hard to decipher what this is supposed to mean if anything.
Other curious things to note from this same article. Margaret Lanterman is compared to a Salem witch. Sam Lanterman is discussed, dying in a fire, who many believe may be the lumberjack in the missing pieces scenes in 'Fire Walk with me'. Sam had built two houses on blue Pine mountain where the government listening post was to be installed. Was his murder intentional?
Other curious things to note from this same article. Margaret Lanterman is compared to a Salem witch. Sam Lanterman is discussed, dying in a fire, who many believe may be the lumberjack in the missing pieces scenes in 'Fire Walk with me'. Sam had built two houses on blue Pine mountain where the government listening post was to be installed. Was his murder intentional?
Another interesting link is that Sam proposed in the woods above Pearl lakes near Gladstonbury grove which she called 'the heart of the forest', they married at 'the chapel in the woods' where Norma, Hank, Ed and Nadine were all married, and was killed by a fire the next day.
The second Robert Jacoby death supposedly happens three weeks after the Lanterman article, this time from multiple sclerosis (according to the archivist).
As the book draws closer and closer to the events of the series, it seems important to also analyse
Here are some of the major passages which I feel tie into the events outlined in the book.
Dear Diary,
July 22, 1984
My name is Laura Palmer, and as of just three short minutes ago, I officially turned twelve years old! It is July 22, 1984, and I have had such a good day! You were the last gift I opened and I could hardly wait to come upstairs and start to tell you all about myself and my family. You shall be the one I confide in the most. I promise to tell you everything that happens, everything I feel, everything I desire. And, every single thing I think. There are some things I can't tell anyone. I promise to tell these things to you.
...The owls have started hooting. One of them is just above me in the tree. . . . Something about him is strange. I know it is a boy owl, and I feel like he's watching me. Each time I look up at him his head moves like he is quickly turning away from me.
Be careful, Laura
Dear Diary,
October 1, 1986
I'm sorry I haven't written, but so much has happened. Tonight as I began to undress for bed Bobby Briggs came to my window. A beautiful, dreamy sight that sent me reeling. He says there is a party we couldn't miss out at the end of Sparkwood. A friend of his, Leo - who I think I've heard of before in the air of gossip that I often hunt down - is throwing a party.
A message from . . . ?
I'm insane! You are not real! It's simple. I need to get to a doctor because I am creating this. I am in charge. Calm down. I have to calm down.
Dear Diary,
February 1, 1988
I've been going over and over my sexual experiences and have decided that it is important to look at at least the initials of each person I have been with.
J.H. And several unseen unknowns - out by the cabin.
Dear Diary,
February 9, 1988
Something very strange has happened.
I snuck out of the house last night to go see Leo and Jacques at the cabin. Ronnette was supposed to be there too, and I was pretty excited about seeing her. Besides, it had been ages since I could talk about things with a girl. Donna just wouldn't understand all of this. I needed girl talk, badly.
I began walking, but then decided I was too impatient (a big mistake), and so I headed toward Highway 21 in hopes of hitching a ride the next mile or two to the cabin.
About fifteen minutes passed before I saw a big rig, just like Leo's, coming down the road. I stuck my thumbs out, and sure enough, the truck pulled over and the door opened. Inside the cab were four very drunk, very drugged-up truckers who, from what I could understand, had been in town drinking. One of them offered me a beer, and I took it. Not really because I wanted it, but because I was suddenly afraid of upsetting any of them.
I told them where I needed to be dropped off, and just before my stop, I finished the beer and began peeling the label off the bottle nervously. I realized we were not going to stop.
I told the driver he was about to pass my "dropping point," and he told me I should know better than to be hitchhiking late at night with a body like mine, poured into my jeans and T-shirt the way it was.
I swear I was not "poured" into MY clothes, Diary. My only mistake was leaving the trail through the woods and heading out to the highway alone. It was a big mistake, but I . . . I wasn't thinking.
We drove up through the Twin Peaks to a seedy little motel that I wasn't even convinced was owned and open, due to its shabby appearance. But needless to say, these guys already had two rooms and basically carried me into the first. I caught the room number, 207. In case I could call for help, I would know where I was. I wasn't sure I'd get out of here in one piece.
All of them became incredibly rowdy. They were screaming at the top of their lungs and shouting out vulgar language. I thought for a moment that if I could just stand up without anyone's noticing, I could outrun any of these drunk jerk-offs. I was as careful as I could be, but the moment I tried to stand, three of the four guys were on me.
"Where are you goin', baby?"
"Hey, why don't you and I go into the next room and do a little private dancing?" He was the ugliest of all of them.
I knew that if I didn't do something soon, something to manipulate the situation my way, they would become violent and most likely rape me. I realized that I might never come out of it alive. I was horrified.
I forced a smile. "Listen . . . all of you."
One of the guys looked at me like I was out of my mind to be taking such "liberties." He was interested, though, in what I was going to say, because he got all of them to shut up and gather around the chair I was in.
I squeezed yet another false smile out of my face and went on, "Listen, if you all want to play tonight . . . and you know what I mean . . . then let's do it right, okay?"
One of the guys, the one with tattoos everywhere, stepped up to the chair, and kicked the hell out of it. Five or six times. I tried not to look as mortified as I was. He bent down, greasy hair in his face, his breath like garbage. "You better watch your mouth, little hitchhiker, 'cause where I'm from, a hole like you would never dare tell a man that he ain't doin' a job that beats all other jobs."
"I didn't mean to imply that you weren't experienced. I can tell that you are, just by watching you move." God, they were all so awful. My tongue was shaking in my mouth, nervous and lying. I was so stupid!
Another of the guys, the youngest, and the only one with any concern for me at all, suggested they hear what I had to say.
I slid myself back to an upright position in the chair and looked at all of them, carefully. I thought, just go for it. It's either going to work or they're probably going to rape and kill you. You can't let people like this take your life. Just make it up as you go along, Laura.
"Okay, I am not opposed to drinking, drugs, or sex, all in measured doses. I am not opposed to getting a little kinky, getting motherly, or becoming a little girl . . . more of a little girl, nor am I opposed to my performing a solo show, for everyone."
There were belches and nodding heads. Eight big eyes, growing wider.
"I think all of you will like my show very much. . . . I'll even invent some new things for you, new touches . . . and if anything should come to you, about what you want to see me do, you come over and whisper in my ear. I'll play games.
"But here's the deal: I get a ride back to town, and I walk out of here the same way I walked in. No violence."
One of the guys decided he was too macho for this and said, "I'll slap you right upside the head if I get the urge, bitch."
I gathered my nerves enough to lean toward him and appear confident. "If you get the urge to slap me, as you said, right upside the head, I haven't done my . . . job." I swallowed hard. "You can call me bitch and whatever else, but let's just try and get along . . . okay?"
It took me another forty minutes after they agreed to my show to get them to stop with all of the attitude and the yelling. Finally, I offered each a Valium in his beer and told them to sit on the couch, drink the beer, and I would start.
I have never been so frightened, ever. Forget nightmares, forget near-misses with a speeding car on a wet road, forget BOB even, simply because, in comparison to this, it was four to one. And each of them was big enough to eat my entire body as a snack before lunch.
All of them sat on the couch, except one, who I told to watch the door so that no one would think I was planning an escape. I pulled a chair around to the middle of the room. A wooden chair, nice high back . . . almost too perfect. I took a few steps to each side of the room and switched off the lights.
Slowly I began to undress, and each time I removed a piece of clothing, I memorized where I had "tossed it" so (if they did pass out like I planned) I would be able to dress quickly and get out.
I began to talk to myself. I imagined being stoned so that I could relax. I was so damned afraid that someone was going to jump up and say, "You're history, baby," but no one did.
I slowly began the routine of the "little girl lost in the woods" . . . a favorite of Leo's and Jacques's because I can become "Mommy" so fast.
I prayed that I could keep them intrigued long enough to watch their eyelids get heavy. I went to the man at the door, probably the meanest one, and I lifted his hand, which was surprisingly relaxed, onto my chest, and I talked to him softly.
It was a good fifteen minutes that he was touching me and really getting into talking back with me and I could feel him giving in, just like Jacques. One of the others got selfish and said, "Hey, what about over here!"
"Don't you worry, boys, I don't get tired. I never get bored, and it would be impossible to forget who's in this room." I had to keep all of them happy. I swung the chair around and asked the man with me to kneel down. I told him softly so that it would not appear as a threat, and began to dance. I went all around the room . . . and paid attention to each of them . . . admiring them, anything about them . . . lying . . . (None of them were passing out!)
Finally I made it back to the chair. Next began the hottest part of the whole piece . . . a very rowdy, raunchy sit-and-spin routine during which all of them leaned forward and looked closely at me as I played. I continued this and elaborated on it . . . extended it.
I did all I could think of to get them physically and emotionally intoxicated. Everyone was looking tired, but they were still managing to clap and whistle.
To be brief, this went on until three of the four guys passed out, and I was left with one. A big, round dude with a three-day beard, and saggy eyes. He told me I mesmerized him.
He asked if I wanted to go into the other room. He said he had the key. I came up close and asked, "What about the truck? Can we do it there?"
"Sure, it's your back, baby."
So I grabbed what I could of my clothing, minus the socks and bra, and ventured out into the night, trying to think of a way to get out of this place . . . as soon as possible. I needed to get out. Get high. Get home.
As soon as I was able, I sat in the driver's seat and called him over with my pursed lips. He slid across the vinyl seats fast. He buried himself deep in my chest, and I thought, okay, Laura, find the bottle with your hand . . . there! Don't move too quickly, distract him, and SMASH!
I whacked the guy over the head with the bottle and drew blood. He was bleeding all over. I jumped out of the truck and began running, half naked . . . so what! I wanted to get away from them, before they realized what I had done.
I went to Jacques's cabin, hoping he and Leo would be there, still with Ronnette.
When I got there, I was pretty haggard, pretty emotionally beaten. I burst into tears and fell to my knees on the floor. Ronnette came to me and helped get me to the couch. I couldn't stop crying! I was even ashamed that I was able to get myself out of it the way that I did. . . . I felt like the dirtiest person ever! BOB was right, he was so right!
I grabbed ahold of Ronnette's arm, and I heard her say, "There's blood all over her, let's get her cleaned up. She's only going to stay upset with blood all over her body."
The next thing I remember was waking up in my own bed, with a note clenched in my fist.
Dear Laura -
We tried to calm you down as much as possible, but you were hysterical . . . and just kept asking to go home. I don't think anyone heard us coming in, but if you get caught, tell them what happened. Everything is okay now. I know you were scared. . . . Maybe we can see each other in a couple of days and talk or something, okay?
So there's my night. You would think I'd learn, but I guess I just can't for some reason.
I've even had thoughts since waking up this morning about how I could have done a better show for those creeps! My brain actually goes over it again and again, like a skip in a record, except that I'm making it better, more relaxed. . . . I say smarter things. I actually find myself thinking of going and looking for them!
I must be going crazy . . . these thoughts are all wrong! I am all wrong!
Speak to you later, Laura
Dear Diary,
March 4, 1988
I spent yesterday with Donna, and I realized that we have nothing to say to each other anymore. Sure, we chat, and she talks, but the whole time I was there, all I could think of was getting out of her house. I could feel the pure, perfect little walls closing in on me.
She actually took me to her room and closed the door, to whisper that she and Mike are going all the way soon. They're planning the whole event . . . Thursday night . . . ? I don't remember.
So she tells me this and I'm supposed to say, "Wow, Donna, are you sure you want to do that?"
So, I guess Donna is getting it pretty good from Bobby's best buddy, Mike. Remember him? The chewing-gum commercial? All I can say is that I hope he's good to Donna. I've always thought he was an asshole . . . but I don't have to fuck him, right?
Have fun, Donna.
Dear Diary,
March 10, 1988
I was just sitting here in my room, thinking about Bobby. Maybe I shouldn't have told him what happened with the truckers, because he hasn't talked to me since then.
Benjamin Horne just called. Mom yelled up the stairway that it was for me, and that it was Benjamin Horne. My first question, before even a "Hello," was, "Is Johnny, okay? What is it?"
He said that I should sit down for a minute. I knew Dad was home, Mom was home . . . Johnny's all right . . . "What is it?"
He said that Troy had been found this morning on the tracks up by the border. His leg was broken, and three of his shoes had come off . . . not to mention the fact that he was completely malnourished. He hadn't been able to find food. Benjamin said he was sure it was Troy because of,the Broken Circle brand on him.
Benjamin said that he watched the border police shoot him. Twice to the head. He said it appeared that someone had let him out. He promised me over the phone that he would find this awful person and make certain they knew what they had done to a beautiful young horse.
I hung up.
I looked around, and everything went gray, black, gray, black. . . . I am so bad. Everywhere I turn something tells me I am an evil, wrong, bad person. . . . How could I have done such a thing to Troy?
If I weren't so fucked up and horrible, I could have gone out, right this minute, and ridden him. Taken the both of us off into the fields where we could have survived together, somehow.
I cannot believe what is happening to me and my life! How can one day be so unbelievably precious, and another a nightmare . . . a dark dream that makes me dream of dying . . . right this very minute.
Dear Diary,
April 7, 1988
Not only do I love my job at the perfume counter, but I adore working with someone as cool as Ronnette. She always understands when I'm depressed and doesn't get down on me for it.
Bobby is speaking to me again and we date fairly regular - maybe twice a week; at the most, or an average of, let's say five times a month. But used to see each other every day. Now in school we hardly hang out together. The funny thing is we were voted "best couple" this semester by the student body.
I think we care for each other very much, but we have become objects of convenience and comfort to one another - without the love and attentiveness there used to be. We get high together a lot - mostly over at Leo's, or out by the Pearl Lakes.
The times that we get high at Leo's, especially lately, Bobby pays more attention to Shelley than he does to Leo or me.
I figure they'll have an affair . . . if they aren't already
Dear Diary,
August 2, 1988
It has been an entire week since BOB has come to see me. I am so numb that it actually occurred to me the other day that I wished he would come and cut me the way he used to. Take some of this constant thinking again and again away, by simply bleeding it out of me. Of course, he would not dare show up if I wanted him to.
(as found)
(as found)
I think of death these days as a companion I long to meet.
Goodbye, Laura
(as found)
Are you there, Bob?
others before you. Come back, child, when I am no longer a child myself.
Dear Diary,
August 10, 1988
I cried all the way back from the clinic and thought of all the things that had happened to me, or that I had let happen to me, within the past few months. I wish Maddy could have been here with me. I almost called to ask her if she would come, but decided not to.
My only real sense of gratification came from the fact that as of today, one A.M., I am nineteen days sober. No coke.
It has been much harder than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes simply out of habit I'll check the bedpost for any remaining film on the paraphernalia I still keep in the space there.
By the way, I forgot to tell you Norma called me a couple of days ago, and we're meeting tomorrow to discuss my idea for helping the elderly of Twin Peaks. I hope it all works out because this could be beneficial to the town as well as my sobriety.
Once I got home I realized how much pain I was in. I didn't think I would even make it up the stairs to my room. Mom caught up to me instantly and said, "So, how'd it go!"
"The interview was just fine, Mom." I gripped the banister tightly and told her I was heading to bed early. I could feel her watching me as I went up, step by step.
just as I was at the top of the staircase Mom called up to me and said that I had had a phone call from cousin Maddy. I stood there in awe. Maddy had heard my calling to her.
In that same moment I was aware of Mom's stare - pure jealousy at my back.
I've got to rest.
Dear Diary,
August 16, 1988
3:15 A.M.
It has been some time now since the two of us have met this late at night.
Sobriety is a bitch. I've never been more paranoid than I have been these past few days. I feel like I've lost all of my friends because I'm sober.
Ronnette and I don't talk the way we used to, especially at work, and I am not notified of parties taking place up at the cabin anymore.
Bobby never really calls. I call him! How weird is that! He seems to be fine without me, which makes me feel like everyone will notice that and stop dealing with me altogether. I wonder, am I the bad influence BOB always tells me I am?
We are drawing closer to conclusions here, but before that lets take a look at more of the mysterious inexplainable tomes from the bookhouse, which thus far we cannot explain where they crossed path's with the major's.
There are various inconsistencies in Hawk's book. Nadine Gertz, is given a different surname to that of the series. Agent Tamara Preston make a curios addendum; 'So we have a confluence of events: Andrew Packard blows up in his boathouse, and Hank gets arrested and sent up the river and two months later Nadine loses the eye and most of whatever remained of her grasp on reality'. Given that Hank is linked to the book house, are we to assume that the confusion in the ledger and the betrayal of bookhouse knowledge could somehow be related to Hank's activities?
It is interesting to note that Ed and Nadine are also hitched at 'the chapel in the woods', and that all bookhouse boys were present except for Hank, another 'Twin' parallel to the events of Norma and Hanks wedding, which seems to point towards Norma's mother and Annie Blackburn also.
Let's look at Jacoby's book; 'Sacred psychology in the aboriginal mind'. Jacoby describes an experience with Ahuasca -which he takes with a shaman near river.
I can't help but be reminded of my friend Michael's description of his father's mental breakdown, talking to a 'robot squirrel'.
Jacoby vomits then says 'When I opened my eyes, two things occurred: I realised that I was no longer where I thought I had been, and at the same moment no longer knew who "I" was:
I can't help but be reminded of my friend Michael's description of his father's mental breakdown, talking to a 'robot squirrel'.
Jacoby vomits then says 'When I opened my eyes, two things occurred: I realised that I was no longer where I thought I had been, and at the same moment no longer knew who "I" was:
(This statement obviously parallels some of the mysterious things happening with the 1's and I's on the typewriter, not to mention with other important elements of the series including Nadine's lost eye, and one eyed Jacks, ran by Ben Horne (Both patients of Jacoby). Jacoby sees living beings, reptilian things and a glowing giant who is protecting him from malevolent creatures.
It is noted that Ed shot Nadine in the left eye; 'The left eye is wired to the right side of the brain - the patient has chosen to shut down the optic pathway to her intuitive side.' This makes one wonder if further to the blue and red clue, wether left and right also plays a role in the symmetrical clues hidden within the dossier. Jacoby references 'Bedlam' institution, and also mentions the silent drape runners and 'pulling the curtain closed', which seems to tie Nadine's experience with common elements of the black lodge, red curtain mythology.
1986 - There is a strange parallel between Robert Jacoby's tribute to Margaret lanterman, and Lanterman's tribute to Jacoby, and it seems notable that the funeral service for Jacoby is also held at the 'chapel in the woods'.
Cooper's description of the ANDREW PACKARD CASE is notably split in half, which once more puzzle's the reader, not knowing how the archivist got the information, or why it should be split the way it is. Some interesting facts, an unknown body was found in Packards boat yet we never find out who was the victim. It would fit with a known dissapearance like Chet Desmond, but that happened in 1989, where the Packard bomb happened in 1987 so it is too late.
There seems to be some significance to the inclusion of the Packard passport who's alias 'Antonio David Walbrook. It is place on the left page, and is a black and white photocopy.
More inconsistencies. Harry writes a letter after Cooper left town. But cooper was there when Josie died. Why? The reader is drawn back to the strange events of series two with Josie dissapearing into the drawer knob and a creepy Bob asking 'Coop. What happened to Josie?'
In Josie's Autopsy the body is found to weigh 25 pounds less than it should. An associate of Eckhardt shows up to transfer Josie and Eckhards bodies back to Honk Kong, which is when the gift is left: an elaborate Chinese puzzle box. How Cooper or the archivist knows all of these details however, seems beyond anyone. Is there a relevance to this misinformation.
Cyril Pons, who we know is Mark Frost's alter ego writes two articles, one about the Bank vault explosion, and the other about the Boat explosion. No idea if this has any inherent meaning.
The archivist notes authorities never did publicly identify the 'third victim' of the boat explosion which was explained away as a gas leak. The Packard Mill then passed into possession of Catherine Martel (who we know is actually a Packard). The suggestion in the book that Catherine has become a recluse, and sells the mill and properties to Ben Horne for the ghost wood development, all seems terribly suspicious and reminant of fake documents in the original series.
The archivist notes authorities never did publicly identify the 'third victim' of the boat explosion which was explained away as a gas leak. The Packard Mill then passed into possession of Catherine Martel (who we know is actually a Packard). The suggestion in the book that Catherine has become a recluse, and sells the mill and properties to Ben Horne for the ghost wood development, all seems terribly suspicious and reminant of fake documents in the original series.
This culminates in the picture of the Packard mill with an I in I989. This again suggests some forgery or duplicitousness. The sale to Ben Horne has the same I989 with an 'I' instead of a '1'
As already mentioned, Audrey's photo is pink (as is her note) even though this is not attached by TP but by the archivist, so there seems no obvious reason for the colorisation. The note was apparently left on the day of explosion, in the letter Audrey is apparently threatening to expose her father instead of help him, which also seems to conflict with events of the series.
This juxtaposition also mirrors the contradiction of Jacoby's treatment on Ben Horne (Another blue article). Jacoby says he is trying to lead Ben to surrender instead of to a win like he did in the series? Why? There is a parallel between Ben Horne, owner of One eyed Jacks and Nadine with one eye, Nadine was supposedly surrendering her intuitive side? The Picture of Ben Horne is also on the righ page? Wether or not this is relevant.
The Jacoby medical reports and Interpol reports on Josie and others are blue? The Archivists writing is blue? Tamara Preston also confirms that Ben did surrender at Appomattox which we know didn't happen in the series.
Chronologically speaking the information on Ben Horne is said to be the latest document so something may have happened to archivist soon afterward. The page after the next page Hank Jennings goes to jail. TP confirms that Hank was knifed in prison three years later. A distant cousin of the Renault family is linked to the Martells. We are apparently shown hanks confession note, the archivist notes that the 'last of the Jennings clan drew his final breath'.
Let's return to the bookhouse page. An obvious clue is in the text 'Good literature is a mirror through which we see ourselves more clearly', some cunning folk have deciphered a possible message by using a mirror 'Fear the Double'. But is there more to it than this? Perhaps the real mirror, is asking oneself who could access these documents? Deliberate attention is drawn to Frank Truman's book sloping one way, and Hank Jennings book is clearly sloping the other way. It makes no sense for Briggs to access the books, but Hank or Frank Truman seem like much more likely candidates to have moved this information. In any case it must be stressed that the books are a turning point in the narrative and deliberately drawn attention to.
Straight after the books are shown, the Archivist says 'it's time to go and pick up the trail of Douglas Milford. Why? To distract us from the fact that there is no account of how the documents got in the Major's dossier.
'Does my sobriety mean I will end up totally alone? Even my new friend Harold Smith ..
(as found)
"I went to Mrs. Tremond's apartment first. I left the tray at the front door along with the appropriate note, and a request for a house key of my own.
Harold Smith was my other delivery. As I think I told you, he's an interesting man. Very handsome. Apparently he was a botanist. For some reason he can't remember, he awoke one morning to find himself an agoraphobic. He believes death is just outside the door, and that late at night it calls to him from outside like a strange bird. "
(as found)
"I haven't been writing to you because Dr. Jacoby gave me a pretty hot-pink tape recorder for Christmas. He said that it might help me to talk into it. I send him the tapes after I have listened to them myself. I find that even though I'm still very sad that listening to the tapes and all that they say helps me feel that the problems spoken on them are not my own"
October 5 1989
P.S. I'm going to have to tell the world about Benjamin.
"On the way out of Harold's, Mrs. Tremond's grandson, Pierre, saw me and came up to me and pulled a gold coin out of my ear and walked away. "
"I know who he is. I know exactly who and what BOB is, and I have to tell everyone. I have to tell someone and make them believe.
"Someone has torn pages out of my diary, pages that help me realize maybe . . . pages with my poems, pages of writing, private pages.
It becomes interesting to pose the question here. Who has seen the Chalfonts?
We can see here that Laura did (the grandson pulls a gold coin out of her ear in the secret diary), Chester Desmond may have before he dissapeared, Donna, Phillip Jeffries, Carl Rodd? Leland says the shelwoods live next to him in pearl lakes with Bob in a White House on the other side, are the Shelwoods another manifestation of the Chalfonts/Tremonds?
Another question might be, who has strange experiences with Owls? Laura Palmer sees one. Cooper draws himself as an owl. Entrances into owl cave are marked by frightful owl sightings. Bohemian grove is linked to Owls. An Owl is superimposed in Bobs face using the Jacoby 3D glasses method. Douglas Milford sees a giant human owl. Major Briggs receives the message 'The owls are not what they seem' and 'COOPER'
It becomes interesting to pose the question here. Who has seen the Chalfonts?
We can see here that Laura did (the grandson pulls a gold coin out of her ear in the secret diary), Chester Desmond may have before he dissapeared, Donna, Phillip Jeffries, Carl Rodd? Leland says the shelwoods live next to him in pearl lakes with Bob in a White House on the other side, are the Shelwoods another manifestation of the Chalfonts/Tremonds?
Another question might be, who has strange experiences with Owls? Laura Palmer sees one. Cooper draws himself as an owl. Entrances into owl cave are marked by frightful owl sightings. Bohemian grove is linked to Owls. An Owl is superimposed in Bobs face using the Jacoby 3D glasses method. Douglas Milford sees a giant human owl. Major Briggs receives the message 'The owls are not what they seem' and 'COOPER'
#Lils wearing a sour face:
-Trouble with local authorities, not going to be receptive to the FBI
-Both eyes blinking means trouble higher up
-one hand in her pocket (they're hiding something)
-the other hand made into a fist (they're going to be belligerent)
-walking in place - a lot of legwork
-mothers sisters girl - the uncle not Coles , the sherrifs
-the dress was tailored - tailored dress is a code for drugs
-Blue Rose - 'I can't say what that means'
Do these clues suggest that the Dugpa themself are linked to Cole's division?
Another inconsistency
The extended Phillip Jeffries sequence in the Missing Pieces states the year as 1989 when it should be 1988. (This is because it was moved in the final cut to the section of the film dealing with the Teresa Banks investigation, but since the Missing Pieces are essentially meant to be treated as canon, this change becomes problematic).
From 'My life, my tapes' Cooper says the following on Teresa Banks
1988, January 20, 11 AM
1988, January 20, 11 AM
"Diane, I have the last of the lab reports on my desk from the Banks murder. Two items are of interest. One, the square of paper found under her nail was an acid-free typing paper, very expensive. The typed letter appears to be the work of an old Smith-Corona Model 99. Both are potentially useful bits of information, but advance the case nowhere at the moment. As no one came forward to claim Teresa Banks remains, she was buried at county expense in an unmarked grave. The burial was attended by a pastor, a representative of the county, two gravediggers, and myself. I'm returning to San Fransisco. There is nothing more I can do here."
In the series, the letter under Laura's fingernail is found to be from a copy of Flesh world, the use of a Corona in MLMT seems to link it to the Corona clue in TSHOTP.
In the series, the letter under Laura's fingernail is found to be from a copy of Flesh world, the use of a Corona in MLMT seems to link it to the Corona clue in TSHOTP.
Laura’s diary reveals who Bobby Briggs killed, but then the movie provides a completely different answer to that question. Harold has a diary entry from Laura dated the day of her death, despite her giving him the diary a week before.
Twin Peaks series - EPISODE 1 February 25th 1989
The epistolary web of Twin Peaks is interesting to consider. Right from the start of the series we are introduced to Special Agent Cooper as he records his dictaphone tapes for Diane. My Life My tapes, The secret diary of Laura Palmer, Fire Walk with me and The Secret History of Twin Peaks all expand on this past and future, leading us to the mirky waters of our current situation where we don't know which information to trust, and the trail of documentation leads ever outward.
When we are introduced to the character of Howard in the series we are presented with the concept of 'The living novel' as Harold records people's lives in all of his books, Donna and Laura's stories about skinny dipping becomes a tease for Howard as he realises there are things in life he cannot experience through words. When 'The Secret diary of Laura Palmer' is found in his apartment this becomes even more important, a fact which has grown very thought provoking since the announcement of the new series, (and Mark Frost's book)
What we have now is a central gravity which spreads from Laura Palmer's murder in Season 1, outward to the murder of Teresa Banks in Fire Walk with me, backwards to Windom Earle's murders in 'My Life, my tapes', the events of 'The Secret History' from Lewis and Clark, the Nex Perce, to Nixon, Parsons, Hubbard and Douglas Milford, then forward to the murders in Season 3 which is yet to air.The letters under the murdered girl's fingernails which allegedly would have spelt out 'Robert' are mimicked by the owl cave ring, which was similarly placed on the ring finger of the left hand.
These are the central letters in a puzzle which transcends time and space. The past is changed by the future, Cooper dreams of the red room before entering it where Laura and he both meet their shadow selves. Pages of Laura's diary are found near her murder site. The contents of Laura's diary could potentially change ....based on events of the future, as In Fire Walk with me Annie tells Laura 'The good Dale is in the lodge and he can't get out. Write it in your diary.' A discrepancy over pages in Laura's diary is central to the mystery, Harold has pages he shouldn't, the Tremonds seem to have a power over the contents of the diary too, and the jade ring. The murders are inked from an extra dimensional space and effect the universe in the form of a butterfly effect.
Agent Preston finds herself trapped inside the same puzzle. She finds a list of Agents from an erased document recovered from an FBI server in Philadelphia which contains the names: Gordon Cole, Phillip Jeffries, Chet Desmond, Sam Stanley, Windom Earle, Dale cooper, and Albert Rosenfield.
Out of these agents Two, Windom and Dale have turned evil, Two, Phillip and Chet have dissapeared and Sam Stanley had an unspecified breakdown. The fact that the document was deleted confirms that something sinister is happening within the government.
Every mystery left after Season 2 ties back to the mysterious 'Black lodge'. What do we really know about the black lodge? Little about how it functions except the major clues given in the series. By Deputy Hawk: "There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge, the shadow-self of the White Lodge. The legend says that every soul must pass through there on the way to perfection. There you will meet your own shadow-self. My people call it The Dweller on the Threshold...but it is said if you confront the Lodge with imperfect courage, it will utterly annihilate your soul",
When Cooper enters the black lodge in the season finale, the audience, and Cooper, both connect his dream from episode 2 with what this new place is…they are the same.
When Cooper enters the black lodge in the season finale, the audience, and Cooper, both connect his dream from episode 2 with what this new place is…they are the same.
Windom Earle explains that the Black Lodge is a place of great evil, where spirits are hunters and whose expressed purpose is the continuing of evil’s existence. Whereas, the White Lodge is a place of goodness and purity, the spirits there are helpful and inspiring to further the propagation of goodness. At this moment, we learn that Windom Earle’s primary goal was to find the Black Lodge. When Major Briggs signs on to help Cooper with his investigation, Cooper has him look through the Project Bluebook files because he and Earle had worked together on it. While doing this, the Major finds a videotape of Earle discussing evil sorcerers, the dugpas and their tapping into the Lodge where evil is “cultivated” in “exponential fashion”. This is when Cooper realizes what Earle is after and that they have to get there before Earle does. It might be worth noting that the video of Windom Earle has a parallel to the video of Laura Palmer and Donna Heywood's picnic introduced right at the start of the first season. They are both digitial portals in and out of the series.
At the end of episode 27, we see the location of the portal into the Black Lodge, when we see BOB’s hand emerge from the darkness and he appears declaring, “I’m out!”
Most people associate the 25 year blank with the possibility of an Evil Coop roaming around, but the series also suggests that a physical Bob may have escaped from the black lodge. What this means is anyone's guess.
At the end of episode 27, we see the location of the portal into the Black Lodge, when we see BOB’s hand emerge from the darkness and he appears declaring, “I’m out!”
Most people associate the 25 year blank with the possibility of an Evil Coop roaming around, but the series also suggests that a physical Bob may have escaped from the black lodge. What this means is anyone's guess.
Perhaps it will be worth noting who exactly we know has been in and out of the Black Lodge. I believe this list to be fairly conclusive; William Clark, Denver Bob, Wayne Chance? Meriwether Lewis? (Encounter with a silent man, visions of the colour red) Neely (Dissapears), Mike, Bob, Windom Earle, Laura Palmer, Sarah Palmer (I'm in the black lodge with Agent Cooper), Major Briggs (I'm waiting for you), Chester Desmond, Phillip Jeffries (Saw meeting above a convenience store, dissapears) Mayor Milford also knows of Owl Cave and the one armed man which is suspicious, and Dougie Milford and Andrew Packard are other good candidates for lodge dugpas.
Another interesting question linked to this one, is who do we know who had the ring; The white indians in pre settled Twin Peaks, William Clark in a leather pouch, Merriwether Lewis, Neely, Jack Parsons, Nixon, Teresa Banks, Chester Desmond, Mike (Aka Phillip Gerard), Laura Palmer, Dougie Milford (Season 2 death scene), and lastly of course, Annie had the ring on her left ring finger when returning from the Black Lodge, A nurse took the ring from an unconscious Annie and wore it on her left ring finger.
In some sense the inconsistencies gravitate from the Black Lodge, where Laura Palmer's diary was found, and Annie Blackburn was apparently erased from history. Another significant one is that Agent Preston mentions that Cooper was shot by Windom Earle, whereas it’s always been made emphatically clear that Coop had been stabbed. In the black lodge sequence in the season 2 finale Cooper is stabbed by Windom but then time reverses and Cooper is unstabbed.
In the events of T'he Secret History of Twin Peaks' .... Windom Earle does not seem to have ever escaped from the mental institution and made it to Twin Peaks. It would behoove Briggs to discuss Windom’s escape in his dossier, considering that he and Earle are former Blue Book coworkers, and that near the end of the series, Earle kidnaps Briggs and drugs him for information about the Lodges. Briggs’ corresponding archival entries make no note of this, nor does he mention Sarah Palmer’s message from Windom Earle in the finale. He also fails to note how Earle caused chaos at the Miss Twin Peaks contest and abducted Annie Blackburn, instead discussing that year’s pageant elsewhere in positive terms.
Final Important clues in the dossier: The archivist's "faithful Corona" does not have a * key even though he typed this symbol several times, including under the very picture of the typewriter. Other symbols such as the # and “ ” marks are also not on the depicted corona, which appears to be a 1939 Corona Standard with a German QWERTZ keyboard. While Corona has produced QWERTZ typewriters, those in the Standard series are uncommon if they ever even existed. The Archivist constantly uses upper case i "I" every time he should use "1", indicating that his typewriter does not have this key although the common real world usage is to use lower case l "l" since it is the exact same symbol. The archivist reveals himself to be Briggs and then put the picture of his typewriter which has the "1" key and starting on the next page with the transcript of his discussion with Milford, he uses "1" instead of any substitution. It may be to indicate a change of Archivist as it does follow a shift in style. On page 7 Agent Preston notes beside the archivist's forward 'The typed sections appear to be the product of the same manual typewriter most likely a Super G - popular 1970's model. These models do indeed have no 1's... therefore it does suggest the possibility that the 'I' '1' hint is not a clue, but that the archivists typewriter was a mistake by Mark Frost's design team.
The Archivist states Pete Martell played checkers, not chess. In the series, Pete assists Agent Cooper in his chess match with Windom Earle. Once more this inconsistency seems to emanate from the reshuffling darkness of the Black Lodge.
Tamara Preston is apparently granted access to all Agent Coopers tapes and files, which suggests that 'My Life, my tapes' is intended to be an essential part of the mystery of 'The Secret History' and the broader mystery of Twin Peaks.
More anlaysis can be done on the tesseract image from log lady marked on the spine of the ledger. Agent Preston notes that the ledger was found in a lock box.
12:05 march 28, 1989
The archivist says of Agent Cooper 'he just left. Something's wrong.' This seems to return to the climax of Season Two, of Evil Cooper roaming free.
12:05 march 28, 1989
The archivist says of Agent Cooper 'he just left. Something's wrong.' This seems to return to the climax of Season Two, of Evil Cooper roaming free.
A riddle, wrapped in an enigma.
Something happened to me this week which has got me re-analysing my whole life, and 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' has been the catalyst for this shift.
After the events of the Milson's Point party, my friend Michael Wheaton's psychotic episode, the dissapearance of 'The New Lone Gunman' and then the weird 'private industrial designer function' i've been over analysing everything in my life.
My childhood.
I was reading about this social media happening, where all these hipsters turned up at some abandoned building in central Hexton. Apparently some sort of Banksy type started some story made of street art paintings, and spread the puzzle pieces online, it went viral and everyone was trying to piece together the story. I don't know why it got to me, didn't have anything to do with any of my own problems, but it messed with my head somehow. Apparently there were other parts of this story found in another guy's apartment in the city. I think I read about it on 4chan, anyway, long story short people started tying all these other conspiracy theories together.
I guess I got sufficiently intrigued when I found out that there was a geo cache element to this linked ARG which was in Belrose where I was going for a freelance job I was working on, so I decided to check out what was in the cache. On the bus ride to my job I was reading 'The Secret History of Twin Peaks' some school kid was staring at me, he had a weird monobrow. Then I overheard two of the kids talking about Twin Peaks, they must have seen the book. One of their parents was obsessed with the series or something, and they were talking about how Twin Peaks must be this series for old people or something.
I didn't like that feeling. Sitting on the bus with those school kids. It made me feel old. Made me feel like an outsider.
Anyway, I got off the bus early to check out the geo-cache. It was a long way down an old bush road to get to the location, the sun was sweltering, and I broke out in a sweat. I could hear the horrible squawks of Currawongs through the treetops.
I got to the location of the geo-cache, and surveyed the scene to make sense of the clue 'Encased in metal', then I noticed the abandoned steel shed down the gulley, I stumbled down the slippery rocks to the location and came upon the steel shed. There was a crevass beneath the steel wall, and I managed to slip my fingers underneath. I could fill that the soil underneath the metal cube was soft, and had been moved, then it occurred to me that the base of the box extended beneath the soil, and that the cache might be buried under the dirt. I scraped gently through the crack and dug into the soil, the more I dug the larger the hole became and I found I could dig and dig beneath the steel wall. Soon I hit something hard and pulled out the cache and opened it. Inside the case was a business card sized disk. The placement of the object seemed purposeful and the tunnel beneath the steel cube seemed to go a lot deeper, but right now I was too busy working out what I had just found.
After some fiddling, I realised the thing was a tiny mobile device, because a screen turned on. It was some kind of microplayer designed for short term video playback. I'd never seen anything like it.
The video that came on was a man dressed in military regalia. I noticed that he had the same flaming gum tree badge that the navy general had at the strange party Michael Wheaton had invited me to. He began to speak, and I expected some generic message prompt as part of the ARG. What I heard instead scared the hell out of me. The military man mentioned my sisters name, Vera. He said 'Vera is in the hotel of ghosts. She is fading away. Your duty is submission private.' Then the video cut out and the device's screen filled with white noise, and shut down. I couldn't make rhyme or riddle of the words spoken, obviously the man hadn't really been talking about my sister Vera, but the name had still unnerved me. I pocketed the device and went to the location of my job.
Later on that afternoon after I left work, I went to Chatswood to get some food. I went to breadtop and got some weird pastries from those crazy Japanese bastards. I've got to say the pastries were damn good. I was sitting on the bench, trying to avoid sitting in the birdshit, and watching all the busy commuters go past as I munched on my sweet hot dog bun. Then a weird synchronicity happened. My sister Vera called.
She had just broken up with her boyfriend Richard. She was really upset, and I tried to console her but it was pretty difficult over the phone. I didn't mention what had just happened with the geo cache.
So I went to my drug dealers house on the way home to pick up some weed. I was trying to be more sober and present lately during the week, but I just really needed something now.
It started raining really badly, and I got saturated getting to St Leonards where my dealer lives.
My dealer Andy, he's this real pretentious guy, who can't help talking about art and books whenever your with him, you have to pretend like you've read this latest book, or seen this particular Goya painting or he just judges you like you are a cultural pleb. Anyway, I usually smoke a bit with him, as he tends to shut up the more stoned he is. I was already pretty stoned when I left the building and considered the long way I had to go home. I think it was the next event which really triggered this kind of magical thinking which led to my downfall. Two coincidences in one day was just too much for me. It was one thing for my sister to call after the weird geo cache incident, but then the fact that I would run into her boyfriend Richard in St Leonards on my way home; right after she had told me she had broken up with him.... it was too much.
I didn't really say anything to Richard. Obviously we recognised each other. I don't think he knew I knew. He was trying to act real casual. My head was racing on the way home. Some inner demon had got a hold of me. I never normally hallucinate on weed.
First it had just been the odd black space in the corner of my vision. Like my brain couldn't catch up filling in the sensory imput from my eyes. The scenery around me lagged and stalled like a video game. Then I had seen the woman who's face looked like she was a sheep. Of course, I barely had any time to stare at the woman. Maybe she had a little facial hair or something, but my mind had just exaggerated it, as if her whole face was covered in little white hairs. Fur.
Then i'd seen the cat jumping. It wasn't merely the fact that it was a jumping cat. It was the way it was jumping, leaping repetitively, hopping along like it was dancing. I got that liquidous feeling, like the air was made of water. I thought I could see invisible ripples. But particularly a recurring pattern started coming to me. A Japanese pattern of concentric circles. I was seeing the pattern in the rain drops upon pools of water. Then I noticed the decorations in store windows were filled with the same Japanese circular patterns. Then I saw the prints on the clothing of manikins in the windows. The same pattern was painted on the faccade of a row of old terraces.
Then I saw the man made of brown bandages wedged inside the brick wall, he stared out at me through soulless eyes. His arms and legs creaked when they moved.
In my paranoia I remember thinking back to earlier in the day, and the strange message directed at my sister Vera. I began thinking back to our childhood and my relationship with Vera. Vera was older than me, and I had always watched boyfriends coming and going. Over the years she had had a lot of terrible partners, and I always cringed when something bad happened with a new one. I wasn't sure if she was just dissatisfied with every partner she had, or if it was something that the men in her life were doing for her. All I really wanted for her was to see her happy. She's always been a pretty good sister, there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, though I would never tell her that to her face.
Me and Vera lived together in a terrace house in Dalton Bay, Hexton for a while. I remember the time quite fondly. After our father died, we were both pretty broken up, but Vera and I had always found consolation as a small family. The hallucinations brought me back to some traumatic events which happened when we were living on Prentice Street, Dalton Bay. She gave me this metal box for my birthday one day, my 23rd. I remember we had gotten really stoned, and later I was passed out, and just staring at the metal box. Something about the cold metal sent shivers down my spine.
Now I was wandering through St Leonards in the rain, watching birds catch fire in the
air. The yellow Leprachaun laughed and told me I would never get home. Of course I did eventually get home. Back to my flat. The flat had seemed strangely empty since my flatmate Caroline had left. We hadn't found a new flatmate yet, and as you opened the door that empty room stared at you ominously. Julian was sitting on the couch watching television, I think it was the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I thought about sneaking straight in and going to bed, because I was too stoned to talk. But in the end I wandered subconsciously into the lounge room. Julian turned his head slowly and robotically like he was a soulless robot. 'How was the job?' he asked generically. 'I'm wrecked' I replied, 'night' staggering towards my bedroom. Laughter broke out on the television set, sending an ominous prickle down my spine. Something made me freeze when I got to the hallway. My heart stopped beating. My pupils dilated.
The hallucinations had followed me home. Standing in the hallway an orange tiger flashed before my eyes, and then dissapeared. I felt dizzy and stumbled towards my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed, I felt the room spinning around me, my mind filled with Twin Peaks clues and puzzle pieces.
I found myself staring paranoid around my room. The books on the bookshelf had an unwholesome quality. The titles seemed to mock the substance of life 'The Master and Margherita', Baudelaire 'The Flowers of Evil', Dennis Wheatley 'The Devil rides out'. I need something to escape and decided to watch some tennis on my laptop. I pulled the computer out of my bag and placed it on my bedside table, I felt my insides sink. The computer seemed to take an endless amount of time to power up, as if it needed to rise from the very abyss merely to give the screen light. Finally it powered on, but there was something wrong with Windows Vista. The windows seemed to shuffle around, unable to contain themself in the virtual space. I tried to open safari, but instead of growing the little ball just grew, whenever the mouse clicked on it seemed to inflate. Until there was nothing on screen except a glowing white ball. The ball seemed to hover through the screen.
I went back out to the kitchen and made myself some two minute noodles. Julian barely turned his head. The food tasted funghi.
I had that churning feeling in my guts. I went back to my room. The hum was still coming from my bedroom. I remember feeling like I was inside a metal cube. I remember this claustraphobic feeling, and the taste of sulphur on my tongue. Then the labrynth started to unfold before me, secret passageways I knew led underground between my house and Vera's. Between Richard's and Caroline's. Interconnected strings which tied us all together. It wasn't just in my head though. My bedroom walls started sliding like rock trap door, they creaked as they slid open, the room opened outwards. Phantasmic green cartoons become slightly visible, they danced in a fantasia-esque catechysm around me. There was a completely orange gnome sitting in the corner of the room, his bastardized face could only stare with discompassionate evil. The gnome begin to walk towards the bed, and I found myself leaping up and standing back defensively. The Gnome began to laugh in a high pitched voice, like it was under helium, then it jeered at me 'You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane! You broke your breain! You'll go insane!'
I tried to hide under the covers, but then I just submerged back into the pool of my memories. I remember having a fight with my friend Aldin Haskin. We had been out all night on cocaine and some sort of tension broke out between us, we began yelling at each other about stupid inane things. Criticising each others relationship choices. I hadn't spoken to Aldin in over five years.
The Gnome had melted into an acidic green goop now, and the floor was fizzing and bubbling at the touch of the sludge, slowly falling away into the black abyss beneath. I could hear a kind of vortex, bellowing from a distant land, far away, in the time of prehistoric animals, beasts and dinosaurs. I could hear the moan of wild monsters. In my mind's eye, I imagined a stepped pyramid, like the ziggurats of Ancient Babylon. Upon the giant ziggurat amidst a sky filled with tumultous rainbows of hypercoloured ultraviolet the silohouette of some unfathomable thing moaned and jolted about. It seemed to take the shape of a giant elephant, though it had remarkably more tusks upon it. There was something of pre-history about the beast as it groaned. Suddenly a bright light cone burst forth from my computer monitor, swallowing everything around it like a black hole, the light seemed to burn through everything. The metal cage of my laptop slowly began to burst and worm-like chords and cables burst out of the framework crawling their way every outward. The cone took over my whole room, and seemed to be draining and absorbing my energy. I tried to crawl away, but I saw now there was no exit.
I was no longer surrounded by four walls, but the melted green goop had consumed all tangible geometric form, and the outside of my melting space was an abyss of stars. Far off on rocky ledges men gathered and stared. They wore white masks, deformed and ugly, as if they were made by children. The shape of the faces were all inhuman, sloping forheads, oversized jaws, and the eyes.... hollow, bending. Horrible.
As the cone opened into a familiar door way, tiny labrynthine rooms seemed to open up in the space in the middle of my room, as if the outside was becoming the inside and I was looking at beings who lived inside the earth. I recognised some of the carnivalesque victorian freaks from the party Michael Wheaton had invited me to. Some women had no faces and bright blue hair, some bodies were merely birds sewn together with fishing net. A fish like humanoid juggle flaming torches.
I continued to sink into an empty place. Suddenly the roof and floor appeared to be decorated by the hideous Japanese pattern of concentric circles. I realised that I was staring at the people through a kind of warped mirror, because they were not the size of normal people, they were like the little people of Gulliver's travels. I saw a miniature Mick O Donnely standing on a rock platform, he was staring up at me and smiling. He appeared to be wearing a jumpsuit made of ivy leaves.Suddenly O'Donnely began walking up a staircase towards my motionless mountain-like body lay lifeless and limp. He stood before my face and yelled to me in a booming echoey voice, not fitting for a tiny person; 'You are in the vacuum of Berith.' he said with terrible purpose, 'This is the way to the motionless obscurity which is known to those beyond death. All essence shrinks and is destroyed by the vaccuum.' A terrible mist began to form around O'Donnely, and his form began to change from humanoid to simian, he became a kind of black monkey who leapt along a trail of flaming coals. Bat like winged things suddenly began to fly out of the yellow void of light. Soon the gaunt-like flying goblins had surrounding everything, as if their black wings formed the very void of the night.
I sunk further into a world of hallucination, as if the sphere of gravity beneath me had turned backwards into the primordial soup of creation. Volcanoes burst, and spewing bursts of lava flew up around me. The black monkey that O'Donnely had taken the form of, now seemed to leap accross chasms of rock, leaping over flame and pitts of lava. As the black monkey grew his appearance grew more gargoyle like, until finally I recognised the form of the beast, it was the black gargoyle shapeshifter my friend Randolph had dreamed of. I noticed now, in the void behind the starry blackness of space, the chords and cables of my computer weaved in a lattice behind everything. The transforming machine had surrounded all that was, and as the gyrating machine devoured all, the matrix of reality began to flicker with a new digital hue. I screamed with agony.
Apparently Julian had heard me scream, for he had run into my room. He could see that I was having a psychotic episode from the marijuana and called out to me 'Are you ok?' Then he ran to call an ambulance. I had seen his crippled figure at the door. But it had been more like a demented dead monster staring at me from some dimension far beyond the path of my soul. He had merely been an onlooker, as I was consumed by the world of the shapeshifter. The shapeshifter began to turn to stone now, and shrink amidst the strangling chords and cables. The yellow cone still glowed and crushed reality around it. As the cogs of the machine around me began to turn, skeletal forms and skulls emerged from the ensuing blackness, sinew, muscle cartelege and bone shuffled around each other like the substance of a clockwork machine. Before long I realised that I was inside my own head, viewing muscle and bone.
There were mathematical formulas written over the walls in my own blood, as synapses lit up around me, I tried to work out what the impossible formula could mean, I was devoured by black math, neon binary forms slipped through the steel pipes of the strings around atoms.
All the forms of life, dissapeared, leaving only a void, of whatever that thing that wasn't me was.
Anyway... Apparently what happened was I had schizzed out. Julian called the ambulance and I spent half a day in the psyche ward. They analysed me and decided there was no permanent damage, i'd just had a regular drug related psychotic episode.
I think i'm getting better. Twin Peaks is helping me adjust my mind on solid foundations. At least if I focus on the clues of the new book, it stops me from thinking about my own problems. I don't have to wonder if any of my hallucinations are real, or if they have any meaning.
Time answers all questions.
I believe all will be revealed in time.
If there's meaning to be found, then it can be found. It's as simple as that.